Blog #54 - Possible Expansion to K1 Portrait Pack?

Sith Holocron


I'm considering doing an expansion pack for my NPC Portraits for KotOR 1 mod covering characters from Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge that would be released separately. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, I'll need some questions answered and perhaps a few save games.

(1) Which characters in that mod can become temporary NPCs in your party and therefore have portraits that would be used in the game? I've found the following names . . .

Akirakon (This is short for "Akirakon Sin", IIRC.)
Channa (More on her in the next question.)
Charlie (This might be "Verbal". It's been a long time since I've looked at this and I've never played the Solomon's Revenge version.)
Kob (This is short for "Kobayashi", IIRC.)
Malak (This is a past version of Malak before he turned, before he had his jaw damaged.)
Mech (I think this is "Mec Han'ic", the Rodian captain of the ship in the version of the mod that I played a long, long time ago.)

(2) It appears the Shadow/Sera Degana/Channa character seems to have more that one portrait. Could someone confirm more than one is used? Here's what I've found . . .
po_channa3.txi (Was this used as a portrait? It looks more like a capture from the character alignment screen.)

If it is actually the case that all of these are used, at what point does she use each portrait?

(3) What would be best backgrounds to use for these new portraits? Keep in mind that the backgrounds would have be able to support anywhere from 8 to 12 frames of animation.

(4) Following up question (3): Can you provide saves that would position the player in front of those particular areas to be used as backgrounds to save me some time? (If your background is used, you get credited.)

(5) Does any one have warp codes for the new areas exclusive to Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge?

I have asked Quanon if he'll do the renders like he's done before my other packs. I hesitated to do so because I'm sure he'd much rather be working on his own projects and I don't want to more than a pain than I already am. (I haven't heard back from him yet.) However, if you would like to do the renders so you can match the characters as closely as possible to the angle and facial expression of the original portraits, that would good too! Leave a message here and I'll let you know what size I'd need the picture to be. You should probably wait until we have the other questions worked out first.

Update: This is slightly off-topic but the reason I tend to lock my status updates is so people will comment where I direct them to. In this case, replying here in this blog - rather than on an update which could be off the main page in less than a day - works best for all of us.


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Quanon is on vacation so I thought I'd ask around to see who else could do renders.


You'd have to send me whatever models (and textures) you want rendered.

Does anyone know where I should start to get him what he needs? :D

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I'm going to put this mod on hiatus as I'm unsure when and if it will be finished. I'll post again in here if anything changes. Thanks for the interest!

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Calling all BOS:SR experts! Who can match the clothing types to all of the portraits shown in the first post? We need to simplify things for whoever does the renders. Your assistance will be noted accordingly.

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If I were to do that, I'd still need to figure out out how to temporarily remove the alignment stuff and symbols covering a portion of the screen in both K1 and TSL.


Not sure if that's possible, but you can also simply use the Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop to remove those (that's what I did for dark side Juhani). But technically it should also be possible to edit the .gui file of this screen to move this part of the HUD out of the way.


Sadly I can't be of help with your latest question.

Also as a suggestion: Why not make a WIP thread for this? That way people would get notified about comments and you wouldn't have to use status updates.

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1) I don't have Photoshop. I never will have Photoshop because of the exorbitant price.


2) I'm not making a WIP as to go forward rests entirely on the renders I get from other people. I won't be purchasing a license to 3DS Max as I can't rationalize that in my budget.


3) But I do thank you for your posts!


4) Those coming here due to my Status Update posted today (20 JUN 2017), please see my last post in this thread to assist.

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I think I could help with Photoshop. I can't guarantee good results though.


EDIT: If it were to be animated, editing a couple of frames could spoil the animation. Although it hipothetically could turn out quite well, using GUI changes would give a more unified look of animation.


EDIT 2: Doesn't the alignment bar have textures that impact how does it look? They could be replaced by black or transparent version, then.

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If I were to do that, I'd still need to figure out out how to temporarily remove the alignment stuff and symbols covering a portion of the screen in both K1 and TSL.

I can do this in about five minutes. I just need to know which game for sure (or both).

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