Blog #38 - Need opinion on possible Kaevee replacement [One Day only blog]

Sith Holocron


I need an opinion as fast as possible.

Would the voice actress on this Fiverr page be better quality, the same quality, or worse than what we currently have for the part of Kaevee in TSLRCM?

I'm looking to do a quick purchase because of a timed discount so let me know ASAP. I'm locking this blog entry tomorrow.


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It's working for me.


And she sounds good I would say, but it's hard to judge without knowing alternatives. But she would definetly be a huge improvement compared to the current VO.

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I'm torn. On the one hand, I don't think Kaevee's current voice sounds very good at all - so the one you linked would probably count as better quality. On the other hand, I didn't feel like that voice fit the character that well.


Sorry for not being helpful.

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Hmmm, not quite what I would pick.


Maybe we should cast a wider net? Start a topic and we can go through potential candidates.

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