Upcoming Arren Kae mod
So I made this rendering of Arren Kae, and from that came the idea of doing a version of the model that you could actually use inside the game. Now as I happen to be particular about game modifications being seamless, I decided that Arren’s apparel should for the most part resemble the Handmaiden’s robe, which is why the white robe on this model has no Jedi librarian patterns. Thought I’d still put those on the garments underneath the robe, but it’s not quite the same. Obviously I used Kreia’s model, the changes I did to the geometry are limited to the hood and the eyelids, which coupled with the work I did on the textures, result in the looks of a woman about the age Arren probably was at the time of the Mandalorian Wars. We don’t know if she was Echani or not, but I left the hair color unchanged. Her lips and eyes are as close to the Handmaiden’s as I could make them, because supposedly Brianna “bears the face of her mother.” The blue stone and necklace is there because her Darth Traya look includes an ornament with a red stone. All in all it’s not terrible, maybe I’ll work on it some more in the future
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