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Blog #83 - GUI elements from the Star Wars movies

Blog #83 - GUI elements from the Star Wars movies

In some mods I've seen, there has been a shift to use more modern looking elements for in-game lighting and advertisements.  Though pretty, they don't seem to accurately give the "feel" that the Star Wars movies do.  After all Mass Effect isn't Star Wars and vice versa.  Therefore, I've created this blog entry to simply show off what I think those computer interfaces should look like by using pictures from the movies (and the production studio that created them.)   These shots come fro

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #88 - What mods do you use for Tatooine?

Blog #88 - What mods do you use for Tatooine?

This post is part of a continuing series I've been doing for Darth Varkor's next movie.   He mention that other than using Xarwarz's skins for Dantooine, that he was pretty open to suggestions. The next area we'll be talking about possibly improving is Tatooine! When you set up your ideal Tatooine, what mods you do use?  Please list the mods that you use below for both the interiors, skyboxes, and the exteriors of this planet.  You can mix and match here so if there's parts that you like fr

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #2 - Plosives and Sibilant Sounds

Blog #2 - Plosives and Sibilant Sounds

Plosive Sounds   It turns out that these pops and thumps occur mainly on what are known as 'plosive' sounds, prime examples being words that start with the letter 'B' or 'P'. If you were to hold a lighted candle in front of your lips while speaking or singing 'plosives', you'd see the flame flicker, because we tend to expel a blast of air when making these sounds. By contrast, if you sing a sustained 'Ahh' sound, the candle will barely flicker at all, because you're mainly just produci

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog # 15 - My Highlights from NYCC (Part 2)

Blog # 15 - My Highlights from NYCC (Part 2)

In addition to the events mentioned in the last blog, Mrs Holocron and I got to do some photo opportunities while we were at NYCC 2015.   1) If you're familiar with the Firefly TV show or the Serenity movie follow up, you'll likely know three of the people in the photograph.     The signed original copy will be hanging up above the bar din our basement as soon as we get a nice frame.   2) Also a fun thing, we met John DiMaggio. You might not know the name

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #70 - What did SH actually do as an Admin?

Blog #70 - What did SH actually do as an Admin?

What I Did For The Community Last Year   Have you wondered . . . what does Sith Holocron do as an administrator on this site?  Wonder no longer!   I’ve summed up what I’ve done this year so you can have an overview. Keep in mind some entries might just list a start date for an ongoing event – or it might take up from an event that took place from last year. There are also other things that I can’t freely talk about such as advice, staff chats, and secret projects that I am no

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #50 - Meet "Holocron"

Blog #50 - Meet "Holocron"

In my recent blog post, I was asking folks for their input on rebuilding my old Windows 7 computer. It's time for an update! Here's the part breakdown . . . iBuypower ARC 647 CASE ATX Mid Tower Case (unchanged from original) Noctua NH-D14 65.0 CFM CPU Cooler (a recent purchase but before this build) PowerColor Radeon R9 270X 2GB Video Card (unchanged from original) Update (as of 09JAN2019): Radeon RX 580 LG UH12NS30 Blu-Ray Reader, DVD/CD Writer (unchanged from

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #53 - Help me name my next SWTOR Character

Blog #53 - Help me name my next SWTOR Character

I have a number of characters that I've created on SWTOR but I think I probably should have made my Sith Inquisitor light sided as I found the Chapter 3 ending a better one when going light sided. I've decided to redo my Inquisitor using the same character design.     My legacy name is "Sev'n-ate" as a play on M4-78. (Har har.)   Any suggestions on a character name that breaks the original mold? Character List

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #55 - Retro Action Figure Space Station

Blog #55 - Retro Action Figure Space Station

I am an old man. I recall seeing this station work-project in one of my mother's magazines and feeling pangs of jealousy of those that had someone build it for them.           Reading the original article describing this station and downloading the building instructions can be found here.     I wonder if anyone on the site is handy enough to build it - as I certainly am not. There was a second time this magazine discussed play

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #59 - "Name that Gun" Challenge!

Blog #59 - "Name that Gun" Challenge!

While on vacation in Seattle I went to the Museum of Pop Culture. There were many props I took pictures of . (I'll be posting more of these later. However, one section of the cases had all of the names running through (at that time) a non-functional monitor.   I wonder: can any of you identify these guns and what movies they came from? Each picture is numbered to make it easier for you. (Yes, I threw in an easy one.) 1. 2.   3.   4.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #65 - Lair of Shadows: Nar Shaddaa Stronghold

Blog #65 - Lair of Shadows: Nar Shaddaa Stronghold

Previous topic title: A Celebration of Life Day! Yes, I'm early on this one but this will require planning. My thought was to celebrate Life Day by having one of my characters sing a Christmas song in my Nar Shaddaa Stronghold. Several rooms have a Life Day theme in them. I though it might be fun to have to make a cheesy video with Deadly Stream folks partying it up in my Stronghold ' "Emfour's Lair of Shadows" - drinking, dancing, and carrying on. I haven't found a song yet to si

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #75 - Seeking questions for the M4-78 Documentary (covering the M4-78 EP!)

Blog #75 - Seeking questions for the M4-78 Documentary (covering the M4-78 EP!)

Are you familiar with the M4-78 documentary series that Xuul and I have done? If so, be aware that I'll eventually have to sit down and work on the next chapter. (A new chapter will be on its way to the sometime in the near future - have no fear.) The next chapter that's coming to the playlist covers Darth Stoney's version of M4-78. That means the one I'll have to start writing after that is the M4-78 Enhancement Project. If you've played the EP and had any head-scratching mo

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #82 - VO should be done last in large projects

Blog #82 - VO should be done last in large projects

This blog post is actually for my own reference so I don't have to seek out which of the many posts I've mentioned it in. When folks mention their "big modding project" or their "huge overhaul" of either KotOR1 or KotOR2, here's what I used to quote...     If you actually wish to see if a large scale project will make it to release, see if they follow this advice.  If they don't, that project likely won't make it.  You may use the above quote to remind folks when "th

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #87 - I want your TOP 10 issues with the M4-78 EP

Blog #87 - I want your TOP 10 issues with the M4-78 EP

I'll have to get working on the rest of the YouTube documentary eventually but I'm going to need your input in order to proceed. I'd like you to list which version you played, either version 1.2 or version 1.3. This is very important as some issues may have been fixed in 1.3 that were present in 1.2 !  (However, I still want to hear them as the documentary will cover each version in chronological order.) I'd like you to list where you acquired the mod. (Was it from here, MODDB, St

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #90 - Set Decoration: M4-78

Blog #90 - Set Decoration: M4-78

For this blog, I’m not covering other larger mods and their compatibility patches.  These will be simple quality of life selections that will – in my humble opinion – enhance your playthrough.  As this section is essentially an opinion piece, your mileage may vary. 1) M4-78 Movies Remade - Provides higher resolution versions of the landing and take off cut scene movies that are currently in the mod. 2) Console M4-2K - It's the console from M4-78. A high-res, animated take on the

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #102: What I'm listening to now . . .

Blog #102: What I'm listening to now . . .

In a blog from June 25th 2018, @ebmar discussed a song by Trivium that discusses a Revanchist that could be directly applied to Revan.  I've kept my eyes open for a song that could also apply to the Exile - at least canon female version of the Exile.  I haven't found one for the Exile but I may have found a song that could apply to Brianna and/or Visas especially with a dark sided male Exile. Lyrics follow the song embedded below, and I'll highlight some particular lyrics so you can see what jum

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #112: The KotOR1 Warp Code List

Blog #112: The KotOR1 Warp Code List

Originally, I cribbed the original form of this list from the internet.  However, after I made the The TSL Warp Code List, I knew I would have to make a list for the KotOR1 warp codes.  I already had the BOS:SR codes but realized that the list would be compiled much faster with the community’s help. This list and the TSL list, are living lists: if new codes are found (or introduced by way of new mods), they can be added.  As with the TSL list, new codes will be attributed in the main post.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #4 - Canon versus Cannon

Blog #4 - Canon versus Cannon

Canon and cannon are very often confused and used improperly. Although the two nouns are pronounced identically and spelled similarly, the only difference being one "n", these words have completely different meanings and should never be used interchangeably in writing.   Cannon (noun): A mounted gun for firing heavy projectiles; a gun, howitzer, or mortar.   A ship's cannon   Example of word in use: Before Darth Vader and his accompanying fighters chased Luke

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #10 - Picking a voice to read text in my documentary

Blog #10 - Picking a voice to read text in my documentary

This is one of my blogs that I won't be putting in my status updates, so congratulations if you've found it!   For my upcoming M4-78 "documentary", one of the topics I'll be covering is Team Bantha's attempt at doing a M4-78 mod. The main portion of that section will be Pavlos' excellent M4-78 Post Mortem article.   I'm not British but apparently Pavlos is. I thought hiring a voice actor might be an interesting way to present someone else's written work. An advantage to this

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #19 - Seeking Audio Reviews of M4-78 EP

Blog #19 - Seeking Audio Reviews of M4-78 EP

Hi there folks. Did you all know I'm making an M4-78 documentary? Well, I am . . . and I'm asking for your help.   The Prologue for the documentary is more or less hammered out with my secret partner-in-crime. We're currently working on Chapter 1 which covers why M4-78 was cut from the game in the first place. There are few chapters here and I won't be spilling all of the details at this early date. Eventually there will be a section where I review the game. I think that many folks mig

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #20 - Happy Holidays from M4-78

Blog #20 - Happy Holidays from M4-78

M4-78 doesn't know how to sing but that won't stop him from sending a Christmas Carol your way. For your listening pleasure, he butchers "Blue Christmas" in the style of Elvis Presley.     No, you can't return this "gift" - believe me, I tried.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #32 - Coruscant as envisioned by Ralph McQuarrie

Blog #32 - Coruscant as envisioned by Ralph McQuarrie

"I can still remember all the glittering lights of Coruscant. Very pretty. Can we go back there, Master?" - HK-47, Knights of the Old Republic Ralph Angus McQuarrie (June 13, 1929 – March 3, 2012) was an American conceptual designer and illustrator. His career included work on the original Star Wars trilogy, the original Battlestar Galactica TV series, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Cocoon, for which he won an Academy Award. These are the concept paintings that he did for Coruscant.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron