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Blog #51 - Who wants to make HD versions of the trailers?

Blog #51 - Who wants to make HD versions of the trailers?

On the X-Box, the following trailers apparently played before the KOTOR games officially started. I've only ever played the game on PC so I've missed out on this factoid until recently. Here's the one for Knights of the Old Republic.     And here's the one of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.           I was wondering if anyone has the KOTOR movie making chops to remake the video using highest resolution -

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #61 - I need a tutorial for a G0-T0 voice filter

Blog #61 - I need a tutorial for a G0-T0 voice filter

I've previously asked for a HK-Filter tutorial and had success with it thanks to information received on Reddit, so I thought I'd ask around for this next request. (Yes, I'll be asking about this on Reddit as well.)   I'd like to listen to various voice files and have them sound like G0-T0.   I have two programs which I use to do sound editing: Goldwave and Audacity. Though I'm more familiar with Goldwave, I'm perfectly willing to use Audacity to achieve my stated goal.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #54 - Possible Expansion to K1 Portrait Pack?

Blog #54 - Possible Expansion to K1 Portrait Pack?

I'm considering doing an expansion pack for my NPC Portraits for KotOR 1 mod covering characters from Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge that would be released separately. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, I'll need some questions answered and perhaps a few save games. (1) Which characters in that mod can become temporary NPCs in your party and therefore have portraits that would be used in the game? I've found the following names . . . Akirakon (This is short

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #35 - Portrait Pictures

Blog #35 - Portrait Pictures

I've turned most of the major characters' lines for K1 and TSL into Mp3. I'm weird that way. I'm also anal retentive which means I have to track tag those MP3s. And I have to have decent album art for the track tag.   Why not turn that obsessive nature into a positive?   Hence me working on my own little portrait package. HairlessWookiee over at Reddit has been kind enough to provide some high quality shots of the TSL NPCs for me. A few at time right now. I thought I'd show o

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #48 - Design my next computer

Blog #48 - Design my next computer

The premise is that you have up to 2,000 dollars of pretend money to spend. What sort of computer could I get for that? Assume I have a mouse and keyboard - everything else is up for grabs. It would also have to be able to play SWTOR on maximum settings. Have at it - and provide links and pictures if possible, please! Update: Instead of creating a whole new computer, I plan to rebuild my current computer. For reasons, I plan to stay with Windows 7 for the time being. Here are the parts

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #106: Calling Out A Spammer (For what they are)

Blog #106: Calling Out A Spammer (For what they are)

Let's start this off with a very recent quote.   I've thought that very thing too!  Which led to a recent Status Update of mine. Wow.  That's a lot of engagement on that Status Update.   In case you're coming late to this party of sorts, let's bring you up to speed.  I'm talking about a recent modder which I will not mention by name.  In fact I will refer to them as "the modder in question" from here on. The modder in question has proved . . . problematic.  In sh

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #36 - Sith Holocron Moves

Blog #36 - Sith Holocron Moves

Hey folks, I've had this message set up in advance so I can activate it and be on my merry way.   On or about the 20th of July 2016, my possessions will be boxed up and I will start the long move from the east coast of the United States all the way up to Alaska. That's a long hike - and with a whole country in between! Adding to the time it takes to move all my family's stuff, there's also the matter of the housing situation being set up on the other end of the journey. (I may be in te

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #100

Blog #100

All of my blogs now have one of those pictures that (usually) indicates the title of the blog. I’ve numbered all of my blogs since I’ve started creating them and I’ve finally reached 100 of these things.   Wow.  100 blogs.  Someone, please call a doctor! Instead of me rambling on yet another niche topic, I’ll now invite you to go through the previous 99 blogs and see if there’s something you may have missed from me.  I’d like you to have opportunity to consider if there’s something

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #30 - I need a tutorial for a HK-47 voice filter

Blog #30 - I need a tutorial for a HK-47 voice filter

Going through various Star Wars video games, I've found numerous other sound files performed by Kristoffer Tabori. He voices our favorite homicidal droid from the KOTOR series, HK-47 (and his various "family members".)   I'd like to listen to these various sound files and have them sound like HK-47. To be specific: I don't want to hear a filter used in HK-50 or HK-51 lines - just HK-47's filter. I just need to figure what the closest filter settings to the ones used by Bioware and Obsi

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #26 - Apeiron . . . The next project doomed to failure

Blog #26 - Apeiron . . . The next project doomed to failure

Remember the last KOTOR Reboot project to come along called Project Black Light?   (I'll use my version of their logo because their logo has a really bad Star Wars logo slapped on it.) No? Here's a refresher if you truly want it. (It isn't necessary to view the video to understand the conversation below.)     However, some new folks have decided to reboot Knights of the Old Republic. These folks are starting with the first game!   Oh boy -

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #73 - Mod Request (Battle of Khoonda videos)

Blog #73 - Mod Request (Battle of Khoonda videos)

I'm not promoting this on my Status Update this morning as I don't want to divert folks from my assistance to my other blog post where I've trying to get folks to assist a movie maker. In this instance, this request is coming straight from me.   Yes, I know I've asked about requesting folks to remake videos elsewhere. This is a narrower field of vision - and doesn't have to do with dealing with either landing or take-off videos.   I'd like the following videos remade by the t

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog 104: What can we do about Vash?

Blog 104: What can we do about Vash?

Instead of linking to my previous blog about this, I'm going to quote the relevant portions and then move on from there to the new points. One thing that I don’t think I’ve previously discussed is the problem of voice overs of the character Master Vash – the Jedi we’re seeking in the M4-78 materials. Did you know that there are two voice actresses for the lines that appear in the game? When we first see and hear Master Vash, it’s an old video that T3-M4 plays of your Exile’s trial o

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #3 - Mods for a KOTOR1 Playthrough?

Blog #3 - Mods for a KOTOR1 Playthrough?

I'll be playing a fresh KOTOR1 playthrough and I need suggestions.   1) Silveredge9's Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge 2) Inyri Forge's Recruitable Kay 3) Sithspecter's Flowing Revan Robes 4) Drewton's Darth Malak skin 5) Zbyl's restored K1 BIK Movies   I followed Inyri Forge's instructions on how to make sure that Solomon's Revenge is compatible with her mod. Now that I have them all patched up, I'm looking for more suggestions on what I should ad

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #85 - So you need a soundtrack cover for KotOR I and/or II...

Blog #85 - So you need a soundtrack cover for KotOR I and/or II...

So you've ripped the tracks using one of the guides out there or you're just that clever with using Miles Sound Tools that you didn't even need one.  Congratulations!  You have that music to listen to to your hearts content. But what of the artwork that you probably want to track tag your MP3's with?  What ever shall you put in there?  Well, I have you covered.  (pun intended)  Here are two examples if nothing else comes to mind and . . .  a template if you have the picture and don't want t

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #95 - What do you LIKE or LOVE about M4-78 EP? (version 1.5)

Blog #95 - What do you LIKE or LOVE about M4-78 EP? (version 1.5)

In your own words, can you tell me what you like and/or love about the M4-78 Enhancement Project.  At the very least, it would be amusing to read some short entries about what you thought was worthy about the mod.  If I were to work on the documentary again, it also might prove to be a helpful repository of quotes I could work. If you dislike the M4-78 Enhancement Project, I have a whole other blog dedicated for that topic.  I’m just trying to keep these areas separate. It’s just easier to

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #41 - 3C-FD

Blog #41 - 3C-FD

I was playing around with Darth Sapiens' hi definition T3-M4 mod sometime ago. I had the the idea to recolor it so it could also be used 3C-FD, the temporary droid in T3's party in the prologue.     Then, I totally forgot about it. Hopefully, someone might be able to recall the name of T3-M4's texture so I can use this in the game.

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #24 - Video Editing Questions

Blog #24 - Video Editing Questions

I've recorded a decent amount of footage from Star Wars: The Old Republic with the intention of doing some movie / playthroughs on my YouTube channel. However, editing isn't my forte. I also wish to make some close edits - hopefully down to the frame - so I can include as much footage as possible. I'd love to have some suggestions on how I can create HD videos on YouTube with the footage that I've recorded.   The tools I currently have:   Video: FRAPS (A legal copy, so I wo

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron


Musings on Etiquette

So . . . how have you all been?  It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog.  How are you?  Oh, how am I?  Let’s go over some current events as recent as [checking watch] today and see why i am posting! I have been modding for several years now.  My policy on mods has changed throughout the years but can be currently be seen as: Don’t upload my stuff on the Steam Workshop and please don’t upload anything on the Nexus site as I may do so myself in the future. Whether you like my mods or n
Blog #52 - Stormtrooper Tutorial

Blog #52 - Stormtrooper Tutorial

This original version of this tutorial I found ages ago on the Massassi Temple site. It was written by Tobbi Dala and the original version of the tutorial can be found through this link. What I've done here is to do some minor spelling corrections, add new pictures that show the tutorial using the most current version of Goldwave (the main program used in this tutorial) as of 20APR2017, and to provide new permanent links to 2 audio files needed for the tutorial.   After the large tutor

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #89 - Set Decoration: Crates

Blog #89 - Set Decoration: Crates

Throughout both of the games, you'll find crates in several versions.  These cubes have different versions - one for each planetary location. (Excepting Taris with has three versions.) I'll list them all, provide the file names, and put a link where you can download them all.  Why this may be important to you? 1) You're making a movie and you want to show different crates for different areas.  This way you can swap the different textures in and out. 2) You're making a mod for

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #91 - Set Decoration: Peragus and the Harbinger

Blog #91 - Set Decoration: Peragus and the Harbinger

For this blog, I’m not covering other larger mods and their compatibility patches.  These will be simple quality of life selections that will – in my humble opinion – enhance your play-through.  As this section is essentially an opinion piece, your mileage may vary. This section covers the first part of the game, namely the Peragus Mining Colony and the Harbinger.  All mods of the mods listed are compatible with TSLRCM. Peragus Tweak 1.4 by VarsityPuppet Adds dead miners to replace

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #97 - TIME SENSITIVE - Help me choose the picture for next soundset

Blog #97 - TIME SENSITIVE - Help me choose the picture for next soundset

Hey there folks!  The next soundset I plan to release will be the Imperial Agent from SWTOR.  However, I'd like your help choosing the picture for the soundset, if you don't mind.   Here are your choices. 1. The Standard Picture: On the Bridge     2. The Agent in Conversation (This will be cropped to remove HUD elements)   3. Agent walking away from an explosion. 4.  Same pose as picture number 1 but I replace the background with another locale

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron

Blog #94 - The Problem with Master Vash

Blog #94 - The Problem with Master Vash

A formerly unreleased remnant of the unfinished chapter of the M4-78 Documentary M4-78: The Problem with Master Vash One thing that I don’t think I’ve previously discussed is the problem of voice overs of the character Master Vash – the Jedi we’re seeking in the M4-78 materials. Did you know that there are two voice actresses for the lines that appear in the game? When we first see and hear Master Vash, it’s an old video that T3-M4 plays of your Exile’s trial on Coruscant

Sith Holocron

Sith Holocron