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Hm, I see, no idea, one way to find out: test.

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2 hours ago, Neville said:

If you set a command to remove a party member that has already been removed, the tools I was using state it can screw up the game.

What tools are you using that offer their own opinions on functions? There's nothing about that in its nwscript entry. RemoveAvailableNPC() just returns a 0 if it fails.

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16 hours ago, TamerBill said:

What tools are you using that offer their own opinions on functions? There's nothing about that in its nwscript entry. RemoveAvailableNPC() just returns a 0 if it fails.

An older version of the Spawn Armband had an option to use uncompiled source scripts to add characters by template. The creator warned that characters could not be removed from a party if they are not normally available in the game. I should know if this works within a few days. As it is difficult to edit multiple types of textures (merging textures intended for the same model is easier), I was forced to give the party version of Sarna standard Republic armor.

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Would Conditional dialogue for a party member require compiling such script as k_con_sarnapm and k_con_sarnanpm? 

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