
Kreia's Fall sound effects

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I was working on turning Kreia's Fall cutscene from BIK movie into in-game cutscene, here is what I've done so far:

Now, compare it with original BIK movie:

As you can see, my in-game version lacks some sound effects - Sion beating Kreia, and Kreia trying to summon her saber.


Would anyone around here happen to know where I could find said sound effects, or maybe someone around here would be able to recreate them? They wouldn't have to sound exactly the same - just similar enough.

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So you don't think recording them from the video and putting them in the music file would work? I don't know how tricky it would be but it could work, if you don't find the sound effects.

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It's impossible to extract sound effects alone from the BIK movie - not without music behind them.

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For Sion beat Kreia, you could try using some of the hand-to-hand combat sounds. I'm not sure how appropriate they would be in context, but they may work.

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That's what I was thinking, zbyl. Record them, then try to paste them into the music file so the music overlaps perfectly.. I don't think it would be that hard with audacity, you'd just have to play around with it for some time.. On the other hand, you could record the whole .bik audio into a music file, but that would eliminate the possibility of using kreia's alternative line..


But I actually like the .bik more then the ingame cutscene... it's a bit darker and the low res makes it feel old and blurry which makes it more like a blurry memory.. But that's just me.. =P

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It won't work, if I extracted original BIK's movie it would have voices, music, sound effects, it would be next to impossible to sync everything with in-game scene.

Music track PastramiX created is really similar to original BIK one, yet it's still bit different, and timing in in-game cutscene is a bit different.

So no, extracting sounds from BIK is not an option - unless you can separate sound effects from music somehow.

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I noticed it was a little different.. anyways, I still think it's possible, you just have to play around with it - I'd give it a try but I'm on vacation until wednesday.

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Here's what I can offer zbyl: Kreia_s_Fall.mp3 - ImageHost.org


The timing here is identical to the .bik one, so if you can tune the dialog perfectly this should work alright... Anyways, if you decide to use it, tell me because I'm not completely happy with the recording yet (right after kreia is force pushed for example), and I don't know if the volume is alright..



Also, the wrong Kreia model is used here - Kreia should have both hands, she currently has only the right one.

Edited by bead-v
to not triple-post

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Thanks bead-v, but I need sounds without music behind it - really, I tried it and as long as music is behind sound effects, it's impossible to sync it properly without everything sounding weird. It's all because music and timing is slightly off compared to BIK movie.

I contacted another person that should be able to get me sound effects that sound similar enough to those from BIK movie - I won't say who that is (for now anyway), but expect some new info in next... two weeks?


As for Kreia's model, the two-handed Kreia doesn't have proper animations, unfortunately. Original BIK movie has this issue as well.



(what's up with those double posting lately? It keeps happening to me)

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As for Kreia's model, the two-handed Kreia doesn't have proper animations, unfortunately. Original BIK movie has this issue as well.

I'd get Ӄhrizby to fix the two-handed Kreia model then. I'd imagine that shouldn't be that difficult for him. Then that fix can be included in the TSLRCM.

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Well, this guy managed to fix it (the kreia model):

Fixed Kreia's Fall Movie Video Download, Knights of the Old Republic 2 Media


Anyways, alright zbyl, if you've got it covered then great. I don't think it's impossible to sync the cutscene timing with the .bik movie, but if you've found a different solution I guess that's great. =)

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That's a video and not in-game cut scene. It also has a model of a one handed Kreia, by the way.


I'd rather have what Zybl would provide - a cut scene that's rendered by the game engine and with the option to turn on or off both the music and the subtitles.

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It was rerecorded into a video from an in-game cutscene, and it does use the two handed model (that's the main point of the fix - check the pics again).

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You're right on the two handed part but as it says on the review for that video:


The tradeoff, however, is that frame rate isn't as smooth as it was in the original movie. At a couple moments, namely when Nihilus is walking up to Kreia, it comes off as pretty choppy.


Though the pre-rendered video is cited as improved from the original, you're going to have better resolution seeing this scene rendered by the in game engine. This isn't to knock the work of Jinger (AKA Kreia.) It'll just be nice to have two different choices. As I've mentioned before, having the option to turn toggle the music and subtitles on or off is a draw for me.

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Though the pre-rendered video is cited as improved from the original, you're going to have better resolution seeing this scene rendered by the in game engine. This isn't to knock the work of Jinger (AKA Kreia.) It'll just be nice to have two different choices. As I've mentioned before, having the option to turn toggle the music and subtitles on or off is a draw for me.

I didn't say it's better, or that what zbyl is doing isn't needed, or anything like that, just wanted to point out that Jinger got the two handed Kreia model to work.

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I didn't say it's better, or that what zbyl is doing isn't needed, or anything like that, just wanted to point out that Jinger got the two handed Kreia model to work.


Point noted! ;)

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Guest HK-47

Statement: I prefer the BIKs over the in-game versions of the cutscenes despite the Kreia hand missing thing. But if this is done for RCM then I will live with it.

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Guest Mablus25

Same BIKs verson of Kreia's Fall

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No, you're just assuming that everyone has the same standards that you do.


The BIK is supposed to represent a flashback, a departure from the present. The BIK more clearly demonstrates that and is much more fluid and dynamic than the choppy in-game version.


Oh, one more thing: why is this even being considered for inclusion in RCM? This isn't a restoration whatsoever, nor a bug fix.

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Guest HK-47

I also much prefer the BIK. It's much higher quality than the in-game version.

Assumption: I'm assuming you mean that it's put together better than in-game cut-scenes. They're not of higher video quality, things just move smoother. I especially prefer the Visas Intro BIK over any in-game version. It makes Nihilus sound scary, you don't hear the ship sounds, and it has some nice music added to it that fits instead of just the area music.

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No, you're just assuming that everyone has the same standards that you do.

Whether kotor or kotor 2 is better depends on taste. Whether a movie is good does. That 1600x1200 looks better than 640x480 (not even the high-quality movies patch fixes that) is just plain fact.

The BIK is supposed to represent a flashback, a departure from the present.

Clairvoyance effect? Easy to do.

more fluid and dynamic than the choppy in-game version.

What? Maybe I should look at the youtube vid then, cause I don't recall any choppyness :?

Oh, one more thing: why is this even being considered for inclusion in RCM? This isn't a restoration whatsoever, nor a bug fix.

Who says it is in the first place? This isn't the TSLRCM section of the forums...

I especially prefer the Visas Intro BIK over any in-game version. It makes Nihilus sound scary, you don't hear the ship sounds, and it has some nice music added to it that fits instead of just the area music.

The in-game cutscene has the EXACT same soundtrack, no background area music (bar some in the final section due to a glitch, but that's fixed in 1.8). That that is your argument only convinces me more you have no idea what you're talking about...



*Just watched YouTube vid*

As expected, the "choppyness" is because of low FPS because it was being recorded. It's fluid in-game. If that's your only argument AGAINST the in-game movie, you're up for a treat may it ever get released... Those darn SFX effects. Where are they?)

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