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Meetra Surik? Is that the canon name for the exile?




"Strong I am in the Force." Yoda - Episode V

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Answer: Yes. Yes it is.



Quote: *Obi-Wan's voice* I felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices screamed out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Obi-Wan to Luke after the destruction of Alderaan- ANH.

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Meetra Surik? Is that the canon name for the exile?

yep. i was waiting for someone to notice tongue.gif


In you, we see the end of the Force. - Zez-Kai Ell to Meetra Surik. KotOR II.

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Query: You're going to make a bunch of quotes to and from the Exile just to use her name aren't you?



Quote: Non Disclosure Agreement in effect. Insert quote here related to previous post from TOR. -NDA Protocol

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Query: You're going to make a bunch of quotes to and from the Exile just to use her name aren't you?



Quote: Non Disclosure Agreement in effect. Insert quote here related to previous post from TOR. -NDA Protocol

nope, that was just a coincidence. and by the way, i don't think you can use that quote.


Maybe it's another drill. - Stormtroopers chatting. ANH

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"Just like shooting womp rats back home! Eh, kid?" Luke's friend in Episode 4. (Edit: Thanks MrPhill :-D)


By the way, I think the TOR NDA has been lifted, hasn't it?

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stick me down with all your anger! darth vader epoide 6 or it mite of been forced unleashed 1, cant renember :/

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"Just like shooting wampa rats back home! Eh, kid?" Luke's friend in Episode 4. (Is that quote correct? Aren't Wampas the yeti-like creatures? Please correct me.)


By the way, I think the TOR NDA has been lifted, hasn't it?


Answer: To the first, yes they are. They're called Womp rats: "Just like shootin' womp rats, eh kid?" ―Unknown Rebel soldier. To the second, not for last weekend's test.


Quote: *Obi-Wan's voice* Remember, the Force will be with you. Always. -Obi-Wan to Luke: E IV

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The Force runs strong in my family. - Luke to Leia. RotJ



"I'm not afraid!" --Luke Skywalker

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"I will join you, but the Emperor and its legacy must die." -Luke

"We will see." -Vader

Excerpt from a fan fic a french started a while back and I decided to start over sometime ago (though I don't have time to work on-it nowaday). The fan fic is basically this: what if Luke joined the dark side to replace the emperor with his father.

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"The dark side is your ally"

- Vader to Starkiller, TFU1


That was one of the thoughts behind making Starkiller, a "what would Luke be like evil" thing. Nice idea.

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we need to sneak past those gaurd to get to the prison- askoa in star war the clone wars

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my blade is power and the forces is my revenge! - i really cant renember? if anybody knows who said this edit this thanks :)

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"It's just not the Covenant who passes judgement on people. It's all the Jedi, every last one. Even if I got good at every thing else, I will never be good at that" - Zayne Carrick to Griff on why he refused Jedi Knighthood.

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"The Galaxy doesn't need Jedi arrogance, Jedi hypocrasy anymore!"

- Atton Rand, KotOR2

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"It does not matter where we go, for it is the journey, not the destination, that matters.", Kreia to exile about running from the sith. Kotor 2

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