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Yeah, I know the site moderators are terrible, but still, why hasn't any RCM material been uploaded since 1.6? Some people seem to think that that is the final version.

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Kind of wanting to only release a "final" version of 1.7... seeing how patches and such are handled horribly there, most people can't find the Red Eclipse patch!

Although, it has since been moved on to 1.8...

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Same thing here. Notice how the same files are there over and over again? And then the four last file disappear for a day and come back some time later? It seems that filefront is slowly dying. Heck, they had this stupid screenshot problem for well over a month and still pretend their technical team is trying to get the problem solved. 10 to 1 they are the ones to blame in the begining. While goofin'up over their admin computer, they spilled their cofee on-it and screwed the damn thing: "Yeah, week-end was good, we...*spills his cofee over the computer* damn! The boss will want my skin for that! *boss enters"

-Boss: Not to worry about, we just going to tell' em we have a problem with our picture server. No big deal, it's a free service...

-Hehe, then I guess we can just get paid at doing nothing for a month?

-Boss: Basically."

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Guest Qui-Don Jorn

I was going to say something about this very subject the other day,..I don't know why I bothered uploading the last file to them..
I don't think they are dying,...i think they are dead already.
I've had problems with them since I started all this.
Won't be bothered to upload anything to them even if they do get running again.
This site is 46, 778, 399 times better anyway.
Their crap is hosed. as the saying goes.

-ok, well, that wasn't on topic at all,...but I wanted to say that anyway.

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Guest Mablus25

Kfiles should remove the mods that are too bugged out also only use mods that don't cross over with other mods also that don't have bugs or glitches.

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Kfiles should remove the mods that are too bugged out also only use mods that don't cross over with other mods also that don't have bugs or glitches.


Then they may as well remove everything...

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Guest ADG12311990

Kfiles should remove the mods that are too bugged out also only use mods that don't cross over with other mods also that don't have bugs or glitches.

There is no such thing as a mod without bugs or glitches.

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There is no such things as SOFTWARE without bugs or glitches. Wheter it be game, mod or any other program.

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Guest Mablus25

I agree with you Mrphil on that as well.

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Let's not forget that DeadlyStream was once one of those sites riddled with technical problems.


Ah those were the days.... DS being down for weeks at a time, and us assuming it's dead. That was also back when Holowan Labs was the major hub for modding. Now it pretty much revolves around DS and secondarily Holowan.


I was even asking to be a file reviewer for Kotorfiles... and as they do with mods, my request was held off for about a month. The last 4 or 5 mods I submitted were never even posted. And after sending them directly to Jonathan7, he still didn't post them. They did offer it to me again, but by that time I had already lost faith in Kotorfiles.


DeadlyStream is where it's at now.

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Guest newbiemodder
Now it pretty much revolves around DS and secondarily Holowan.




I don't know about this statement. You can't ignore the vast amount of informaiton at Holowan. When I'm problem solving for a mod, trying to get something to work, I go to Holowan. All those threads...usually the answer is there if you're willing to look for it.


Still love me some DS though.

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Speaking as someone that's old, I think it's fair and right to acknowledge the efforts of "those that came before you" and made the “modding road” easier for users to walk. When bit the dust some time ago, folks considered themselves lucky that there was another place to turn to in order to download mods. Kfiles was and is an easy to find repository of all types of mods – from the basic to the very advanced - for both K1 and TSL.


Let's think of a few reasons why we at Deadly Stream should be grateful for Kfiles


1) Unmasking PIKMIN / DARTH BALOR: If it wasn't the efforts of the folks both here and over there, a plagiarist might have kept M4-78 from being published as widely as it was. K-files looked at the facts and unlike some other places I could mention DIDN'T tar the whole team with the same accusations of plagiarism.


2) I don't know about you but I like the reviews at the top of the page over at K-files. The files may get approved here quicker but there was something nice about having a experienced modder actually use your mod and make comments before opening it to the floor. They don't seem to really do that anymore but I did like it.


3) Poll questions and picture of the day: They may not have updated their POTD for some time but these used to be a center of attention at K-files. I personally remember seeing a series of pictures done by someone named Darth_Sith44 (but I'm probably remembering the name wrong.) It was the first time I realized that you could alter the cameras inside the game for such a purpose. I wouldn't mind seeing trivial poll questions appearing over here. Of course, since I came up with two trivial poll questions about lightsaber colors lately, I might be a little biased.


There's something else as long as I'm rambling. Deadly Stream is mostly focused around TSLRCM and mods that will work with it. It had a life as a forum before the download section existed. Kfiles on the other hand is more utilitarian in nature. If folks wanted to discuss a mod at length, they didn't do it there - they did it at LF.


Sure, Kfiles hasn't been the same since the page was bought out by the company that currently owns it. However, I'd sure as hell miss it if it left the internet today. (Again.) If you all think that K-files should bite the dust, perhaps you should look through all the mods that have been published there over the years. You know, just in case it does. (Again.)



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Guest Mablus25

Most of the mods on Kfile are awsome mods also would like to see more new mods on it.



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Too bad that I can't see the link on this computer. WCH, send me an e-mail at my work (.mil) address if you wish to chat!


Back on subject . . . I'd like to see what Zbyl and Stoney have to say aboyt K-files. I bet they have some fun anecdotes to share.

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Guest Mablus25

Kfiles still has some good mods.

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Guest HK-47

Grieved Statement: Poor KotOR Files. You were such a good site for mods/skins/models etc. Now you're a dead piece of Sith Spit.


Recommendation: I think it would be best to browse through their site and find any mods and such that you liked or might try before it get's deleted. If it get's deleted.

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Guest Mablus25

Download all of the good mods from Kfiles onto this website but it's upto the creator's of those mods

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