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Untold Prophecy

Kotor 1 Maps/Modules in Kotor 2

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This was something that popped up in the Pazaak Posting group on Facebook the other day.

Theoretically, can locations from Kotor 1 (say Marka Ragnos' and Tulak Horde's tombs as was the example there) be ported over and played in Kotor 2? 

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Wow it's like you didn't even look around :p :) only a few posts below this topic is my thread about what I am working on which is porting some locations from KotoR to TSL right now.

Currently I am working on the Yavin - Orbital Station.

However they don't port straight over with no issues, lightmaps need rebuilding for Yavin by the seems of it, anything like doors / triggers / npcs would most likely need to be re-scripted to be on the safe side. It appears the .mdl's / maps themselves need to be reconstructed also as my files appear to crash the game, but using the .mdx, .tga & .wok I extracted from the game but Effix's .mdl map files the game doesn't crash, I will ask Effix what they did with the map, my guess is it was just imported and re-exported into .mdl, or there is some info that needs changing due to KotoR 1 /2 engine differences, but it seems there are a fair few different people working on similar things at the moment.


Edited by Thor110

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This may be a problem specific to this area. As I recall, the Yavin lightmaps are stored differently from the rest of the game, as a very long series of textures in one of the game ERFs.

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I fixed it a little while back now and the doors, yeah for some reason they are stored in the textures bif or texture packs and not the lightmap bifs like the rest of the modules lightmaps.



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