
Armor mod causing crash when selected.

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Hey all, I've recently gotten into creating my own mods through the KOTOR tool but I've encountered a problem. I made an armor piece that disguised you as the Sith Masters from Dxun (id Dark_Jedi_Hi_3) I believe but when ever I hover over the item in the inventory my game crashes after a split second. I've attached the file, does anyone see anything that pops out to them as a cause?


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1 hour ago, JCarter426 said:

Your item is a master robe but the appearance you're using has no entry for that (modeln/texn) in appearance.2da.

Okay, how would I add that in?

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Through soem more testing I;ve noticed that if I use KSE/Hak Pad to set the disguise for my character manually, it works fine but crashes when I hover over any armor pieces in my inventory. To be clear, if I set the disguise without any clothes on it works fine

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I made some mods that use the item property "disguise", they work (and use appearances that only have modela/texa).
My theory is that that property only works with full body appearances (modeltype: F), since that is the difference between this and my working disguise mods.

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On 11/14/2018 at 3:46 PM, Effix said:

I made some mods that use the item property "disguise", they work (and use appearances that only have modela/texa).
My theory is that that property only works with full body appearances (modeltype: F), since that is the difference between this and my working disguise mods.


On 11/14/2018 at 1:10 PM, JCarter426 said:

Yes, that appearance entry has only modela/texa set. If you want to use that appearance with armor you'll have to fill in something for the other model slots.

So how would I add the necessary entries or change the proper properties/model type?

please keep in mind I’m new to this.

or am I just sh#t outta luck?

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Depends on what you want to do with it. If you just want the item to have the properties of a robe but with the look that appearance usually has, then you'd just need to fill in the modeln & texn entries with the same values that are filled in for modela & texa already.

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1 hour ago, JCarter426 said:

Depends on what you want to do with it. If you just want the item to have the properties of a robe but with the look that appearance usually has, then you'd just need to fill in the modeln & texn entries with the same values that are filled in for modela & texa already.

Okay how do I do this? What file do I need to edit? Which file do I find the values in?

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On 11/14/2018 at 9:58 PM, JCarter426 said:

Depends on what you want to do with it. If you just want the item to have the properties of a robe but with the look that appearance usually has, then you'd just need to fill in the modeln & texn entries with the same values that are filled in for modela & texa already.

Okay, I figured out how to do that, but my game is still crashing when I try to equip the armor.

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Hm. Through further experimentation, I've learned that the crash only occurs when the disguise is applied and I attempt to put on armor/clothing. As I test I attached the disguise property to an armband and a rebreather mask, both of those work fine (though the rebreather mask variant will have the disguise on andthe breath mask over it so it looks weird.) so long as I do not equip armor.  I can even have both of them equipped at the same time. Weapons and other things work fine as well. My working theory now is that, I believe the crash occurs because when I attempt to put on the armor with a disguise property the game is attempting to load both the disguise model and the base player model at the same time, and basically cant figure out what to do so it strokes out.
I figure you're probably not trying to actively help with this anymore and thats fine but I would appreciate it if you could atleaast tell me your thoughts and if that sounds plausible.


So yeah.

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