
MOD:Taris Upper City Cantina Entrance Wall Panel Fix

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Taris Upper City Cantina Entrance Wall Panel Fix

This mod is a small fix for a couple of wall panels in the entranceway of the Taris Upper City cantina. For some reason the mesh for this particular pair of panels was split off into a different model from the rest of the room. More importantly, it was assigned a lightmap that doesn't exist, thus it appears black in-game. To solve this, a duplicate of the adjoining panels was added to the entranceway room model in the appropriate position and the original mesh removed.

To install, simply drop the MDL/MDX files into your Override.


  • Won't be compatible with any other mods that edit those two room models, but the likelihood of that is low.


  • Thanks to @bead-v for KOTORMax and MDLEdit
  • Thanks to @ebmar for bringing the issue to my attention


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