A Future Pilot

MOD:K1 Faster Scuba

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K1 Faster Scuba

Note: This is included in the KOTOR Community Patch beginning with version 1.8


Everyone hates how slow the underwater section of KOTOR 1 is. Well this is the fix for it! It speeds up your character while adjusting the animation to not make it look bad. The max speed is still slightly less than normal running speed, but it won't take you 20 minutes to get anywhere anymore! :)


Here's a gif:



As usual, do whatever you want with this file (if it shows up in Sony's mainframe, it's not my fault). I don't even need credit, but If you wanna credit me, that's cool.


  • Thanks 1

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Big thanks to you, A Future Pilot. Glad that I won't have to resort to using the "turbo" cheat now.

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