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Texture Glitch

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I just do a KotOR reinstall [deleted my heads.2da in expectation to cure Helena's head texture going all whites but everything's screwed instead :thumbsup:] and when I got to character generation mode, one of model's hair is looking like this:



and not stopping there; Zaalbar also take his part of this abomination party!


I did a playthrough before and everything's okay; in fact there's one new mod Installed that I didn't used before- Yavin IV mod. But I'm not really sure if that's the cause or no.


Can anyone help me here; as what generating this to happen and what is the solution?


Thank you! :cheers:

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I've had this happen on my game before. Think it's more to do with the graphics card you're using (mine's an AMD), but that's just a guess. I'ts been a while but I think I fixed mine by changing which Cubemap file the character used or something like that?

Someone who knows what they're talking about should probably jump in any time now...

(If no one's around, I'll check for you when I get back to my computer :) )

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Sounds about right to me. I had one mod doing that once, the cause was the said mod changing the default cubemap section in the appearance.2da for the characters, which then resulted transparency being converted into... cubemappery. (In my case, plain white, since I had Intel card, which doesn’t like certain texture dimensions.)

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  On 5/18/2018 at 9:33 AM, Mutilator57 said:

I've had this happen on my game before. Think it's more to do with the graphics card you're using (mine's an AMD), but that's just a guess. I'ts been a while but I think I fixed mine by changing which Cubemap file the character used or something like that?


Someone who knows what they're talking about should probably jump in any time now...


(If no one's around, I'll check for you when I get back to my computer :D )


I'm about 95% sure it is not the graphic card, because yesterday's playthrough with the same GC- it's all fine! :D. But thanks for the insight, appreciate it a lot!



  On 5/18/2018 at 9:59 AM, LiliArch said:

Sounds about right to me. I had one mod doing that once, the cause was the said mod changing the default cubemap section in the appearance.2da for the characters, which then resulted transparency being converted into... cubemappery. (In my case, plain white, since I had Intel card, which doesn’t like certain texture dimensions.)


Make sense :book: Thank you for the details Lili! I will try to install it again without the said mod installed and see if everything's good then. As I don't have any idea of what a 'cubemappery' is; I'll go with the safe way- a clean install! :lol:



:Gosh I love this game:

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”Cubemappery” is simply a made-up word I created on the fly because I couldn’t remember the correct one. If the cause is what I think it is, all you need is some tweaking in the appearance.2da, but I can’t remember which field it is. :|

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  On 5/18/2018 at 10:44 AM, JCarter426 said:

It looks like you've set the envmap in appearance.2da to CM_Baremetal when it should normally be DEFAULT.


Yes! It is working! Thank you JCarter426 for pointing that out, you just saved me 2 hours from a clean install :respect:



  On 5/18/2018 at 10:27 AM, LiliArch said:

”Cubemappery” is simply a made-up word I created on the fly because I couldn’t remember the correct one. If the cause is what I think it is, all you need is some tweaking in the appearance.2da, but I can’t remember which field it is. :|


Yes! JCarter426 just pointed that out with details :D



  On 5/18/2018 at 10:24 AM, N-DReW25 said:

I may be wrong but I think it may be a txi file, not sure which one, I think deleting it should fix it.


Found out .txi is not the case on this matter N-DReW25. Because there're no .txi files related to Zaalbar in my Override folder but hey, thank you for answering this case! :cheers:

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