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Which is still pretty sad.. that scene was awesome. Not every SW game gives you the pleasure of seeing 2 badass sith lords confronting each other.

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If it is not a secret, abaut how many side quests are there? I like that it will make the planet "feel more alive". Will it have around the same number of quests as the other planets?

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Can someone tell will this mode contradict with SW canon? I mean, as I konw, master Vash canonically died at Korriban. So this mode is non-canon or it will somehow made to now break canon story?

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Can someone tell will this mode contradict with SW canon? I mean, as I konw, master Vash canonically died at Korriban. So this mode is non-canon or it will somehow made to now break canon story?


I'd suppose if Vash canonically dies on Korriban and the premise of M4-78 is that you go there to find Vash, I'd think that means it'd deviate from canon. (I hope I don't come across as sarcastic, I honestly don't know much about M4-78 as I'm not a part of the project.)


But who cares? Canon sucks anyway and a lot of the time it should be broken.

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Can someone tell will this mode contradict with SW canon? I mean, as I know, Master Vash canonically died at Korriban. So is this mod is either canon or will it somehow made break/alter the canon story?

It is non canon but many elements do come from game material.


If you're purely obsessed with canon, don't download M4-78. That's the reason it wasn't included in TSLRCM: added content. Oh, you want someone from Obisidian to give you some advice? Here goes:




A) I'm not the one asking the question.


B) By no means should anyone infer that I'm not for the M4-78 Enhancement Project. Those on the team already know that for certain.

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It is non canon but many elements do come from game material.


If you're purely obsessed with canon, don't download M4-78. That's the reason it wasn't included in TSLRCM: added content. Oh, you want someone from Obisidian to give you some advice? Here goes:




A) I'm not the one asking the question.


B) By no means should anyone infer that I'm not for the M4-78 Enhancement Project. Those on the team already know that for certain.

Thanks) Well, I'm not obsessed with canon (after all, you can't play as canonical Exile, since the canon female Exile HAS Handmaiden in the party...) Just wanted to understand is it canon or not since it based on Obsidian work.)

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sorry to bother you all, but I been running around in circles trying to find IS-02 after conversing with IS-18, where is it exactly? any help?

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Will there be the fight between Nihilus and Sion?

Because i heard rumors abaut Genoharadan restoration and i know that originally the fight was after the explosion in the jek jek tar...

If yes what will happen?

I would have like to seen that. Sion would kick Nihilus ass.


I uploaded the new reports in the central zone terminal but when I go back to IS-43 I don't get any new dialogue. Nothing happens.

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Great conversation here. I am truly enjoying it.


On another note: Can I briefly interrupt the thread and ask if there is a master list of mods that is 100% compatible with the tslrcm 1.8.2 + the enhancement project add-on mod? I am trying to update my threads over at other sites and I thought I read a while back that someone was amalgamating the major must have mods into compatibility packs or something like that. :)(:

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Ok, I completed the Droid planet a second time.


Right now, as I see, there are two main problem in this mod:


1) Despite the fact that story is pretty well written, there are absolutely no way to influence the planet. No matter what path you walk, the end is still absolutely the same. And this doesn't create a very good contrast to other parts of the game.


2) Companions which are one of largest parts of the game have no role on M4-78. That again makes the planet seem not like a natural parts of game. We have no "droid hater" words from Atton, Bao-dur doesn't give his opinion. I understand that there is a lack of original dialogs to work with but it still leaves pretty bad feelings. (Also Vash's dialogs when you are darksider is feel a bit... incomplete again it maybe course of lack of voiced lines...)


On the other hand, this mod represents a great challenge. I played this first as light sided Consular/Jedi Master then as dark sided Guardian/Sith Marauder in heavy armor. Must notice that some fight for second character was almost unbeatable (specifically, the killing of tester unit and boss in environment zone). To be precise, they beat the crap out my party so I was forced to call mother Kreia to help me with force storm spam)) Still, some droids look pretty unbalanced. I1-02 was able to kill four(!) Sith war droid when I first time tried to kill them and use hit-and-run (well, more run-for-your-life) tactic.


Voices are pretty great, also I do not like that several droids talk on binary and we can read their phrases normally. It's, well, feels a bit unnatural. But understandable and after all, there are T3 levels in original game.


Overall mod is great. One of the best fan works I ever saw(for every games I played)

P.S. Since all maintenance have names, maybe it would be better to address to them by those names ... or at least remove the plain maintenance droids?

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Can anyone please give a hint with Recent events quest? At least, who should i talk with for proper quest update? Because i finished main plot, and about to leave to Onderon, but still have only that quest unfinished (and i don't like to leave anything behind unsolved).

Currently, my journal indicates that i should learn more on person who leaked radiation. I know that it's Kaah, but not my journal :D


UPD: Okay, i managed to progress with this quest. Now i have some issue when i ask maintenance droid to repair damaged recording. Screen going black, and that's all.

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