phenex 3 Posted November 14, 2011 Finished my test of ToR and the one problem I have is with LS/DS choices just being too black and white. There is too much Kill or Save and just not enough cunning choices or manipulative dark side choices. Other than that i really enjoyed it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 813 Posted November 14, 2011 Third day of TOR playing. Complaining ahead Haven't played all that much today though; for one thing, servers were down "for maintenance" for most of a day, for another I'm getting bored of it already. Although that might be because I changed character. Some servers in game are for weekend testing only, there are far less now in weekdays... I didn't know which servers are which when I first logged in though, and I created my Jedi Knight on such weekend server, and now he's lost. I'm hoping to get him back next week, but I don't have my hopes up. So anyway, I had to create new character. And I didn't want to replay same thing I've been playing for previous 48 hours, so I went for the Empire this time and choose Imperial Agent as my class. It sounded like a cool class. Compared to others anyway. It's not. Fighting with lightsaber in TOR is so much better than blasters. More skills, more variety, everything about lightsaber is more entertaining. The whole cover system Agents have is also hard to get used to and it doesn't work as well as it should, and I doubt they'll improve it enough in time for game's release. There is also lot of walkmesh (or whatever it's called in TOR) issues all over Hutta. You can walk and shoot trough rocks and flowers, and sometimes walls. I submitted it as a bug report, so hopefully at least that will be fixed, but it worries me to see such bugs so late in beta. Imperial Agent's story is also worse than Jedi Knight's, from what I've seen of agent's story anyway. While Jedi's was rather entertaining from the beginning, Agent's one is a bit dull. And the VO! I'm playing female character this time, and my character's voice is the worst of them all. It's really putting me off the experience. Voice doesn't fit character at all and worse, it's really badly acted. I mean realllly. Might be one reason why it's so hard to enjoy a plot. Nar Shaddaa visible in the sky above Hutta is rather amazing visually, though. Anyway, ignoring the Agent class itself and moving on to more overall stuff. One thing I forgot to mention before - it's an MMO, but I feel like I'm playing single player game for most of a time (which in my case is good, 'cause I'm not big fan of other people being in my game). I switched chat off and don't talk to others, when I see another player I disregard him as NPC. And that's actually pretty cool way to think of them. Then I can think how cool it is to finally see NPC Jedis helping me do stuff ;P OK, there was only one time when I talked to another player, but I just needed help on a quest. There are those types of quests - called "heroic" and "flashpoints". Game will let you go ahead and do them alone, but trust me, you won't finish them. I tried, really tried. I died every time. I just had to team up with another player to finish heroic quest, and we barely managed when there was two of us. I still need to try out some flashpoint, when I'll be able to go with 5 other players, and we'll have multi player conversation thingy. I'd like to see it in action, as I still don't exactly understand how it works. Another really sucky thing about writing: there are some instances when NPCs you meet say how "rarely they see Jedi around this parts". But 95% of players are Jedi, so I can see tens of them around. Some could say "that's the problem with writing for MMO", I say, "what the hell is that line in there for?". Since I'm covering writing, another thing I dislike is how some plot elements just don't make freaking sense unless you do side quests. Some really major stuff is explained trough side quests. Which wouldn't be all that bad if not for the fact those side quests are terrible. And one last thing I noticed about quests - the more annoying quest giver is, the better items you get out of it. Really, all the best items I got are from quests given to me by NPCs so badly/irritatingly written and/or voiced I wanted to skip trough their dialogs as fast as possible. And last interesting thing, which I've already mentioned elsewhere on forums - I lol'ed when I've seen a droid called M-78. Wonder if whoever came up with this name thought of M4-78 or was it just accident. I think that is all I wanted to say... yes, I think that's enough complaining for one night. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plasticcaz 1 Posted November 15, 2011 There's no NDA? Are you sure you're not violating an NDA? I wish I could play the game, but I don't do subscription games. I like paying for something once, and then paying for an expansion if need be. That being said, if they ever go Free-to-play, I'll probably seriously consider playing. But why would they do that???? I guess I'm going to have to wait for this "open-world RPG" that seems to be in the works at Lucasarts. But anyway, on topic: I'm glad it's not as bad as some people feared. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 813 Posted November 15, 2011 I'm not allowed to release plot details, screenshots, videos or any other game's assets or info about unannounced features/locations, etc. into the web. I'm allowed to publicly comment on things that have already been announced (such as VO, LS/DS points, some planets etc, so the stuff I've been talking about). And I mostly just said whether I like something or not, I would go into much more details on things if I could. I guess you could say I probably violated NDA when giving example of poorly given LS/DS points, and I shouldn't talk about some of bugs I mentioned, but I've seen testers post much worse. There are a lot of things I'd like to talk about that I'm not posting about, some bad some good. But I know it's something to discuss when game is available to everyone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 571 Posted November 15, 2011 That being said, if they ever go Free-to-play, I'll probably seriously consider playing. Same. Until then; no dice. And we all know they eventually will go that route. Perhaps sooner than later. I'm perfectly capable of waiting a year or 2... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stoney 1,511 Posted November 16, 2011 That being said, if they ever go Free-to-play, I'll probably seriously consider playing. That will be my debate also, as much as I enjoyed playing(and will again next test weekend). I'm not fully sold on having to pay to keep playing,for free yes absolutly, but not so sure about a monthly fee just not sure if it's worth it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plasticcaz 1 Posted November 16, 2011 I'd like likely buy this game if it was a one-time purchase thing. (love KOTOR and KOTORII, TSLRM is the reason I'm on this site) They've lost a potential customer in me by going mmo subscription. :-( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted November 18, 2011 Received a beta test invitation. My only thing to say is: NAY. Not going to play something that requires me to pay fee per months Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites