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Female Version of Bandon's Armor Model?

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Yeah, I know about that. Honestly, I'm fine with a little clipping here and there. I'm thinking maybe this should include 3 different models to choose from...


1. The standard vanilla height on the collar

2. The first version of the shortened collar you made

3. and finally, the ultra-short collar you posted above. (only tweak I'd recommend for this is to sort of shrink the area slightly so it closes in on the player's neck a little more.)

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Hopefully I'm not hassling you again with this, but I was just wondering if you could do the following for both the TSL and K1 models:

- make the collar just a hair or two taller (kind of an in-between of the first and last edit you made to the collar)
- make the torso area a little thinner (maybe by trying to match the body shape to something like the Heavy armor models, if that's possible.)

That's the last of my suggestions, not gonna ask for other variants like I said before.

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Beggin' yer pardon sire for bumping this topic, but I'm curious about something.


Your Female Bandon armor mod is perfect, DP. I'm just wondering if it would be possible to make it compatible with female Twileks? Would it be as simple as renaming a set of the MDL/MDX files to something else or would something have to be edited in the model files themselves? The outfit works for all female party members, Mission included. For some reason, common female Twileks are incompatible and cause a game crash.

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Not as an appearance.2da edit yet, but I may end up resorting to that even though I'd rather not.Your Bandon Female model for me currently replaces the Star Forge Robe model female variant and I thought that since it already replaces a standard model, it'd work for all npcs. This isn't the case. Actually, I don't understand why the model works for all playable heads and all party members but not regular NPCs. It'll crash for both normal humans and twileks. Did the original Star Forge robe model also do that for NPCs?


What I'm doing now is making armor items categorized as a Revan Robe and equipping npcs with the armor in Kotor Tool. I'm also using a male variant of Bandon's armor that replaces the Star Forge robes for males.


What I intended to do was make a bunch of random female Dark Jedi/Sith NPCs wear this armor with various different textures. I've got all of the texture variants down working perfectly, the only problem now is getting the model to work on standard NPCs.

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Non-party members don't have any appearance.2da entries for model J. I would assume that is the cause of your issue. You'll need to add in PFBJM/PMBJM as appropriate.

Good catch, this was an oversight on my end. Everything works perfectly now and I can get the models to work on all NPCs. Thank you, angry Santa Maul head

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Sorry for the minor hijack here but: Can I request that you resize Bandon's armour model for Large, Medium and Small male body heights so a male character could use Bandon's armour in addition to the female models if no one has done so already?

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Hey there, don't mind me reviving this dead thread. Potentially stupid question, how would one go about getting this armor/model actually into the game?

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Extract into the game's Override folder. I was lazy and only did them as a Star Forge Robes/Revan's Robes replacement, so just add the item for those to your inventory via console command or KSE.



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Sweet - thank you so much. If I did want to create a new unique variant of the model so it didn’t replace the Star Forge Robes, would that be possible? I would love to work out a way to get them to drop off the Sith Master/Darth Bandon. I’m more than comfortable mucking with textures just haven’t done item generation in a long time.

Even if I actually get it to replace the “Darth Bandon’s Fiber Armor” that drops after that fight? Always irritated me that it just dropped a combat suit reskin haha

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10 hours ago, tm1104 said:

Always irritated me that it just dropped a combat suit reskin

Because that's how the limited system they implemented works. Bodies are presets in appearance.2da, one model per armour class. Since the columns are hardcoded and we can't add more, the only way to get a unique body for a given armour is to create a disguise. And that's a pain in the ass if you want the character's head showing.

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