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Djh269's requests

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Hey guys, 


I have some mod requests I hope people will be interested in: 


- K1 Tweak pack Aeroldoth


- Any J3d1W4rr10R saber models 

- K1 Master Heal


Also, I've recently found this picture of a dantooine reskin but I am unable to track down the mod. Please help:




Many thanks!

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Hello again, 

I've accidentally stumbled across this skin: 




Does anyone know who created it? It's really nice!


Edit: has anyone ever had this texture issue before, it's not a biggy though.





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Does anyone know who created it? It's really nice!

Where did you find the picture? That might help tracking it down.

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I've gone through google images typing: Revan reskin mod kotor and you can find it but it still points to the aggregator link, tracking the original posted image may be quite difficult 

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Seems like it would be reasonably straightforward to emulate, just take PFBI01/PMBI01, desaturate, set it to overlay over a dark grey layer, paint on white (or other colour) stripes along clothing edges, etc., copy those to the alpha channel, use an environment map like cm_baremetal.


Edit: Whoops, wrong thread, I actually meant to post it in this one -


Any passing mod/admin, feel free to merge this post into that other post.

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