LexxBludhart 0 Posted January 20, 2016 So I hear this is a very common issue, but I've never come across a solution. so I'm on the Unknown planet and ready to leave for the Star Forge, however, when I try traveling to the Star Forge via galaxy map, the cutscene for departure occurs, then I'm stuck on a black screen with only the cursor visable. Can't bring up menu, alt-tabbing doesn't work. what do???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted January 20, 2016 What mods do you have? And what have you done in your game? DS/LS? Male/Female? What was your decision at the top of the Temple? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LexxBludhart 0 Posted January 20, 2016 Mods, I have a ton installed, although I've heard this can happen even without mods. lightside, tried getting bastila to come back. Is there a list of known mods that can cause this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 997 Posted January 20, 2016 If there were, it'd probably be fixed in the mod But if you can provide a list of your mods, we could try to figure out which one might be messing with this part of the game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LexxBludhart 0 Posted January 21, 2016 http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/558-kotor-1-restoration/^^^K1Rhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/709-revans-flowing-cape-and-belt-fix/^^^Revan's Flwoing cape and belt fixhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/697-enhanced-merchants/^^^Enchanced Merchantshttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/678-creature-reskin-pack/^^^Creature reskin packhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/665-mandalorian-ultimate-mod/^^^Mandalorian Ultimate Modhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/662-dragon-scale-robe-nasota-dyrels-robe/^^^ Dragon scale robehttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/651-m-8-assault-rifle-blaster-alternate-textures-in-aurabesh/^^^M8 assault blaster alternate texturehttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/628-santa-hats/^^^Santa hatshttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/627-m-98-widow-replacement/^^^M98 widow replacementhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/625-candy-canes-by-inyri-forge/^^^Candy Caneshttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/620-sith-special-forces-armor/^^^Sith special forces armorhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/616-mp5/^^^MP5http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/615-m1a1-thompson-10/^^^M1A1 Thompsonhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/609-sunglasses/^^^Sunglasseshttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/602-m-6-carnifex-hand-cannon-replacement/^^^M6 Carnifexhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/569-sithspecters-boba-fett/^^^Boba Fetthttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/508-halo-energy-sword/^^^Halo energy swordhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/484-n7-valiant/^^^N7 Valianthttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/406-cassus-fett%E2%80%99s-unique-armor/^^^Cassus Fetts unique armorhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/392-k1-clone-wars-armors/^^^ K1 Clone Wars Armorhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/349-character-start-up-change/^^^Character start up changehttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/315-blaster-pistol-ehancement/^^^Blaster pistol enhancementhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/295-dark-elf-pc-modsmale/^^^Dark elf PC mods malehttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/207-k1-gloomwalkertwinkey-robe-pack/^^^K1 Gloomwalker/twinkey robe packhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/150-k1vibrosword-replacement-pack/^^^K1 vibrosword replacement packhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/106-captain-americas-gear/^^^Captain america's gearhttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/91-segan-wyndhs-longsabers/^^^Segan Wyndh longsabershttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/87-bastilas-revelation-robes/^^^Bastila's revelation robeshttp://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/85-revan-items/^^^Revan Itemshttp://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/57/?^^^Kotor save editorhttp://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/4/?^^^White sith trooper armorhttp://www.nexusmods.com/kotor/mods/5/?^^^Mission vao as darth talonhttp://starwarsknights.com/tools.php^^^KSE cutscene fixhttp://www.gamefront.com/files/9593789^^^Bastila romance glitch fixhttp://www.gamefront.com/files/6578966^^^Weapons of the old republichttp://www.lonebullet.com/mods/download-yavin-iv-tsl-patcher-update-15-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-mod-free-15634.htm^^^Yavin IVhttp://www.lonebullet.com/mods/download-ebon-hawk-sith-re-skin-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-mod-free-15789.htm^^^Ebon hawk sith reskinhttp://www.lonebullet.com/mods/download-ebon-hawk-useable-supplies-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-mod-free-15855.htm^^^Ebon hawk useable supplies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted January 21, 2016 My first guess is Bastila's revelation robes, since bastila02 through bastila06 UTCs caused a similar blackscreen for me when used with K1R. If that mod adds them into the Override, then there's a possible culprit. A trick to see if that's the case was to save the game (hitting esc during the blackscreen then creating a save through the menu), quitting the game, and then loading that save. What I saw then was effectively a cuscene in progress with all of the characters frozen in place. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LexxBludhart 0 Posted January 21, 2016 I can't access the menu at all in the black screen. I can't do anything.ill try removing dmthe bastila revelation mod to see if that makes it work My first guess is Bastila's revelation robes, since bastila02 through bastila06 UTCs caused a similar blackscreen for me when used with K1R. If that mod adds them into the Override, then there's a possible culprit. A trick to see if that's the case was to save the game (hitting esc during the blackscreen then creating a save through the menu), quitting the game, and then loading that save. What I saw then was effectively a cuscene in progress with all of the characters frozen in place. Oops, quoting and replying is tricky on mobile site, haha. Anyways, it worked!!!!!! Woooo!!!! Thanks!!!!!I removes those bastila_02 through 06 and it worked!!Granted, I did remove all files from the revelation mod. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted January 21, 2016 Very glad to hear. I think it might be prudent to update the K1R compatibility thread of the fact that those specific UTC files are causing this problem. As stated in a different thread, those files are also present in WOTOR and need to be removed in order for it to work with K1R. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kexikus 997 Posted January 21, 2016 Is it known why these files cause crashes? Or what specific edits to them are responsible? And is that only an issue when using them with K1R or also in vanilla? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Haveayap 127 Posted January 21, 2016 Well I use _04 and _06 and have not run into issues with my current K1 build, so I may suggest that it depends on what is edited Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scoutception 17 Posted January 21, 2016 Is it known why these files cause crashes? Or what specific edits to them are responsible? And is that only an issue when using them with K1R or also in vanilla? I can confirm that it is also an issue in vanilla KOTOR. One of those files, 03 if I'm remembering correctly, can also cause Bastila to be invisible during the interrogation scene on the Leviathan. Other than that and the black screen issue, of course, they don't seem to cause that many issues with the game, so you can probably still keep them in the override folder until those issues happen. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TekerSmona 1 Posted September 11, 2019 Reaching across the sands of time on this old thread to let you know what my fix was. This will be easier than parsing out which mod file is causing the issue. I had to do it this way because I never used the Bastila's revelation robes mod so I'm not sure what the exact issue is. I cut the entire override folder from the game directory, moved it to desktop or trash. Then opened the game, unmodded, to get through the cut scenes and the first battle in the hangar. Then saved, closed the game, returned the override folder back to the game directory then loaded my save and everything worked perfectly. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Groovydude 1 Posted July 27, 2020 2020 Check In - @TekerSmona's solution worked for me. I am running a boatload of mods and have used the save editor extensively (mostly to solve problems created by my mods), and it worked for me. Specifically, I cut the Override Folder out, Pasted it to my Desktop. Then I launched the game, and played without my mods until the first combat was over, then I saved the game and exited. Put the Override Folder back where it was, re-launched, and it works! 😃 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PoopaPapaPalpatine 21 Posted December 14, 2021 2021 check-in: I'm bumping this thread because I'm encountering this, too. I've yet to try the "Override cut" fix but I'm desperate to try something as this has been happening over several fresh installs. On 1/21/2016 at 7:55 AM, Kexikus said: Is it known why these files cause crashes? Or what specific edits to them are responsible? And is that only an issue when using them with K1R or also in vanilla? On 1/21/2016 at 4:21 PM, scoutception said: I can confirm that it is also an issue in vanilla KOTOR. One of those files, 03 if I'm remembering correctly, can also cause Bastila to be invisible during the interrogation scene on the Leviathan. Other than that and the black screen issue, of course, they don't seem to cause that many issues with the game, so you can probably still keep them in the override folder until those issues happen. So is it a problem with vanilla KotOR then? I'm not using the Bastila mods listed earlier in this thread and I'm getting the "invisible Bastila on the Leviathan" bug and the "black screen of death." Here are my list of mods for further help: Spoiler Improved Dialogue Fix K1R 1.2 (the whole thing) HD Menu and Art Main Menu Widescreen Fix HD UI menu Pack KotOR HUD Fix Loadscreens and UI fixes Hi-Res Menus HD Icons Very Nice Loadscreens (modded, personally) HD Movies DV's Revelation Cutscene Cinematic remake Kotor Widescreen Fade Fix Random HD UI Elements (Planets icons only) JC's Vision Enhancement Mod (K1R compatible) Animated Cantina Signs Animated Ebon Hawk Screens Animated Galaxy Map Animated Swoop Screens TSL Port Animated Manaan Signs Bastila Romance Scriptfix by Markus Ramikin Bek Control Room Restoration by N-Drew Bendak Alternative Dialogue (No DS points for bounty) BetterMaleFace04 by CatharLioness Black Vulkar Base Engine Lab Bench fix Control Panel for Kashyyk Shadowlands Forcefield Darth Malak Appearance Fix Darth Bandon Unique Appearance Mod Diversified Jedi Captives (Star Forge Only) Diversified Wounded Soldiers on Taris Ebon Hawk Camera Fix Endar Spire Hull Repairs Female Armor Collar Fix New Lightsaber Blade Model K1 by Crazy34 High Quality Blasters Hi-Res Beam Effects by Darth Insidious Weapons Models Overhaul Weapons Models Overhaul Retexture Pack Weapons Base Stats Rebalance K1 Party Model Fixes by RedRob41 K1 Fixed Feat Icons Vanilla Masks Overhaul Elder Droids Unique VO Lightsaber Icons 2k19 Movie Style Holograms for End Game Movie Style Holograms for Twisted Rancor Trio Puzzle Movie Style Rakatan Holograms Placeable Specularity Tweaks (mods to Computers removed as it conflicts with the next mod) Animated Panels and Placeables pack (files for computers removed and for doors on Endire Spire) Ultimate Endar Spire 2.0 (textures only) Ultimate Taris Upper City High Quality Skyboxes II High Quality Cockpit Skyboxes XL HD Military Droid Carrier and Armed Freighter Star Forge Door Fix Remove Force Power Restrictions on Armor Repeating Blaster Restoration Republic Soldier Fix Republic Soldier New Shade (for fix above) Rodian Messenger Restoration Senni Vek Restoration Taris Dueling Ring Arena Adjustment Taris Escape Sequence Adjustment Taris Upper City Cantina Entrance Fix Korriban/Manaan Music Fix by Kainzerous Prime Unknown World Missing Lights Fix Mysterious Music Box Mod for Unknown World mod by Leiluken Workbench Upgrade Screen Camera Tweak Balanced Pazzak HD Pazzak Cards Better Genoharadan Items Bodies Stay Carth Republic Flight Suit Classes, Powers, Feats, Skills Tweak Force Powers Gain Fix (I like the FP gains here more) Custom Starting Equipment Cup of Caf and Oil Bath items Custom Selkath Animations Czerka Amor and Appearance Fix Dantooine Training LS Fix Description Fixes for K1 Desert Wraid and Shyrak Texture Fixes Ebon Hawk K1 Fixes Emperor Turnip's HD Hutts and Gizka Emperor Turnip's HD Calo Nord N-Drew Vrook and Zhar fix N-Drew Ending Fix Energy Fields Damage Fix Infinite Shields Mod (which makes the last mod redundant but I like it all the same) Infinite Droid Utilities Improved Grenades by Jc2 Gaffi Stick Improvements Gamorrean Battleaxe Icon fix Imporved Korriban Loot Korriban Academy Workbench addition Leviathan Differentiated Dialogue Male Sith Archaeologist Restoration Mandalorian Assault Armor Restoration HD Astro Droids by Dark Hope HD Bastila (clothes) by Dark Hope HD Canderous Ordo by Dark Hope HD Carth Onasi by Dark Hope HD Carth (clothes) by Dark Hope HD Trask Ulgo (head only) by Dark Hope HD Twilek Females by Dark Hope HD Yuthura Ban by Dark Hope HD Zalbaar by Dark Hope HD Mission Vao Retexture by Quanon HD Gamorrean Retexture by Quanon HD Hk-47 Retexture by Quanon HD Npc Portraits by NDix HD Pc Portraits by NDix Health Regeneration by MVacc224 Helena - Bastila's Mother Changes by Shem (clothes) Helena Shan Improvement (head) Helpful Items (Droid shop on Tatooine) High Quality Space man (Iridonian on Manaan) Human Xor Restoration Juhani Cathar Head Enhancement JC's Blaster Visuals Enhancement JC's Lightsaber Visual Effects JC's Dense Aliens For K1 (TSL Alien Ports) K1 Ported Alien VO Replacements JC's Sound Effects for K1 Ultimate Sound Mods by Shem JC's Security Spikes K1 Mod K1 Party Leveler by JC2 Kandon Ark Fix Knights of the Old Xbox (Raid and Hybrid Dark Jedi Fix) K1 Armor Nitpicks by TK-664 K1 Misc Nitpicks by TK-664 K1 Lashowe and Shaleena Mouth Adjustment K1 Twilek Heads (Original necks and Textures) Invincible Lashowe Fix (file only) Larger Text Fonts (Name and Menu only) Manaan Merc Overhaul Mandalorian Plot Item Fix Manaan Quest Ending Fix Sandpeople Disguise Drop Fix Queedle Fix by NDrew Quiet Tachs (Soundfiles only) Republic Mod Armor Reskin Restored T3M4/HK47 items from TSL mod Star Map Revamp Three-Tiered Jedi Robes by PirateofRohan Reces' Upgrade-able Vanilla Robes Tower of Hanoi Override (Tomb Pillar Puzzle) Mod Trandoshan Rescale mod Unique Jagi Mod (doesn't work beyond changing Rodians to Mandalorians) Unique Zalbaar Items Upgraded Implants by Pwener Upgradable Korriban Sith Lightsaber Wookie Warblade fix by RedRob41 EDIT: Quick update--this solution works but it isn't very satisfactory. I would really love to find the culprit of this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba1992 2 Posted December 17, 2021 (edited) I experienced this bug myself several months ago. From my testing, K1 Party Leveler (the file "p_bastilla002.utc" that it contains, to be exact) was the mod that was causing that black screen bug. I reported the bug to the mod author who promised to look into it. This was the text of my bug report: When I got to the Dodonna cutscene before Star Forge, I was greeted by an infamous "Cutstart Bug". The cutscene with Carth informing Vandar and Dodonna didn't start, there was just a black screen with a cursor. If I used keyboard shortcuts for Force Powers, I was spawned on Ebon Hawk with a hostile Carth and a friendly Dark Side Bastila on it. The bug only affected the Light Side Dodonna cutscene, if I sided with Bastila on the roof of the Rakatan temple, I could play without any issues. At first I thought that one of my other mods might be interfering with yours (my KOTOR 1 build is heavily modded), so I decided to test K1 Party Leveler on a clean install, with just the Community Patch and widescreen fixes. The bug still occured there. After some testing, I isolated its cause: it's the file p_bastilla002.utc. When I delete it from the Override folder, the cutscene plays, and if I put it back, it doesn't. Edited December 18, 2021 by Jabba1992 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PoopaPapaPalpatine 21 Posted December 19, 2021 On 12/17/2021 at 1:24 PM, Jabba1992 said: I experienced this bug myself several months ago. From my testing, K1 Party Leveler (the file "p_bastilla002.utc" that it contains, to be exact) was the mod that was causing that black screen bug. I reported the bug to the mod author who promised to look into it... You've done a great service! I play with this mod all the time and I would've never suspected. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites