
Redeemer's Wips

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This warning was done in response to you saying you'd distribute the mod privately on Deadlystream.


You're now contradicting yourself from earlier when you said that people could PM you and you'd send them a link via PMs...

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You mean on the 6th Janauary where i'd been a member for all of about a week or something  :rolleyes:

Like I knew all the site rules then didn't I? *sarcasm*. And it's not like you guys chimed in before now though is it? huh?


Y'know like I asked in my very FIRST post, About not being sure about the rules here.


Tbh I feel your just hassling me, I get the damn rules and I'm not breaking them. Enough said.

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You mean on the 6th Janauary where i'd been a member for all of about a week or something  :rolleyes:

Like I knew all the site rules then didn't I? *sarcasm*. And it's not like you guys chimed in before now though is it? huh?


Y'know like I asked in my very FIRST post, About not being sure about the rules here.


Tbh I feel your just hassling me, I get the damn rules and I'm not breaking them. Enough said.


Not trying to be mean here, but...


1. The Site Rules are linked very prominently on the site's banner at the very top of the page.


2. I've been watching the thread, double-checked the rules on porting, and brought it to the admins' attention and waited for their replies.


3. You asked, but did you ever bother to run a search? Currently there's only 53 results when searching "porting" from the main Forum, so it's not torture to scroll through a list to see if your ass is covered. Oh, lookie here! Top result on the second page! "Porting - Please read here BEFORE posting"


It seems like I'm hassling you, but my last comment was more pointing out the complete 180 you did on your stance than accusing. Just a simple observation.


*Irony* And you know what? This could have all been avoided had you only bothered to take all of a few minutes to do a bit of looking around on the site...

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Irony is your wasting your time on something that is OVER WITH!


Mesa get it, Porting isa very bad juju. If mesa post links, mesa be sent to da Bosses. Isa be in big doo-doo next time. 

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You mean on the 6th Janauary where i'd been a member for all of about a week or something  :rolleyes:

Like I knew all the site rules then didn't I? *sarcasm*. And it's not like you guys chimed in before now though is it? huh?


Y'know like I asked in my very FIRST post, About not being sure about the rules here.


Tbh I feel your just hassling me, I get the damn rules and I'm not breaking them. Enough said.

You could just graciously admit you'd made a mistake. No harm, no foul. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Shame, that lightsaber looks like it would be fairly easy to recreate in 3DS

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You could just graciously admit you'd made a mistake. No harm, no foul. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Absolutely I agree he is right, But it's the condescending BS in the 2nd post I don't like. 


Ffs I even agreed lol and posted my plans if anyone wanted anything.

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I think we have more than reaffirmed the rules here, just drop the drama please, both of ya.



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I'd love to see the Revan mask and Mandalores new look in the game.


And judging from your Jedi Revan pics, you seem to be able to make great looking models by yourself anyway. So maybe you could just remake the SWTOR models with changes as needed?

Just wondering since I really want to see those ingame^^

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