
SWTOR-Style Zakuulan Exile's Blaster

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IIRC, to fix this "cyan saber syndrome" you'll need to set blade to retracted position in the frame #0.

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Which version of MDLOps did you use? If all the animations are simple movements, you might could try exporting through MDLOps 0.5.

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What did you do for baseitems .2da? Did you add a new row? There might be some extraneous fields that I wasn't aware of that could make the difference. It might be helpful to reference the lightsaber or quarterstaff rows.


Also, did you try combat with it afterwards?

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Yeah, added a new row to baseitems.2da: copied the row for the blaster rifle, gave it custom label/itemclass/defaultmodel values, changed powereditem from 0 to 1, added powerupsnd/powerdownsnd/poweredsnd values. Nothing else there springs out as being related to the issue, seems to me almost certain to be a problem with the model.


Haven't tried combat afterwards as yet, but even if it begins working again afterwards that doesn't solve the problem. I'm not going to release it if it doesn't work properly, I'd rather just release a static version.

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Rise, rise!



So with the advent of functional model compilers, I can finally get around to releasing this thing. I just did a fresh compile with MDLEdit and it seems like the animations work properly now, although I have only done a very brief test. I might need to tweak the textures a bit, the envmap effect is looking a bit flat, but otherwise the main thing I need are sound effects for the blade extending and retracting. As as placeholder I was just using lightsaber sounds, but obviously that's not ideal. Has anyone got any ideas on existing sounds (in both games) that I could repurpose, or something from some free/open source sound library? I guess it doesn't strictly need SFX, but I figured it would be a nice extra. To be honest I can't even remember if the TOR version has VFX, it has been so long.

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21 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

Has anyone got any ideas on existing sounds (in both games) that I could repurpose, or something from some free/open source sound library? I guess it doesn't strictly need SFX, but I figured it would be a nice extra.

Would you mind if I tried to make you one? This intrigues me 😀

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Knock yourself out. I'm not really sure what the sound should be, but some sort of metallic clunk or snik that a piece of metal being extended and retracted would make I guess. The most important thing would be that it is not too obnoxious, seeing as you will hear it every combat.

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Just now, DarthParametric said:

Knock yourself out. I'm not really sure what the sound should be, but some sort of metallic clunk or snik that a piece of metal being extended and retracted would make I guess. The most important thing would be that it is not too obnoxious, seeing as you will hear it every combat.

Okay I'll see what I can do. And if it's done, what format should it be then? Is it the same as any action .WAV which should be in mono?

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1 hour ago, DarthParametric said:

Yeah looks to be mono PCM 16bit 22050Hz 352kbps.

Ha! here it is DP; my attempt to do custom SFX for your custom blaster. I have no idea how it's going to be as it's not beta tested yet 😂 [but I am certain this file's going to work in-game].

Note that it is not exactly at 352kbps- it's 705kbps instead. But I am sure there would be no a problem at all because in my current KotOR playthrough, I am using some customized .WAV that rated at 705kbps and they worked just fine.

Looking forward for some feedbacks 😂

DP's SWTOR-Style Zakuulan Exile's Blaster.wav

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4 hours ago, DarthParametric said:

Thanks, I think that could probably work. I'll test it out in-game when I get the chance. You think you could do a version in reverse for the retraction?

My pleasure DP! Yes, forgot to mention that is the extended part. I already have the plan for the retraction part so, I think I could pulled it off; only hope it would not be a mess then 😂

Note there's a flickering sound if you wonder what that is [that one as close as I can get to a unique flickering sound- doing it from scratch] 🙃

I'll reach out again soon :cheers:

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On 5/26/2018 at 10:33 AM, DarthParametric said:

You think you could do a version in reverse for the retraction?

Ah, here it is DP; a retracted version of "SWTOR-Style Zakuulan Exile's Blaster" SFX :cheers:

To tell you the truth, personally; I think this one would be better as the extended part. And this as the retracted. My bad! 😅

But hey, your choice!

DP's SWTOR-Style Zakuulan Exile's Blaster - Retracted.7z

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