Guest We are called Legion... Posted May 12, 2011 This kind of stuff is the same kind of modification that has been made by Chainz.2da for his Kreia mod. Maybe you could try to contact him? At any rate, I think he used scripts and appearance.2da. To get my point:;66487 Thank you MrPhill! I had hoped that there would have been an eaiser method to make this work but this is probably the best I can try to do. Thanks again for the help! Edit: Does anyone know where/how I can contact Chainz.2da? I feel it would be better to ask him/her personally than to just use his source code. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bendarby24 Posted May 13, 2011 Try contacting him at Lucas Forums. I'm a friend of his so I know if you will just ask, he will help you out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest We are called Legion... Posted May 13, 2011 Try contacting him at Lucas Forums. I'm a friend of his so I know if you will just ask, he will help you out. Thank you! Edit: I actually found the exact tutorial I needed at LucasForums. Thaks for the help anyway you guys! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest milestails Posted May 23, 2011 Someone make a Satele Shan skin! And lightsaber hilt! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted June 3, 2011 Deviating from my usual position in this thread of helping out others, I actually have something I'd like to see: a mod that makes the Mandalorian Combat Suit look like Jango Fett's armour. I've seen the mods that make the Neo-Crusaders like Fett, but not this one (although I am searching). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dark_Ansem Posted June 9, 2011 I'd like someone to make an in-depth tutorial on how to model/texture for The Sith Lords with 3ds max 2009. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted June 20, 2011 Request #3759842.2.3 beta Request: I've mentioned this before on another thread, but I feel it should be put here as I'm requesting it. This is for when your ship is on a planet/moon (or all the time since there is such a thing as autopilot). And hopefully to fix, for the most part, the whole Atton not looking at your character, or re-seating problem that annoys most people, or at least make it not look silly. Query: Would it break him/the game if he was made to stand and use the consoles around where the galaxy map is, like he is during his conversation with Michal, maybe even have him walk into that room where no one but T3 goes into? Query: My expertise in modding is limited, but would it be possible to give him the animation like the one Michal has while he's in the medbay? Opinion: I know there are many suggestions, but I feel that if this could be achieved, it would remove a couple of annoying problems that I've seen many people want fixed in many many places. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted June 20, 2011 Request #3759842.2.3 beta Request: I've mentioned this before on another thread, but I feel it should be put here as I'm requesting it. This is for when your ship is on a planet/moon (or all the time since there is such a thing as autopilot). And hopefully to fix, for the most part, the whole Atton not looking at your character, or re-seating problem that annoys most people, or at least make it not look silly. Query: Would it break him/the game if he was made to stand and use the consoles around where the galaxy map is, like he is during his conversation with Mical, maybe even have him walk into that room where no one but T3 goes into? Query: My expertise in modding is limited, but would it be possible to give him the animation like the one Mical has while he's in the medbay? Opinion: I know there are many suggestions, but I feel that if this could be achieved, it would remove a couple of annoying problems that I've seen many people want fixed in many many places. This topic is already being discussed here. Follow up comments on this particular topic should be placed in that thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HK-47 Posted June 20, 2011 This topic is already being discussed here. Follow up comments on this particular topic should be placed in that thread. Statement: Yeah, I know. I figured that I'd place this solution be here as a request. Now that I think about it, it seems silly to have done so. That's what happens when I do things while low on power. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dark_Ansem Posted June 20, 2011 request, to be implemented in the TSLRCM: an option for fighting the 3 masters all at once in dantooine. after that the dark side sequence is triggered (or the one after killing one on dantooine) but the force power gained is accodingly to your alignment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthDaedric 15 Posted June 21, 2011 Can someone post a link to RedHawke's KoTOR 1 Revan robe mod? Ever since their site went down I've been unable to find it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bendarby24 Posted June 21, 2011 dude go on to lucuse forms and there is a link on the bite were they post mods it said red halk site or something elese and follow there instruction because i can go on to there web site at eny time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Muzic Lopez Posted June 28, 2011 This request is for KoTOR 1 Was hoping to get a mod where the Player Character can be a Rakatan. If someone made a mod that gives you the choice between all 3 colors (The yellow-ish elders, the grey & black warlords, and the black & red guardians I think they're called.) would be amazing! I'm not concerned about mod compatibility, but the only mod I use that might have conflicts would be BoS (Brotherhood of Shadow). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bendarby24 Posted June 29, 2011 there is amod that does it, it is called k1 head mod but i cant remeber were to get it i think it is on filefront Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Muzic Lopez Posted June 29, 2011 there is amod that does it, it is called k1 head mod but i cant remeber were to get it i think it is on filefront I found it, thank you very much. I didnt think about searching the heads section. btw the mod is playable alien PCs or something like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sabotin Posted July 3, 2011 I know it's a longshot, but still - does something like this exist for KOTOR(2)/can someone make it? The Odyssey engine was based on Aurora, so it's at least a bit similar maybe? It would be beyond awesome to have something like this. Clickie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ChAiNz.2da Posted July 10, 2011 Can someone post a link to RedHawke's KoTOR 1 Revan robe mod? Ever since their site went down I've been unable to find it. I was finally able to get RedHawke's permission, so I have now resurrected his site. If anyone else is looking for any of RedHawke's mods.. here's the new link to his site. ENJOY! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Salk Posted July 12, 2011 [REQUEST] Would it be possible to change the Pazaak rules in KotOR so that the player is not always unfairly forced to start the game? TSL fixes this problem although the game is expanded beyond that. Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Darth Hayze Posted July 12, 2011 I was wondering if it'd be possible to make a mod that makes Darth Sion look like Haazen? I realize Sion is one model, but would it be possible to take one of the long haired PC or NPC heads, texture it up to look like Haazen, do the same for his appearance, and then change Sion's appearance to the new one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest aerohead Posted August 5, 2011 Once I started the game as a female exile, but then I gave her a sex change on Dantooine. I was able to add Disciple to my party. Both he and the Handmaiden were in the Ebon Hawk and I could talk to both of them. Disciple became the more dominant of the two. The Handmaiden was stuck on the ship and she couldn't level up. It wasn't a mod though, I just changed the Exile's gender. Just thought it was worth mentioning. You and everyone else. Although much has been made of the "make my sacrifice matter" line by Bao-Dur, it wasn't included in the regular game. It was only available as a production sample of the voice-overs on the original KOTOR2 site. If you go here: Chris Avellone said Bao-Dur was supposed to die in the attack on Telos to help HK-47 get to the HK-50 factory and shut it down to save the planet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dark_Ansem Posted August 9, 2011 here is a request: someone to take up the KotorTool mantle and starts improving it. example: the Creature Screen should be more similar to the NWN Aurora toolset one: more control over stats and more precise viewing of said stats. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Working Class Hero 12 Posted August 9, 2011 No source code. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Dark_Ansem Posted August 11, 2011 what about an updated version of the script generator? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Allison Lightning Posted August 14, 2011 I'd like to see some way to play this game on Vista, and copying that MSDLL32 file does not work for a lot of people who might only have a Vista system. There has to be a script or something that's making the game unplayable, and a mod to workaround it would be great and open up KOTOR2 to a lot of other people, and of course the TSLRCM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest lightmaat Posted October 9, 2011 I'd like to see this for TSL... I for one hate having to scroll past power/crit strike to find flurry in every encounter... Would something like this be hard to do and TSLRCM compatible? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites