
Bugs and minor inconveniences with TSLRCM 1.7

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Guest Dark_Ansem

don't know if someone has posted those but here goes.

after nar shadaa, when mira takes the pc's place, the minimap goes avry for the rest of the game

on Malachor V, hanharr holds mira by the throat, except that he holds nothing. he grabs at thing hair

the final boss does not talk face you at all during the final talk

even if playing LS, the planet is not destroyed (bug? I could have done something wrong, but I thought...)

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1) Awry how? Since that never happens to me.

2) Known, can't be fixed though.

3) She does, so it must be some other mod you're using?

4) I wish people would stop thinking the ending as LS/DS... AS THAT IS NO LONGER THE CASE WITH TSLRCM! *sigh*

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Guest Dark_Ansem

1) it is perpetually misplaced, but it is only a bug of the minimap. the regular map (accessed via M) is fine

2) why can't be fixed? on Nar shaada it is correct.

3) no mod at all, save for Darker Peragus (tex-only), lightning replacement (again, tex-only)

4)sorry :P considering I had no choice at all in the ending matter I thought it still related to the alignment. if made entirely dependant on will it's another great improvement of the mod :D

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Guest nebbalf

I'm not sure if this problem is already listed. I do not have time to read through all pages to check. Anyway here goes:



On the last time on telos(end game) I have come to the assault on citadel station. I have cleared all the halls of sith attackers, and all is done. Next step is to talk to mandalore to join the assault on the sith ship.


When I do this, I see the movie of all the republic ships appearing and space ship fighting etc. BUT when the movie is over, the screen turns black, and I'm still on citadel station. I know this because I could still move around even though the screen was black, as well as open up the menu etc. and while running around I accidentally clicked Mandalore again, which brought up the conversation to trigger the attack on the sith ship. Triggered the movie again, but came back to the black screen and citadel station.


Anybody had the same problem/know what to do?



I have all official patches installed + tslrcm 1.7. nothing more. Have had only a few bugs prior to this, this is the only one that doesn't allow me to progress.



Any help would be appreciated :)

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I'm not sure if this problem is already listed. I do not have time to read through all pages to check. Anyway here goes:



On the last time on telos(end game) I have come to the assault on citadel station. I have cleared all the halls of sith attackers, and all is done. Next step is to talk to mandalore to join the assault on the sith ship.


When I do this, I see the movie of all the republic ships appearing and space ship fighting etc. BUT when the movie is over, the screen turns black, and I'm still on citadel station. I know this because I could still move around even though the screen was black, as well as open up the menu etc. and while running around I accidentally clicked Mandalore again, which brought up the conversation to trigger the attack on the sith ship. Triggered the movie again, but came back to the black screen and citadel station.


Anybody had the same problem/know what to do?



I have all official patches installed + tslrcm 1.7. nothing more. Have had only a few bugs prior to this, this is the only one that doesn't allow me to progress.



Any help would be appreciated :)


Well, use of the search function would have helped you. Anyhow, you need the ravager black screen fix, which is available through the download section.

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1) it is perpetually misplaced, but it is only a bug of the minimap. the regular map (accessed via M) is fine

Just the Nar Shaddaa docks? There the mini-map can get "off the map" at Vogga's, but I don't know any other map doing that.

2) why can't be fixed? on Nar shaada it is correct.

Don't ask me. Something to do with animations.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

no, it screws up when Mira takes your place within the suit and is not fixed even in a new game.

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Guest Qui-Don Jorn

Stick a saber into it...


Thats my answer for everything. :)

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no, it screws up when Mira takes your place within the suit and is not fixed even in a new game.

Once again, screws up how???

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I've run into a little problem (maybe), and I can't find anything online about it so here I am. I've played through 1.7 and it is awesome. The HK factory was crazy hard, but that's why there are cheats ;) Anyway, I wanted to go back to a save before Atton battles Sion, so I could experience the whole death scene bit. Unfortunately I guess I don't have the option to let him fail. Your lists detailing the restoration give me the impression I should be able to let him die. What is the deal? The game prompts me to load a saved game just as usual if Atton runs out of HP.



I have installed:

Official patches


1.6 fix


Some Angelus6 retexture packs

Exile's Atris Style Robes

and have re-colored a few heads and clothes.


I've played extremely lightside female and I'm sure I have high influence with Atton (although I doubt that matters).


Also, I started playing this round with only 1.6. I updated to 1.7 before going over to the Harbinger. I had my fingers crossed that it would be ok, as I HATE that darn mining facility and didn't want to restart. There haven't been any other problems (unless you count Mira floating at the wrong height when Hanharr tries to choke her on Malachor).


I'm planning on playing through again, but was going to mix things up with darkside and a gender switch. If I have to play through lightside female again to catch the melodrama I will, but I want to make sure this isn't normal or an error that will repeat unless I fix something before restarting. Thanks.

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Yup. As soon as Atton hits 1HP it should run a cutscene instead, not a game over screen.


No idea why he's not invernable. If you use KSE open your save, then set Min1HP to true (as it should be). See if hitting rock-bottom then does nothing or correctly triggers the cutscene as should.

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Yup. As soon as Atton hits 1HP it should run a cutscene instead, not a game over screen.


No idea why he's not invernable. If you use KSE open your save, then set Min1HP to true (as it should be). See if hitting rock-bottom then does nothing or correctly triggers the cutscene as should.


I've only just started fooling around this Gimp and Kotor Tool the in last couple weeks, so why not try another new gizmo.


And it worked! For some reason the HP was set to 0 instead of 1.


Still do you think this could be because I'm using a 1.6 save? No one else seems to ever have had this problem. I just don't want this (or other similar situations) to pop up on future playthroughs because I screwed up. Maybe I'll just wait for 1.8 before starting any new games. Thanks for the tip!

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Nope. Not a clue why it happened. Shouldn't be related to using a 1.6 save at all, so you should be fine to start a new game.

Hmm... did you get the team vs. Kreia scene after HK/Goto?

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Guest Dark_Ansem

a small bug report: when killing slusk, the commands lock and the jedi goes in meditation position; and the conversation with the receptionist is not immediately toggled when leaving the place (speaking with her does not really make sense). in addition to that it's possible to still ask for a sample of the bachani plant even if you outed the Duro merchant to Green during the black market quest.

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Hello everyone,


I've used search and it found nothing so here I come:


When I try to enter the Shyrack Cave on Korriban the game crashes just when the loading finishes.


I'm playing version 1.7 and I'm not sure if I've patched the game before I installed it.

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None at all.


The problem may be connected with the fact that I run some memory-heavy programs in the background (which are quite necessary and I probably won't be checking without them until tomorrow), but I've done Peragus, Telos, Dantooine and most of Korriban with those things on and without such problems.

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Guest Dark_Ansem

another few bugs: on Nar shaaddaa, if by chance you select your party before speaking with the dock master, the conversation not only it does not automatically trigger, but also clones start appearing every time you swtich a party member. going to the ebon hawk fixes it, but still.


another few ones: during the final mission on telos, if atton is in the party he'll trigger the "violence" cutscene after killing the dark jedi in the tsf offices (he had not triggered it before).


the clone issue of visas appears also at the end of the section, before boarding the Ravager.

Edited by Dark_Ansem

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Couldn't find this in the search.


I'm unable to get the location of the droid factory. I have the journal entry that says when I get back to the Ebon Hawk, HK-47 has enough info to locate them, but I can't seem to trigger that conversation. When I enter the Ebon Hawk, I do get a moment of black screen like it's trying to go to a CS, but nothing happens and there's no new conversation options for HK.


Mods: Offical update, TSLRCM patch 1.7, Jedi Temple, lots of reskins (just the textures, none of them added anything else), Tomb of Azgath N'dul



I will also add that when I started the game without applying the 1.7 patch. When I realized I needed it, I did download and apply it, and it screwed up some of my character models. As in, I was a random female Republic officer and Kreia was missing entierly. I went in with the save game editor and was able to fix it, but thought you should know about that.

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Remove k_003ebo_enter.ncs from your override.

This can possibly break the mod it came from though...

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not sure if this is well known, but i've found a problem.


I'm playing a light side female and i went through most of the game with no problems, except 2:


1.) every time i try to download HK-51 upgrades for HK-47 in the factory, it crashes. It even got so bad that i couldn't load any of my games from that character, so i had to restart the game.


2.) When i get to Malachor, after the movie with the Hawk crashing in to the planet, Kriea says something to Sion, then i get a black screen. I save/load back to it, and my character is standing in the Trayas acedemy. I can walk up to Traya and talk to her, but she just gives me the kriea line you get after you rescue/kill all the jedi masters. And i see Sion getting choked, but i can't interact!


Is there anyway i can fix these? I have 1.7 USM compatibility mod and the USM mod installed.

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Dunno about 1, but 2. is a known issue with USM+Comp patch.


Enable the cheats, then in the invisible console, type (without quotes) "WARP 901MAL"

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I have a problem in Freedon Nadds Tomb on Dxun, the game freezes and crashes while entering the final chamber with the sarcophagus. Reloading a save and playing the complete mission again doesn't help. It's my first crash in 23 hours.



TSL (german version)

Patch 1.0b





Heroes of the Republic 1.5

Coruscant Jedi Temple (with compability update)

Darker Peragus

Ultimate Personal Items

Dak's armored robes

Vibrosword replacement pack

Ultimate Saber Mod


All mods have been converted with the dlgconverter.


Any ideas?

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