
Is it just me, or does it seem that KotOR II....

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had a subtle ulterior storytelling motive of foreshadowing some events of the then-upcoming Revenge of the Sith?


It seems to me so many things in the game are inspired by irl business to somewhat give hints to the happenings of ROTS


Off the top of my head:


The very fact that the game is about a Jedi extinction of sorts

HK-47 more or less directly describing Order 66

The idea of using the dark side to artificially preserve life (IE Darth Sion)


I'm sure several more things, as well that I'm not even thinking of (as it's been a while since I've played without skipping through most dialogue lol)


Thoughts on this?

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had a subtle ulterior storytelling motive of foreshadowing some events of the then-upcoming Revenge of the Sith?


It seems to me so many things in the game are inspired by irl business to somewhat give hints to the happenings of ROTS


Off the top of my head:


The very fact that the game is about a Jedi extinction of sorts

HK-47 more or less directly describing Order 66

The idea of using the dark side to artificially preserve life (IE Darth Sion)


I'm sure several more things, as well that I'm not even thinking of (as it's been a while since I've played without skipping through most dialogue lol)


Thoughts on this?

At its core, it does have many similarities to the PT... Once you have completed a darkside and lightside playthrough, their are many references to all of the movies too

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I agree with you on it following the formulas of ROTS, but I think most material at the time was also doing similar.


Take for instance the Republic Commando game and series; the entire story centers around the Mandalorians trying to cope with the "weak" leadership of the Jedi, and how the soldiers managed to fight a war they never even started.


The Republic series has to do with the fighting of the Clone Wars and how devastating it was to have Masters turn on their students and betray their entire order. (Something constantly mentioned in Kotor, but TSL especially)


In fact, the entire first Story Arc of the Comic namesake of the Kotor series have to do with the Jedi being both blinded by fear and underhanded beyond belief.


I think someone approached the notion of what cloning an army of soldiers would really do to a power structure; especially one as Noble as the Jedi Order, and by accident or intention made the entire fanbase doubt the Jedi themselves.


It made people question what being a Jedi really is, and put the focus of the story back onto the people and not the power they had. Which for me made TSL one of the better stories out there. :)

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I agree with you on it following the formulas of ROTS, but I think most material at the time was also doing similar.


Take for instance the Republic Commando game and series; the entire story centers around the Mandalorians trying to cope with the "weak" leadership of the Jedi, and how the soldiers managed to fight a war they never even started.


The Republic series has to do with the fighting of the Clone Wars and how devastating it was to have Masters turn on their students and betray their entire order. (Something constantly mentioned in Kotor, but TSL especially)


In fact, the entire first Story Arc of the Comic namesake of the Kotor series have to do with the Jedi being both blinded by fear and underhanded beyond belief.


I think someone approached the notion of what cloning an army of soldiers would really do to a power structure; especially one as Noble as the Jedi Order, and by accident or intention made the entire fanbase doubt the Jedi themselves.


It made people question what being a Jedi really is, and put the focus of the story back onto the people and not the power they had. Which for me made TSL one of the better stories out there. :D

Yes... The jedi are evil

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Nwûl tash.
Dzwol shâsotkun.
Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.
Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.
Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.
Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.
Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.


the sith are honest, all the jedi do is lie

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Nwûl tash.

Dzwol shâsotkun.

Shâsotjontû châtsatul nu tyûk.

Tyûkjontû châtsatul nu midwan.

Midwanjontû châtsatul nu asha.

Ashajontû kotswinot itsu nuyak.

Wonoksh Qyâsik nun.


the sith are honest, all the jedi do is lie

aaaaand I have no idea what any of this means. Is this the Mandalorian language?


Batshit crazy, traitorous, bloodthirsty honest people vs pacifistic, calm, generous, loving liars. huh.


The Jedi Council at the time was really bad, which really didn't help their image during the Mandalorian Wars. Atris being the worst. Atris was a terrible Jedi from the start. Honestly, after watching the trial recordings for my first playthrough, I legit wanted to smash her face against a wall. Oh well, I guess Force Crushing her during her battle was good enough.

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It does contain a lot of the themes that would show up in related media leading up to Revenge of the Sith.


Except it was done much better than the films.

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there is a certain cyclic pattern in the extended universe.

Mandolorian wars= apathetic Counsel

Jedi war at the time of Darth Bane= warmongering counsel obsessed with power.

galactic Civil war= apathetic/ overly cautious counsel


It kinda looks like every 2000 years or so the Jedi Counsel is crippled by there own methods. They  are to scared of falling to the darkside to fight it,  they no longer reconise it unless it has a red light saber in its hand, or they erode there ability to fight it by denying its existence.


In essence I think the Jedi's greatest flaw isn't that they fall, its that they Fear falling so much that it causes them to fall.

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there is a certain cyclic pattern in the extended universe.

Mandolorian wars= apathetic Counsel

Jedi war at the time of Darth Bane= warmongering counsel obsessed with power.

galactic Civil war= apathetic/ overly cautious counsel


It kinda looks like every 2000 years or so the Jedi Counsel is crippled by there own methods. They  are to scared of falling to the darkside to fight it,  they no longer reconise it unless it has a red light saber in its hand, or they erode there ability to fight it by denying its existence.


In essence I think the Jedi's greatest flaw isn't that they fall, its that they Fear falling so much that it causes them to fall.

A jedis greatest flaw was becoming one to begin with...

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