
Malachor VI: An Ending Mod

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Don't hold my word for it, but we haven't marked that scene for impossible yet. That may change in the future though, so "only time will tell". =P

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Actually with the hann har throwing the PC up to the ship can be done with a combination of in game cut-scene, Blue screen the animation in 3d max and then have it run into the bik move with the ship leaving.

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Actually with the hann har throwing the PC up to the ship can be done with a combination of in game cut-scene, Blue screen the animation in 3d max and then have it run into the bik move with the ship leaving.


Ah, that sounds excellent, I presume you'll start that project right away? Thanks Logan :P

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From my thoughts,...i see a in game shot of han harr running toward the pc. Then right before han harr get to the pc it switches to a 3d max animation throughing the pc up from the PC's first person perspective so there is no issue with PC heads or clothes. then as you fly up seeing han har and hear the ships engines. You now jump to the normal bik movie of the ebon hawk escaping as usual. I hope that gives you a good visual of how it can be done. Let know and i will play around with later this month.

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Guest HaVoKeR

Makes me want to be sitting there, watching the sky throughout the window, while i have dinner with a pretty sith lady in front of me.

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Makes me want to be sitting there, watching the sky throughout the window, while i have dinner with a pretty sith lady in front of me.


That's the spirit!

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Makes me want to be sitting there, watching the sky throughout the window, while i have dinner with a pretty sith lady in front of me.




Pass the meatsauce, tool!

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It makes me drool over all the Mandalorian ships trapped outside that window that could be salvaged, repaired and put to use in my crusade.

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Guest HaVoKeR


Pass the meatsauce, tool!


*Force Telecinese* here, let me use it for you. More wine?


I mean, juma juice =p.

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Guest bendarby24

what is that console for ......or is that a secret?

Edited by Sith Holocron

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what is that consal for ......or is that a secrute


Look i saw in one of the posts that you are dyslectic but that's why you have your best friend google to help you with words you don't know how to write....consal and secrute aren't even real words so please try harder even if you have a problem writing/typing or what ever it is.

Edited by gangster1337

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Hey, no need to be rude. We can all see perfectly well what he's saying, therefore being pedantic is totally unnecessary.

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sorry for that :D


You don't have to be cant even do anything about it...the only thing you can do is checking if the words you typ exist....thats all,

and mandalore maybe you are getting the wrong idea... i just meant to help him and not making fun of him nor being rude.

I'm not english myself so it's difficult to understand what someone is saying when they pronounce it the wrong way.

Edited by gangster1337

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Hum, maybe we're getting a little off-topic, don't you think?


The off-topic posts were eliminated with ruthless precision. Back on topic folks.

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That screenshot is exciting. I want more. :D


That reminds me. We're probably going to need you for some voice overs... if you're interested, that is ;)

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I like what you've done with the room. If only something could be done to improve the low-res lighting outside the window.

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