Guest R2-X2

Blaster Carbines and Light Repeaters

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Guest R2-X2

Can anyone enlighten me why both cost more (500) than a blaster rifle (300) while they are both inferior? (Carbine has less range, Repeater has smaller critical hit range, other stats seem same) :P

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Speaking of the repeaters, can someone tell me why some modules have a random light repeater lying on the middle of the floor?


In the Sith base on Taris, the first hallway has a light repeater lying right in front of the backside of the door, and in the Tatooine hanger, a light repeater can be found under the ship.


Are these just Easter Eggs? Can more light repeaters be found in other modules?

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Speaking of the repeaters, can someone tell me why some modules have a random light repeater lying on the middle of the floor?


In the Sith base on Taris, the first hallway has a light repeater lying right in front of the backside of the door, and in the Tatooine hanger, a light repeater can be found under the ship.


Are these just Easter Eggs? Can more light repeaters be found in other modules?

I have wondered that too! I always thought it was an unintended side affect of all those mods in my override.

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I've found those too! I found one in the corner of Davik's hangar, and a lot in TSL


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Guest R2-X2

I could fix that

Oh, I could fix it, too, but that wasn't my intention. :) I was just curious if there was any secret behind those weapons.


Speaking of the repeaters, can someone tell me why some modules have a random light repeater lying on the middle of the floor?


In the Sith base on Taris, the first hallway has a light repeater lying right in front of the backside of the door, and in the Tatooine hanger, a light repeater can be found under the ship.


Are these just Easter Eggs? Can more light repeaters be found in other modules?

I always wondered the same! Good to know that other people have them, too! If I remember correctly, I once loaded a duplicate module without any objects and they were still there, but that was a long time ago. :D


I have wondered that too! I always thought it was an unintended side affect of all those mods in my override.

Same here. :P

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Guest R2-X2

I found the reason why repeaters were originally meant to be more expensive (and actually more valuable) than blaster rifles:


The light repeating blaster uti comment section states:

"Gives an extra attack per round at the highest attack value."


So it seems they originally intended them to have 2 attacks, similar to double bladed melee weapons. It's really quite sad that it doesn't work.



What I find very interesting is the comment of the heavy mandalorian repeater:

"Gives an extra attack per round at the highest attack value. When the feat Rapid shot is used, this weapon gives ANOTHER extra attack at the highest attack value. However, all of the attacks have another -2 penalty applied to them. This weapon deals out an extra 1-4 ionic damage.


Can only do the Ionic Damage. Redesign this weapon."


Which means that heavy repeaters were intended to work even better with rapid shot, and have overall slightly more complicated mechanics. However, they seem to have noticed it in time, sadly without redesigning the weapon.



This leads me to the question... could the function be restored?

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I found the reason why repeaters were originally meant to be more expensive (and actually more valuable) than blaster rifles:


The light repeating blaster uti comment section states:

"Gives an extra attack per round at the highest attack value."


So it seems they originally intended them to have 2 attacks, similar to double bladed melee weapons. It's really quite sad that it doesn't work.


Which means that heavy repeaters were intended to work even better with rapid shot, and have overall slightly more complicated mechanics. However, they seem to have noticed it in time, sadly without redesigning the weapon.



This leads me to the question... could the function be restored?


Theoretically, yes this could be restored. To do so, we would need to edit the k_ai_master.nss and then re-compile the k_def_combend01.nss and optionally the k_def_spawn01.nss and k_def_userdef01.nss. The reason why we need to mess with the scripts is because we can only add attacks via scripting.

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Guest R2-X2

Theoretically, yes this could be restored. To do so, we would need to edit the k_ai_master.nss and then re-compile the k_def_combend01.nss and optionally the k_def_spawn01.nss and k_def_userdef01.nss. The reason why we need to mess with the scripts is because we can only add attacks via scripting.

Seeing as I have at most very basic scripting knowledge, how hard would it be or how long would it take? Do you think you could do it?

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I feel like I have to bring this old topic of mine closure (since it was recently linked in other threads) by stating that I finally fixed the issue with repeating blasters not getting their attacks. :D
(The heavy repeater special effects from rapid shot cannot be reproduced since there is no way to check when a combat feat is used, you can only know it after it was used. Additionally, it fould feel very weird compared to all other weapons sharing the same feat effects.)

Now only the blaster carbine pricing remains a mystery...

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