Kate The Bionic Uterus

What is your favourite light saber crystal?

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Keeping this to vanilla crystals and excluding the crystal that tunes to your force energy, which crystal do you like the best? Crystal combinations, light side, dark side?



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Opila, Hurrikane, Ankarres Sapphire, Kaiburr as Light Side and Qixoni as Dark Side.



I also tend to balance my character.


If I'm a Weapons-Master I choose crystals that focus on Wisdom.


If I'm a Sith Lord I choose the ones who gives Strength and Constitution

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Cyan Crystal, Solari and Qixoni Crystal in the same saber. One is restricted to light side, the other to dark side, BUT if you put them in the same saber, you can use both.

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Cyan Crystal, Solari and Qixoni Crystal in the same saber. One is restricted to light side, the other to dark side, BUT if you put them in the same saber, you can use both.

Really??? Omg, what a cheat! LoL


...someone should fix that :hiding:

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Nope! It's stuck the way it is.


It's not that it's canceling each other out, really. It's just adding the limitations for both sides, so that it accepts either alignment. However, Neutrals can't use the saber... :D

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Nope! It's stuck the way it is.


It's not that it's canceling each other out, really. It's just adding the limitations for both sides, so that it accepts either alignment. However, Neutrals can't use the saber... :D

Bah! Technicalities...


Are you positive about the neutral bit though?

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I'm fairly sure, as I once had the Player Crystal with a Alignment Limitation of Neutral and I couldn't use it after I'd gotten too many LS or DS points and had to have Kreia re-attune it... :)

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Guest R2-X2

These crystal names still sound familiar. :D I have to look it up again, but if I'm not mistaken, Upari was the best. :P (Hope the spelling is correct)

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