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Towards a perfect K2 - 012 - Ebon Hawk - Sith attack when leaving Peragus - 005EBO

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Ebon Hawk - Attack of the Sith when leaving Peragus - 005EBO


Vanilla bugs - Many things don't fit with the rest of the game and with what has been done in TSLRCM.


I think those things would better be corrected (but it seems that 005EBO do not use a legal map and this may introduce some difficulties)



  1. Atton, when he is sitting in the c-ockpit (stupid automatic censoring of the begining of that word!) of the Ebon Hawk, does not wear clothing (armor?) it was equipped with but he is wearing his own clothing. It is an animation so it should thus be the current Atton character who is used, with his actual equipment (whereas the following scene, showing the turrets entering in action, is a video). See 107PER_dlg 106percut.dlg
  2. It is completely abnormal that one cannot make use of the workbench when one is not in fight mode!
  3. Where is the laboratory which should be within the infirmary!
  4. When one opens the door of the ?Storage Compartment?, it is empty whereas there should be HK-47 here.
  5. In the ?Communications room?, the security system should give access to the safety video cameras! It is practically the only moment of all the adventure where they have a utility and it is the only moment of the adventure where one cannot reach them!

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Don't fight scenes like these actually take place in another module? I'm guessing that many of the same problems you've mentioned probably crop up during the fight sequence onboard with the Trandoshan gang on Nar Shaddaa. (I used to know the name of that gang, darn it! Getting old here . . . )

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Guest bendarby24

red aclips....or something like that

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Yeah, the Red Eclipse. And they do use different modules I believe, like I know the RE fight is 004EBO, Prologue is 001, etc.

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Guest bendarby24

all Hail mansalore king of arcade :D bourd

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all Hail mansalore king of arcade :D bourd


Thankyou, loyal subject! Your support is a great morale boost to my people during these times of rebellion!

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Guest bendarby24
Thankyou, loyal subject! Your support is a great morale boost to my people during these times of rebellion!


your welcome

for mandalore!!!

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[*]Atton, when he is sitting in the c-ockpit (stupid automatic censoring of the begining of that word!) of the Ebon Hawk, does not wear clothing (armor…) it was equipped with but he is wearing his own clothing. It is an animation so it should thus be the current Atton character who is used, with his actual equipment (whereas the following scene, showing the turrets entering in action, is a video). See 107PER_dlg 106percut.dlg

Cannot be fixed.

[*]It is completely abnormal that one cannot make use of the workbench when one is not in fight mode!

Nope, absolutely normal.

[*]Where is the laboratory which should be within the infirmary!

There is with 1.7. Another french version issue?

[*]When one opens the door of the “Storage Compartment”, it is empty whereas there should be HK-47 here.

Same here, 1.7 fixes that for us English folks...

[*]In the “Communications room”, the security system should give access to the safety video cameras! It is practically the only moment of all the adventure where they have a utility and it is the only moment of the adventure where one cannot reach them!

Considering it's a whole different module, that wont be easy to add, most camera placements and such probably don't even exist there. No idea how hard they would be to place, that's for the others to comment upon...

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Whenever I raise a problem, HH is always saying that module are modified for English folks and not for other languages, and that the problem don't exist or no more exist with the actual version of TSLRCM...


I'm quite sure Zbyl2 and DS will provide a different answer because it is unbelievable and impossible to write modules and scripts specific to each language! It defies logic in industrial development and writing techniques. If my guys had done similar things at the time, they would have been fired long ago.


And, if TSLRCM contains widgets localized, it is a big mistake (and there are things completely abnormal as, for example, that a corpse is, in French, called "Corpse" while the word does not appear at all in the dialog.tlk French version, but "Cadavre". And this, unfortunately, seems to prove that HH is right from time to time and, so, there is a big problem in TSLRCM.


Dito for some VOs


I wonder if I should continue to be tested thoroughly or if I have to act like a player who looks without getting involved. Or if non English are of no interest.


Atton, when he is sitting in the c-ockpit (stupid automatic censoring of the begining of that word!) of the Ebon Hawk, does not wear clothing (armor…) it was equipped with but he is wearing his own clothing. It is an animation so it should thus be the current Atton character who is used, with his actual equipment (whereas the following scene, showing the turrets entering in action, is a video). See 107PER_dlg 106percut.dlg


Cannot be fixed.


Ah? Where does such an idea, since it is a simple animation.



It is completely abnormal that one cannot make use of the workbench when one is not in fight mode!

Nope, absolutely normal.


No!? No kidding!?


Where is the laboratory which should be within the infirmary!

There is with 1.7. Another french version issue?


Again, I do not believe for one moment that there are different modules for each language.


When one opens the door of the “Storage Compartment”, it is empty whereas there should be HK-47 here.

Same here, 1.7 fixes that for us English folks...


Of course!


In the “Communications room”, the security system should give access to the safety video cameras! It is practically the only moment of all the adventure where they have a utility and it is the only moment of the adventure where one cannot reach them!

Considering it's a whole different module, that wont be easy to add, most camera placements and such probably don't even exist there. No idea how hard they would be to place, that's for the others to comment upon...


"Considering it's a whole different module..." That's what I say and do this is not the cause of all what I report? And why Obsidian has used another EH module?


And during that time, the continuity between the events is broken. The abnormal Ebon Hawk for the Sith attack on Pegarus is taken in sandwitch between two legitimate Ebon Hawk, the one during the prologue and the one during the escape of Peragus.


I could understand that the Ebon Hawk of the prologue is different from the Ebon Hawk for the rest of the game as it will be demolished by Darth Sion and rebuilt by HK-50 who not has the Ebon Hawk diagrams (and that the Ebon Hawk is reconstructed with the help of Peragus mines droid maintenance). But not after!

Edited by ttlan

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I'm quite sure Zbyl2 and DS will provide a different answer because it is unbelievable and impossible to write modules and scripts specific to each language! It defies logic in industrial development and writing techniques. If my guys had done similar things at the time, they would have been fired long ago.

I don't know. I just work with the english version. Zbyl does whatever it is that's needed to make it work on non-english versions. And several issues you list have indeed long been fixed. Might be he forgot to add have 005EBO installed for French people, so it's an issue with the installer.

And this, unfortunately, seems to prove that HH is right from time to time and, so, there is a big problem in TSLRCM.

It's always a sad day when I am right 0_0...

Dito for some VOs

Which one? Some might be an issue, like the Dxun one from the my unofficial patch since it got erased from the dialog.tlk so potentially not translated, and obviously, Kaevee. What else?

Or if non English are of no interest.

If that was the case we would just keep it english only, like 1.4 was. I don't know why the french version of 1.7 has so many issues that are already fixed by the english version, and quite possibly, all other nationalities.

Ah? Where does such an idea, since it is a simple animation.

Well, for the full version ask Stoney, but from what I gather Atton doesn't have this animation. His pre-fab has. However that one can't change clothing and usuing actual Atton (with actual clothing) will break the scene since the animation is mission.

Know about the black screen issue on Dantooine when using modified Kreia skins? Something like that. It's the joys of the Aurora engine...

"Considering it's a whole different module..." That's what I say and do this is not the cause of all what I report? And why Obsidian has used another EH module?

They do that for the bigger action sequences or special sequences, like T3's intro/tutorial, RE fight, Sith boarding fight, the switch to 950COR cutscene, Hanharr/Mira joins cutscene etc.

For example in the last 2 if you break that convo and end up in the module, you notice there is a LOT of EH lacking... just the parts that are used for the scene are used. There are about 12 such modules IIRC, 003EBO (obviously) being the biggest and most crowded one.

the one during the prologue

That's not 003EBO, so not a 'legitimate Ebon Hawk', as you like to call it. What makes 005EBO so 'unlegitimate'?

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I don't know. I just work with the english version. Zbyl does whatever it is that's needed to make it work on non-english versions. And several issues you list have indeed long been fixed. Might be he forgot to add have 005EBO installed for French people, so it's an issue with the installer.

All right, installer checked. 005EBO is not there - for any language version. So 005 issues aren't fixed for english version either... my bad, sorry people. Happens. Will be patched or something.

I don't even know I could have missed it - 001 and 002 were added as supposed to, so no idea why I'd miss 005.


And, if TSLRCM contains widgets localized, it is a big mistake (and there are things completely abnormal as, for example, that a corpse is, in French, called "Corpse" while the word does not appear at all in the dialog.tlk French version, but "Cadavre". And this, unfortunately, seems to prove that HH is right from time to time and, so, there is a big problem in TSLRCM.

There are few other english-names in non-english 1.7; all will be fixed with patch/update, whenever that happens. Also, you will notice that most of those issues with non-english versions are on Peragus, which, in a way, is a "new" addition to TSLRCM, so it's possible that it has issues. If some names on other planets lost translation, then it's a real problem.


Also, there's really no-way for non-english only issues to arise. Not translated dialog lines - sure, game breaking changes, no way. Modules are basically the same, only dlgs files vary between language versions.

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Atton, when he is sitting in the c-ockpit (stupid automatic censoring of the begining of that word!) of the Ebon Hawk, does not wear clothing (armor?) it was equipped with but he is wearing his own clothing. It is an animation so it should thus be the current Atton character who is used, with his actual equipment (whereas the following scene, showing the turrets entering in action, is a video). See 107PER_dlg 106percut.dlg


Ah? Where does such an idea, since it is a simple animation.


Actually not a simple animation, I actually worked on this issue the problem is the "Generic" Atton is used for that cut scene( It's actually the 107PER module not an EbonHawk one) somehow Obsidian got "Atton" to stand in front of the seat to sit down,but when I replaced him with "Party Atton" he wont appear there. The issue is no walkmesh he has to be spawned with the module to appear there and since "party Atton" is also in the same room (just out of site) scripting inventory over to "generic Atton" wouldn't work because they both have the same "tag".

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Many thanks Stoney, Sbyl2 and HH.


I continue a punctilious canonical progression. I will be a little less on the Net for the two coming months but I would not fail to report all what is obviously a bug and, also, all what I feel somewhat abnormal and even, simply cosmetic.

Edited by ttlan

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Actually not a simple animation, I actually worked on this issue the problem is the "Generic" Atton is used for that cut scene( It's actually the 107PER module not an EbonHawk one) somehow Obsidian got "Atton" to stand in front of the seat to sit down,but when I replaced him with "Party Atton" he wont appear there. The issue is no walkmesh he has to be spawned with the module to appear there and since "party Atton" is also in the same room (just out of site) scripting inventory over to "generic Atton" wouldn't work because they both have the same "tag".

But you can always get the n-th object with the same tag. You can give "generic Atton" an alignment of 100, or the level 1, or the maximum (which is 50?) in the utc, then check for that in the script to determine which atton is which... then just get the head and body gear from "party Atton" to "generic Atton".

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Guest HaVoKeR

Arent there better mods to be done then this? i prefer to make the game balanced and much more harder =p thx to achiles, beancounter and other ai/hardcore mods hehe... btw the best armor for atton the entire game is his default one, unless you manage to pick some pretty bad ass robes... not even jedi master robe is better.

What about this: is there a way to make everything you use in the head disapear? no more freaking ugly masks (with a few exceptions; anyone ever saw a jedi with those head-crap-equip in the movies?) only the characters pretty face. that would be something nice about game "comestic" that you could do ttlan, dont ya think? hehe

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In the genus "harden the game," Atton, like all others, remains at his level entrance into the game as long as he is not seeking to use the Force and become a Jedi, so he will meet, on numerous occasions, opponents increasingly strong. Quickly, an armor well prepared will be better than his original clothing.


If you have well "worked" the search of objects increasing the skills, and if you have properly calculated and balanced the increase in basic skills of your character and Kreia, you are quickly able to make valuable improvements all kinds.


And note that I discovered, years ago, but I've never talk about that, that, in XBox version, you can make duplications of objects at the workbench of Peragus!


There are 3 places where this is possible in the game (and not only 1 as it is said on the Net). This allows to spend several more hours to play with a lot of fun (XBox only).

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Isn't that the Invisible Headgear Mod?


To be fair, it's not listed in the compatibility list anywhere (compatible or otherwise).

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Guest HaVoKeR

let me check this mods, i really needed those... and i think that if their not listened its just because none ever saw it? cosmetic mods usually works with TSLRCM.

Just checked now, its only .mdl and .mdx files, i think they will work...

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