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TSLRCM and the USM patch for 1.6

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Well thanks to Hassat Hunter we have a new USM/TSLRCM patch ready to be tested(yes this time it's going to be tested first ;))

I need a few people to test it out and see if it's working, one request is I need people who have played using USM in the unmodded game so we know it's working the same. As I can't "fix" inherent USM issues basically because I didn't make it and don't have permission to do so.

There were only 2 things that stood out as a problem with combining mods and they were

1) on the return to the Telos underground base it wouldn't switch to HK47 as intended. (needs a test before entering the first time to see if the case shows up and after Atris end to see if switching to HK47 properly)

2)The dialogs wouldn't let party members build their personal Lightsabers.

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Heh, I suppose a link would help here too ;). Or is this a recruiting thread?


Anyways, I took the liberty to fix any and all issues I found in the dialogs, so they might not 100% compare to how it worked in the past, which should be a good thing.

If you found more unfixed typo's or stuff that's not improved do mention though...

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This is a recruit thread.because I already put the patch all together(all files are included) so I'll need to pm the link to people who want to test it.

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Preferably yes but just let me know what mods are intented to be used with it,a lot will be OK to use.

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Count me in. It's been a while since my last playthrough and it's about time that I contributed something other than good will to this project. :)


I'm also very familiar with the USM and its quirks.

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As in sometimes its scripts don't fire and stuff like that? What I'm saying is that I've played the game with it enough that I can probably recognize something like that as a problem with the vanilla mod and not with the patch.


But, then again, I'm just hypothesizing.

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As in sometimes its scripts don't fire and stuff like that? What I'm saying is that I've played the game with it enough that I can probably recognize something like that as a problem with the vanilla mod and not with the patch.


But, then again, I'm just hypothesizing.


Thank's I've sent you a PM with the link.

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I haven't played with the USM mod nearly enough to be able to tell what errors are caused by what so I won't ask to beta test, but I would like to ask when the patch will be released publicly. I'm anxious for its release as I'm waiting to install it before I start my first ever playthrough with the TSLRCM installed.


Also out of curiosity do you have enough beta testers? It doesn't seem like many people are responding to your call.

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OK, I'm just about ready to start testing, and I have a couple of questions regarding the USM. There a number of dialog fixes and the random loot fix as well. Will I need these?


I'm thinking "yes".

Edited by evil q

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There a number of dialog fixes and the random loot fix as well. Will I need these?

Depends what they are.

I am going to assume the dialog fixes are a "no" though. As they kind of would overwrite the work we done and break it all again...

Edited by Hassat Hunter

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OK, I'm just about ready to start testing, and I have a couple of questions regarding the USM. There a number of dialog fixes and the random loot fix as well. Will I need these?


I'm thinking "yes".


I'm pretty sure I had those dialogs when modified so "no" on the dialogs but the random loot should be fine.

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And still it was a broken mess. Well, if you had the proper fixes that is, if not that might explain something.


Still; it should be better now regardless :(.

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Guest saki

I'm little confused here... What's the best way to install random loot for testers?!

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The Coruscant - Jedi Temple Mod is comppatable with TSLRCM, but how is it with the TSLRCM+USM? I want to try something new in Coruscant. xp

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Guest staticjoe66

p1159 it is compatible



The Coruscant - Jedi Temple Mod is comppatable with TSLRCM, but how is it with the TSLRCM+USM? I want to try something new in Coruscant. xp

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The Coruscant - Jedi Temple Mod is comppatable with TSLRCM, but how is it with the TSLRCM+USM? I want to try something new in Coruscant. xp


At the moment USM isn't compatible with TSLRCM so...

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"U" can wait that it become's available, as anybody else, or ask to beta test-it.

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Whew! Glad to see I'm not the only one with the HK-Factory bug. Looking forwards to this patch when it comes out.

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Does anybody know when the patch is coming out? It's been two weeks since the last post and there hasn't much mention of it elsewhere. If its still in beta test and more help is needed, I'm doing a fresh install of Kotor II with TSLRCM anyways.

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