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New Site Coming Soon

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I've been talking a fair bit lately of the forum upgrade - Although to be honest it's more of an overhaul/revamp than an upgrade. I would like to announce that this will happen during December.


An exact date has not been set yet but as the forums will be down for a day or two it will most likely occur close to Christmas day itself, assuming most members will be busy preparing for Christmas, this would be an ideal time as the site will be less busy.


The reason I'm calling this an overhaul rather than upgrade is because not only will the site be powered by different software, there will be numerous new features too. Here is a list of the major additions/changes.


  • New name - When I first started the site, it was for my work and wasn't even a forum at first, I went with [noparse][/noparse] as that was my user name on most forums and my Xbox Live Gamertag (it still is actually).
    As the site is now host for other mods (see below) I feel that it deserves a better name... The name will be announced closer to the time.

  • Mod Hosting - The new site will have better capabilities for people to host their work. There have been talks here about problems at kotor files and requests to make this site something similar to them so that's what I've done.
    In addition to mod hosting, anyone working on a major modification will be given their own dedicated forum for discussion of their work, they can also request a project slot in our bug tracker software (see below) and a sub domain to host a website.

  • Bug Tracker - There's a new and improved bug tracking application built directly into the forums, members will be able to report any bugs they may find and state which version they found them in and add feature requests. The mod authors can change the status of issues at any time, for example if they have been fixed and what version they were/will be fixed in.

  • Chat - The new site has a dedicated IRC server which can be accessed either through the forums, where you will be logged in with your user name or through and IRC client such as chatzilla.

  • Arcade - The new arcade system has plenty more games than the current one. These are currently being installed but I expect there will be over 75 games.


That was just a list of the major changes, there are numerous minor changes too.


We will most likely be needing more staff too, specifically for validating mod uploads and IRC operators. I will make a post when I know for sure how many we may need.


I'll let you know of the exact date of the overhaul at the end of the month, at this time I'll announce the new name too.

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New name - When I first started the site, it was for my work and wasn't even a forum at first, I went with [noparse][/noparse] as that was my user name on most forums and my Xbox Live Gamertag (it still is actually).


I'm split on this matter. On one hand, we know this forum as DeadlyStream and changing something that works doesnt end up being that great. On the other hand, if it's being a host for mods, it might want to be something Kotor related. Just make the name really kickass and we should have no problems. Are you open to suggestions for the new name, Stream?



Mod Hosting - The new site will have better capabilities for people to host their work. There have been talks here about problems at kotor files and requests to make this site something similar to them so that's what I've done.


YES! I mean, I love Kotorfiles, but I seriously wonder if there's anyone alive there anymore...



In addition to mod hosting, anyone working on a major modification will be given their own dedicated forum for discussion of their work, they can also request a project slot in our bug tracker software (see below) and a sub domain to host a website.





Bug Tracker - There's a new and improved bug tracking application built directly into the forums, members will be able to report any bugs they may find and state which version they found them in and add feature requests. The mod authors can change the status of issues at any time, for example if they have been fixed and what version they were/will be fixed in.


Imagine the efficiency! Wow, this is going to be great!


Chat - The new site has a dedicated IRC server which can be accessed either through the forums, where you will be logged in with your user name or through and IRC client such as chatzilla.


OH HELL YES! I love Team Hssiss chat, but DS's own chat server would just be grand!


Arcade - The new arcade system has plenty more games than the current one. These are currently being installed but I expect there will be over 75 games.


Okay, this I'm 'meh' on.



We will most likely be needing more staff too, specifically for validating mod uploads and IRC operators. I will make a post when I know for sure how many we may need.


If I get in, I'd like to be a mod reviewer/validator. I assume there will be some sort of application?

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I'm split on this matter. On one hand, we know this forum as DeadlyStream and changing something that works doesnt end up being that great. On the other hand, if it's being a host for mods, it might want to be something Kotor related. Just make the name really kickass and we should have no problems. Are you open to suggestions for the new name, Stream?


Yeah I'm open, I'll be honest the domain has been registered but at this point in time it's easy to change it.


The new name will cover not just Kotor but most Star Wars games so if we ever wanted to expand or if for some reason the interest in Kotor & TSL was to die we wouldn't be screwed.


YES! I mean, I love Kotorfiles, but I seriously wonder if there's anyone alive there anymore...


As you most likely know, I was staff over there. Earlier on this year I had some major problems at work causing me to work at least 10 hour days, sometimes it went up to 15 hours and I had very little time for online life. At some stage I got taken off of staff which is fair dos. Although on I'm still on the staff page and have the staff position on the forums.



There will be only one rule for the website and that's no forums installed on it.


Of course this will only be available for major mods, not for everything submitted like texture replacements.


Imagine the efficiency! Wow, this is going to be great!


It is a very powerful piece of kit.



OH HELL YES! I love Team Hssiss chat, but DS's own chat server would just be grand!

There are numerous chat applications for the forum software like what Team Hssiss have, including one by Invision themselves. These are much easier to install and run by I felt an IRC server would be better, it's not limited to the forums only that way.


Okay, this I'm 'meh' on.

Me too but there's a few members here who would probably track me down and kill me if we didn't have a decent one available :o.



If I get in, I'd like to be a mod reviewer/validator. I assume there will be some sort of application?


There will be an application process which I'm working on now. I'll announce it in the next few days so it gives time for the chosen members to have a play with the software before we change.

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Me too but there's a few members here who would probably track me down and kill me if we didn't have a decent one available :o.


Well, I may not go as far as assassination....But I would certainly be disgruntled :)


All of this sounds AMAZING!!!

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this sounds pretty good

the only game in the arcade i care about is curveball, all the rest i dont really care about :o

this is one of the best forums i have ever been on :) thank you for such a awsome site

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Does this mean I have to change my password yet again? ;)


No your current password will work.


I've created this thread for you to suggest new names for the site.

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The forum will close down at 5pm (GMT) on Christmas Eve and unless anything goes drastically wrong, it will open up again on Boxing Day running Invision Power Board.


I hope it isn't too early in the day to close it but like most I have a busy evening on Christmas Eve. There's the devil task of wrapping gifts, carol singing in the evening, midnight mass and then of course I have to prepare myself for Santa's arrival, I swear to god I'm gonna catch that old git this year, anyone want in on joyriding in the sleigh? :D


The new software is more or less ready to have the database imported now, just a few minor things to do to it.


I'm still going to be a little busy finishing things off and doing a few test imports so I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas now in case I forget before the forum closes.


Best Wishes



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For us outside the US, when the hell is that?


It's a UK holiday, not US. :D But I do know it's the day after Christmas despite that fact.

Edited by jswartz0181

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The same to you Matt! Merry Christmas in advance, and that goes to everybody!

Edited by MrPhil

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Guest bendarby24

sound grat :)

but i dont like the sound of a new name deadlystreams is alsome :)

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The name won't be changing now all though to be honest I wish it was (I think I'm the only one though).


2 sleeps til Santa

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Will old threads be moved over to the new site?


If not, someone should save the first posts of the most important threads. I nominate the following threads (for starters):

"What's restored in TSLRCM"

"Mod Compatibility List for TSLRCM 1.7"

"TSLRCM 1.7 released"


As long as I'm asking questions, will the posting limit for each post be increasing with the new build?

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Yeah almost everything will be coming over. The only thing that won't will be the arcade scores.


As for the posting limit, honest answer is I'm really not sure what the limit will be. I haven't actually come across that setting in IPB - I'll look for it later and try post an update before I close the forum tonight, I'm now off to finish/more or less start Christmas shopping.

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Got it all done.


Can't believe the luck we had today, parking was a breeze, we went to various places and supermarkets and managed to find a space right away no problems and finding presents was easy as hell.

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