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Canon Galaxy Map for KotOR 1

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Yesterday I decided to start installing mods for a KotOR 1 playthrough I plan to do in the near future and while browsing mods, I realised that no such thing as bead-Vs TSL Galaxy Map Fix exists for KotOR 1.

So I decided to do it myself. It's pretty much my first mod ever but it's going quite well, since it's not really complicated at all. But I still have a few questions.


First of all: Are there any mod planets I should add? And if they exist, could someone send me a galaxymap.gui file with those mods installed?

Side question, that will probably answer itself once I start creating the TSLPatcher installer: Is it correct that TSLPatcher only edits a value if this value exists in the first place?


Second question: Are Telos, the Endar Spire and the Harbinger ever visible on the map?

I'm wondering because I can't remember seeing them, but they exist in the galaxymap.gui file. But it's been some time since I played KotOR, so I might have forgotten them.


Thanks for answering


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It's cool to see that you're working on this particular mod. To answer at least some of your questions, I can find only two planet mods for Kotor1. The first is Ord Mantel l (link at bottom of the page)


The second, Yavin IV;93497

(The moon's surface rather than the station)


Other than that, eventually the upcoming Sleheyron mod'll be released, so it may be ready as well. (No download yet)



I don't know how compatible these mods are with each other (or K1R for that matter), so it may be necessary to have options for each planet as separate install options.



As for the Endar Spire, it gets destroyed before the player has access to the Ebon Hawk and galaxy map (spoilers =p) so it can't be on the galaxy map. You also can't go back to Taris for similar reasons :] .


Additionally, both Telos and the Harbinger are Kotor 2 planets, so you may have the K2 galaxy map file by mistake..



Side note: For reference of the canon planetary position, this thread may help

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What about Brotherhood of Shadows areas like Mandalore's command ship above Malachor V?

Mandalore's ship was just a flashback, with the actual ship most likely destroyed. Going back to that ship would make just as using the galaxy map to return to the endar spire.

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I meant Taris and the Leviathan not Telos and the Harbinger :D

But I still don't think that they ever appear on the galaxy map, yet they are listed inside the gui file.


Thanks for the the mod ideas, I'll check them out.

Is the Yavin IV mod a new planet or does it replace the station?


Oh, and I have the Star Wars Atlas lying right next to me :D


@Sith Holochron:

I thought Brotherhood of Shadows is a total conversion. But if it only adds new planets I'll certainly try to include them.


Edit: Here's a screenshot of what it looks like right now.


Edit2: Ord Mantell and Yavin IV seem to work together, but I did no in-depth analysis, so there might be some bugs. Anyway, Yavin IV doesn't have a planet visible on the map since it uses a shuttle from Yavin station and I think you have to take the shuttle back aswell (couldn't test yet that because I died :blush: ). Ord Mantell is seen on the map but I have no idea how to edit it's position because it's nowhere to be found in the galaxymap.gui file (which isn't even touched by said mod). I'll try to figure that out while I also test Brotherhood of Shadows, but I'll probably release a vanilla version first.

Are all of Brotherhood of Shadows planets available from the start or do I have to play through it's campaign?

And btw: As you might have seen on the screenshot, I also enlarged the planet icons to the same size as in KotOR 2.


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Mandalore's ship was just a flashback, with the actual ship most likely destroyed. Going back to that ship would make just as using the galaxy map to return to the Endar Spire.

Good point.

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I just finished my playthrough of Brotherhood of Shadows: Solomons Revenge and it doesn't add any new planets to the galaxymap.

That means that this mod is now complete until a new planet mod is released :D

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