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Darth Hayze

glowing texture

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You can fake it with a .txi of it with envmaptexture CM_Bright. You would need to edit the alpha layer, so the dark parts in the alpha layer would be what glows the brightest and the white would be less bright.


Bear in mind that this effect glows with a blue hue naturally, so some color correction may be necessary afterward.




Although, the robots' eyes actually have lights in them, I believe.

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Hmm.. I'm sure with a little finagling, you could get the effect you're going for. The downside is that the rest of his texture can't use CM_Baremetal or similar (So no reflective metal).. It's a technique I am familiar with, but it has its limits..

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Bah! I'm trying it out, and it just too bright... I'll let you know if I can get it to work, but if it's possible to just add lights to the model, it will probably be easier and more akin to what you're looking for. That said, I will still keep trying.

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Bah! I'm trying it out, and it just too bright... I'll let you know if I can get it to work, but if it's possible to just add lights to the model, it will probably be easier and more akin to what you're looking for. That said, I will still keep trying.

As far as I know, that's impossible...




There is a way to change some of the ambient and diffuse values on meshes with Hex editing. This would at least give Sion's eye a luminescent glow to it. I'm not sure exactly how much it will "glow" to the extent you might be thinking of but it's worth a shot.


I'd need to get back to you on that but basically you'd need the mdl documentation and a hex editor... and knowing where the values are to change.

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That'll be cool to see Sion w/ a glowing eye like on the box art. Make him seem more dark side-y, I guess.

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I really want to have this, and then edit a version to have hair so that he looks like he did under the name Haazen.

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I really want to have this, and then edit a version to have hair so that he looks like he did under the name Haazen.

Wait, IS Sion really Haazen? I mean, they do share a lot of things, but Wookiepedia says they're two different people.  I'm just a little confused.


But still, I like these ideas. It'd be interesting to see Sion w/ hair.

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I think he is, their backstories are almost identical, and Haazen's relationship with Krynda Draay is the same as the Sion/Traya relationship.

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As far as I know, that's impossible...




There is a way to change some of the ambient and diffuse values on meshes with Hex editing. This would at least give Sion's eye a luminescent glow to it. I'm not sure exactly how much it will "glow" to the extent you might be thinking of but it's worth a shot.


I'd need to get back to you on that but basically you'd need the mdl documentation and a hex editor... and knowing where the values are to change.

I assume model editing tutorials will fill me in on what hex editor to use and the process in general?

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I assume model editing tutorials will fill me in on what hex editor to use and the process in general?

Erm... actually it takes a bit of investigation to figure it out. There is a write up on the mdl format (can't find it right now) and what I do is use a hex editor to search for the texture name. From there, if you read the documentation, you have to do a little math but you can figure out the offset (number of bytes) from the start of the texture name info to the ambient and diffuse values for the mesh.

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Erm... actually it takes a bit of investigation to figure it out. There is a write up on the mdl format (can't find it right now) and what I do is use a hex editor to search for the texture name. From there, if you read the documentation, you have to do a little math but you can figure out the offset (number of bytes) from the start of the texture name info to the ambient and diffuse values for the mesh.

If you find that documentation, please link it for us?

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