
Unable to move after combat

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I've just installed the TSLRCM for the first time, really looking forward to playing it finally. Did a fresh install of the game and got the new 1.8.3. I did get the official patch before installing the mod as well. I'm encountering a problem where any time I engage in combat, when it's over my character can no longer move. If I save and reload the save immediately I can move again, but this will happen again next time I enter combat. I can't really get anywhere like this. Any tips?

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When posting an issue, be able to state with your issue the following information (stolen from a wonderful post by Darth InSidious) . . . which I've amended.


1) When did the problem begin to occur?

2) Did you install the latest version of the mod?

3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version?

4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region?

5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file?

6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided?

7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation?

8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.)

9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen?

10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod?

11) Have you tried using a different save game?

12) Have you tried starting a new game?

This is now a requirement for bug posting. Thank you for your continued patronage.


Yes, I know you answered some of these already but still answer them all. Thank you.

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Sorry about that, I should know better. I was in a hurry.


1) Installed the game, installed the mod, started a new game. The very first time I entered combat with the first droid you fight on Peragus. After it was dead, the controls to have my character walk no longer responded. I could click on an action such as to open a container, and my character would move to it, but I cannot freely control my character's movement after combat has ended.
2) Yes, this happened on 1.8.2 and a new install of 1.8.3
3) US, 4 CD version
4) I manually installed the 1.0b patch before installing the mod
5) This was on a fresh installation of the game
6) I downloaded the mod from this site, ran it and used the installer that came with it
7) No errors
8) No other mods installed
9) After any instance of combat has ended, movement is no longer possible. Every other function works, such as menus, and the keys respond, but I cannot walk with my character. A save and a load will remedy the issue, but the next time I face combat, the issue repeats.
10) Yes
11) Yes
12) Yes

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I made no changes to any files whatsoever. Installed and tried to play, that's it. I will try the V-sync thing now, thanks.

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I actually did not have V-sync on, but turning it on does seem to have solved the issue. I would never have thought that would have anything to do with it. Thank you both for your speedy replies!

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This happens to me occasionally. Switching to another character, the Exile will follow and I regain movement control. I won't swear to it but I think it happens sometimes when I try to move before the end battle music ends. I can't really tell since it hardly ever happens.

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Have this issue only with Bao-Dur - looks like dialogue with him is also broken. Looks like it stucks at battle state. ALso, he will follow to next target if battle mod is stil active, but no actions performed

1) At Korriban, i think
2) Y
3) Steam
4) Just blank steam installation
5) fresh
6) nope
7) nope
8) just TSLRCM
9) after battle Bao-Dur just stand still. Save-load helps until dantooine.
10) nope
11) nope
12) nope

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I have the same issue and it happens after every fight. Fresh installation on Windows 10. Installed via Steam together with TSLRCM (workshop). No other mods installed. VSync is off.


Saving and reloading helps, but I'm at Peragus and there's a lot of battles left to fight on my own before I pick up a team member to try switching. Any tips would be welcome.

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I set the application to run in Administrator mode and XP compatibility mode, but it didn't help.




1) When did the problem begin to occur?

Straight away.

2) Did you install the latest version of the mod?

Via Steam Workshop, so yes.

3) What version of the game do you have? (Steam, 4CD, KotOR Collection?) What region is the game designed for if it's the 4 CD version?


4) Did you update your game as required by your game's region?

Steam is the answer here.

5) Did you install this over the previous version(s), or did you perform a fresh installation as required by the TSLRCM's read-me file?

Nope. Fresh install, first time on a new PC.

6) Did you use the TSLPatcher, if provided?

Used Steam Workshop, didn't see the need to as I only use one mod.

7) Were there any errors in the TSLPatcher installation?


8) What other mods did you have installed? Please give an accurate list and provide links to each of these mods - even if they are found on this site. (We don't actually know them all!.)


9) Can you be more specific about the error? At what point did it happen?

Like OP, straight after a combat sequence.

10) Have you tried re-downloading the mod?


It's not been the '90s for some time now, so IPv6 should do its job. Also, Steam Workshop will have secured a nice stable download for me. I'm not going to explore this route.

11) Have you tried using a different save game?


12) Have you tried starting a new game?


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I switched from 144 mhz back to 60 mhz on a hunch and past experience with weird framerate bugs, but it also did not have any effect. I am out of ideas.

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Coincidentally, I'm helping a friend of mine get into the game, and he reports the same issues under the same conditions. We haven't tried to check Vsync yet, we will later, but he finds that quicksaving and quickloading seems to fix it

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Yeah, I know. Although that's more of an annoying bypass than a real fix.


Hope it can be fixed soon, my vacation time is almost over.

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Ok, here's a clue maybe. It doesn't really seem to happen with melee weapons. Just blasters. Maybe it's an animation issue? Were they modified in some way?


I hadn't noticed because I was going to take lightsaber finesse. So I upped DEX and intended to play with blasters until my first light sabre.


I hope this will help somehow, I really would like this to be sorted out.

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Okay this is just weird. I reached the bit in Peragus where you only play with r2d2. Ranged combat worked fine for him, didn't get locked up after combat. I figured at that point for sure it was an animation issue, because he uses a different animation and all. So then I return to Surik. To be sure, I equip the blaster again and see if I can get her to lock up again.


It suddenly it doesn't happen anymore. I went through a bunch of combat encounters with the blaster only and I didn't get locked up a single time. What the hell.


So, I guess either using the vibro sword for just a bit OR playing the bit with the droid made the issue go away? Damn. There's no guarantee it won't happen again I guess. I'll let you guys know if my little exile gets stuck again. There's got to be some sensibility to this.

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This issue has happened to me since I first started playing the Kotor games. Technically enabling VSync *should fix it, However, I can't be certain, since I always use VSync now, and it could be a coincedence that I haven't seen the issue happen very recently.

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Interesting. My friend started having the issue with T3 and it persisted even when switching back to Exile, using swords

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Yeah for me movement is restricted on Peragus while playing T3 after combat, only with T3. I then have to save and reload and then it works fine. I'm assuming it's because I have the T3 HD mod, or an issue with Darker Peragus. Not too sure, but after playing T3 and going back to the exile everything seems to be fine.

I shall let you know if it happens again with any other character, blaster or melee etc.

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