Kainzorus Prime 206 Posted September 26, 2013 So, I've been eyeing this game for some time now that it went F2P, and having never really touched an MMO before, is it worth playing? I know it doesn't support mods, but that's sorta understandable. I'm curious if the F2P restrictions mentioned on wikia are still in place by now? Or did they change something to not penalize free players, but simply give more stuff to paying people? Also what other restrictions are there besides less cash and slower leveling? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrPhil 58 Posted September 26, 2013 I think it is a big download, "just to try", but if you want to try-it and can afford the bandwidth, do-it. From what I tried, restrictions aren't that bad, they just mean you have to do all the side quests and a little more in order to have the right level. Also, you cannot try all the cool species unless you are ready to pay for-it. All in all, like the game so far, but I do not like that it forces you to interact with other people just to finish some quests, in particular, the [HeroicX] quests. If you are not preferred, you get almost no access to pairing with other players (except direct pairing) and you cannot talk to much on the general chat. So I think it is worth the play, but you can't enjoy the story as much as with other games, unless you get a team to get you where you want, which is a downer for me since for some missions, you cannot choose the answers given, subtracting to the RPG value (in my opinion that is). Also, When you are on a team, you might end-up with people that want to power-play their way to the end of the MP quests, leaving you less time to enjoy the story... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted September 26, 2013 I'd say go for it. Can't beat the price - free. Here's my suggestion, try out one storyline. If you like it, you've made your decision. If you don't like it, uninstall the sucker and you at least have your answer. If you're going to use a server in North America, I'd suggest going on Jedi Covenant. (I can use the in-game email system to send items for your character that way.) If you're going to use a server in Europe, I'd suggest going on Red Eclipse. I'm on there too - as well as many other Deadly Stream folks. And like before, I'll send items your way. If you use one of those servers, let me know what type of character it is and what the character's name is. Empire can't email Republic and vice versa - but there are ways around that. I personally think the Trooper storyline is the weakest so I wouldn't use that one first. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kainzorus Prime 206 Posted September 26, 2013 Cool. I'll pop up on Red Eclipse sometime, when life's a little less hectic than now. Another two questions, which species are locked for free people, and how's the traction for beginners such as yours truly. Would I be able to level to a medium-decent level at a reasonable pace? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mandalore 61 Posted September 26, 2013 I think this is an accurate list of what species you can choose from as F2P: Jedi Knight – Human, ZabrakJedi Consular – Human, ZabrakSmuggler – Human, Zabrak, CyborgTrooper – Human, Zabrak, Cyborg Sith Warrior – Human, Zabrak, CyborgSith Inquisitor – Human, ZabrakAgent – Human, Zabrak, CyborgBounty Hunter – Human, Zabrak, Cyborg As far as levelling goes, you'll need to do *every* side-quest, plus going solo on the 2-person Heroic missions (easier than it sounds) if you want to get to a decent level for your class storyline quests. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 26, 2013 Not really, XP leveling goes faster than that, and XP-boosters are given like candy nowadays. It's very easy and fast to level as F2P, the XP-balance is WAY better than for subs. As for F2P, you can still unlock other species you want on the GTN, of course, that would be for second chars. I would suggest doing a Human character first, since the +100 presence boost at lvl 50 really helps for all your next characters and for it's endgame itself... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kyrie 18 Posted September 26, 2013 I had a level 20 character in less than a week with F2P, then went sub and my new character is already level 25 and I play only a couple times a week. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JK JA's Jaden Korr 30 Posted September 28, 2013 I am F2P and I buy almost every Sub unlock on GTN... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites