Hassat Hunter

1.8.3 preview?

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Worked 3 hours yesterday trying a fix, no luck... was decided to scrap it.

Logged into LucasForums today, saw a suggestion by JCarter426 how to try it differently, spend around 15m scripting it all up... and it worked flawlessly :/


Still glad I got some expert modders helping me to make TSLRCM even better, but it was just such a head to the wall slap realisation.


Anyway, Bao-Dur will now have his Remote if he's groupleader for the Dxun Tomb. One more bug DOWN!

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That's great news! I didn't even know this bug existed, but it's great to hear it's fixed. 





One question. Is the TSLRCM release working on compatibility patches with other mods, or is that at the modder's own discretion?

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Kandosii is a general word effectively meaning "awesome" - it literally translates to "ruthless", which is why the Kandosii-class dreadnought was named as such.

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HH, I don't see in that changelog a fix for Atton turning around against his pilot seat during the escape from Peragus.

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Just out of curiosity, about how much of the TSLRCM 1.8.2 compatibility list will also work for 1.8.3?

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I suppose around 95%?

Really just throwing random numbers around here.

A few would conflict, but not that many more than 1.8.2.

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Is there any plan to restore the missing dialogue branch with Kavar on Onderon where the exile tell him she(or he) saw a holographic recording of her(his) trial?


It's in the file but can't be access. Always though that was strange you can ask that question to every other Jedi Masters but not Kavar.

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I only knew of one with Vrook. I actually *had* that convo with Kavar.


Looking at the file, it is also triggerable. Tricky thing is, it's removed from your questionlist if you ask about Telos.

Considering I see no apparent correlation between those 2 (and pretty sure there aint) I moved that removal from asking about Telos to asking about your holorecording.


Thanks for reporting!

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Conversation with Tobin on Ravager

There is alternative line that should trigger if Player sides with Vaklu. But it never plays.


"Have you come... to kill me? You Jedi are masters of cruelty... letting me take back my home... only to die here, far from Onderon."

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I stumble across some old info about cut content and found parts that missing on "what's restored" list 

*Visas and Handmaiden go at each other. In vishand in 003 the audio makes an obvious change to a "winded" sound for both Visas and the Handmaiden as if they have just exchanged blows. The dialog itself supports this theory.

*Handmaiden's Own Volition - Handmaiden claims she is joining you against the wishes of Atris and her sisters in her first appearance on the Hawk.

*Helping or not helping Atris was supposed to have an effect on cutscenes when leaving the polar academy.

*A Bounty for Vrook - Originally, the player could capture Master Vrook and Azkul would send him to Nar Shaddaa.

*Kreia's Premonition - On the first entrance to Nar Shaddaa if Kreia is in party she will stop and look around as though anticipating the troubles to come on the planet.


I wonder is there any chance that some of this would be restored in 1.8.3.?

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* Already in 1.8.2.

* Alternative... can be seen using the Handmaiden for females mod I made ;) (where it uses that for females)

* I'll look at that, not sure if that's true.

* Untrue. This was based on lines which are actually ingame, but misinterpreted. What was planned is all in game (from vanilla on).

* Not quite sure what it means, but will look at that, see if there's anything there on which they based that on...


Hell, 1.8.3 will never get done if my to-do list keeps increasing rather than shrinking :P

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* Already in 1.8.2.

That probably means that their fight wasn't only verbal, if i recall correctly in TSLRP they actually fought with vibroblades.  :sword:  :zoro:


 Not quite sure what it means, but will look at that, see if there's anything there on which they based that on...

Presumably KREIA.dlg should trigger somewhere on the beginning of first Nar Shaddaa level.



* Untrue. This was based on lines which are actually ingame, but misinterpretated. What was planned is all ingame (from vanilla on).

{ALTERNATE VO, may be cut---Player has defeated Vrook, but he still lives}Ah! Curse you, dark Jedi!

Azkul: Good. This Jedi will fetch a good bounty. Master Vrook will soon be enjoying the hospitality of Nar Shaddaa.
Wasn't that means that player originally could spare Vrook and leave him at the Azkul's merсy?

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* Check Malachor.

* There is nothing in kreia.dlg about Nar Shaddaa *at all*. So it's another file in 301, if not someone just erroring.

* Ah. Not the lockup in cave, freeing then. Yeah, I suppose it could be added, but I don't think it really fits Kreia's plans if Vrook is still around, and there's nothing more to resolve that, so it's better left as is.

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Found it, kreiare.dlg;

{[Gameplay Programmer: When the player walks into 301, cut to a scene of Kreia walking behind the player, then stops, as if listening to something. The player should turn, look at Kreia.]}


Seems a lot of additional work for little benefit, so not putting it on my to-do list...

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* It's different. It's more like sparring than the actual fight. They exchanged several blows at the first 2-3 lines.

* Highly doubtful that he will live long. Exchange probably execute him.

Well, adding this creates additional work.


1)Azkul should increase player's reward for capturing Vrook.
2)Player won't receive any force point since he/she didn't drain Vrook. (although I couldn't find any information about that part. Is played don't drain Vrook?
Or he/she do drain him but Vrook survives and it's up to player to determine his fate)
3)Add journal's note that Vrook won't last long on Nar Shaddaa.
Found it, kreiare.dlg;

A little script maybe. That will trigger that conversation if Kreia is in the party.

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If only was that easy. Pretty much everything is missing from that .dlg, so the Kreia stop, player looks, Kreia frowns has to be manually added.

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