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Hassat Hunter

Calling out all Red Eclipse Players!

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10m? 20m tops. They don't take that long. Travelling inbetween adds up though.

And I really never did the math.

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Hmm, well guess I'll put my quick traveling to good use then. I was just worried that they would be like the heroics with the killiks I'm currently doing on Alderaan. They took almost an hour, and there were just three of them in a fairly small area, you didn't really have to run around the map. They took almost an hour, although it may have been because it was just me and a shadow I found in the same area. Anyway, thanks for all the info. It didn't clear everything, but it's still useful.

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Hello all, damn has been some time since I was last here. Anyway my Sith Sorcerer is now level 45 and soon going to start Belsavis, just have to do Alderaan bonus(for some gear ^^) and then on with the class story. I am thinking of starting a Trooper or smuggler soon which of the two do you people advise me to choose? I care the most about the story so any advice would be nice. And please no spoilers just how you experienced it if its possible. Thanks :D

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Tough question. I haven't really played with my smuggler a lot, but from what I saw his story is not bad. It doesn't affect the planet you're on, like with the other classes, at least until Coruscant, I don't know what happens after that. He gets a lot of funny responses, no matter how you play the class. Well, if you try to be a twisted money-comes-first guy I guess you won't get a lot of funny responses but that's another thing.


On the other side, the trooper story is pretty much like Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Commando" and Kurt Russel's "Soldier", but you talk more. It has some some unexpected stuff in it, especially in the beginning, but after that it sort of slows down, at least until the end of Act 1 (I don't know what happens after that but I doubt there'll be big changes. I could be wrong though.). You're not a smart ass like the smuggler, but you're not imma-blow-this-stuff-and-kill-everybody kind of guy/girl, unless you choose to be.

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10m? 20m tops.

10 minutes? What?

Black Hole seems to be the fastest and it takes ~20 minutes without a heroic. Ilum and Section X are longer. There's also a daily flashpoint which takes... well, it's a random one so depends on which one you get.



Also, how many creds do you receive per planet?


I don't know per planet, but it's not hard to get ~300k in a day (and that's nearly credits cap for preferred status player).




Oh, and you guys do weeklies, right? Can you give me info on them too?


There's a weekly in Black Hole and Section X, which is just "do all quests in this area" - so basically, you'll get more credits for completing it once a week. There's also a weekly "finish 3 flashpoints" - just do a daily one 3 times a week and you'll complete it.

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10m per quest. 20m for the whole of BH might be a bit too optimistic. Half an hour? Still without H4 of course.

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So I should prepare for at least a hour and a half of questing. Well, that's not much. Anyway, I've been thinking - what if I don't sub at 50 and just do my dailies? Sure, I'll be able to use only 200k credits, but I won't need the best gear for those quests. I should do fine with blue mods. The credits from the dailies will just keep on stacking and when I get enough, around 5-6 million, I'll sub and spend them all on unlocks. I'll try to find a guild to do the heroics with and to help with the cartel shop, although with Makeb coming in a couple of days that may be a problem. If I don't find one, I'll just depend on my luck or try to find somebody willing to help me via the forums and general chat. So what do you say, do I have a chance of succeeding?

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Yeah, can work.

Although 6 million in escrow is a LOT. Then again, I always spend it on unlocks, pets, weekly passes etc., so might have gotten it too if not :D


(doing dailies so must is rather boring, but if you can, more power to you)

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Maybe it's because you only buy character unlocks. Account unlocks are a whole other thing.

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Got 3 account unlocks now (legacy, titles and event items). Going for many more :D.

An artifact would be best of course XD

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True. I even saw one that had a fairly reasonable price - around 5 million - on the GTN, but that was a couple of days ago.

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That's not a fair price. They're usually around 2 million. I got one for 900K.

Of course it was bugged and BioWare only funded me a character instead of account unlock, but that's another story entirely...

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20m for the whole of BH might be a bit too optimistic. Half an hour? Still without H4 of course.

Last time I did it it took me ~25 minutes, so I think 20 might be doable. Of course, that's without a heroic.

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Someone sold a Section X unlock for 100K on the GTN. Of course grabbed it, even if I already unlocked it.

Now which alt can use it? :D

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I've always wondered how would a peaceful jedi consular would react to the killing nature of HK-51. The different classes do get different dialogues with him, right? It'll be pretty stupid if they don't.

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We need more zbylvideo's here... keep em coming.


Also, somehow, with 2.0 out, I feel less interested in TOR than I was before. Not necessarily a bad thing though...

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I had to split HK-51 video to two parts because it was so long... Part 1 is ready for upload, but I still need to put together part 2. It'll be up soon!

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So, how's Makeb guys? Yesterday, the mail and the GTN on The Red Eclipse were practically unusuable, they were slow as hell. Also, there were only 30 people on the fleet and, even though there were three instances, I doubt there were many people there. Makeb must have been a gold rush.

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Dunno, don't have the x-pack


And what you saw was because there (yay) was another setback. Pretty much everyone got kicked.

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Zbyl And Hassat on an epic quest to get HK-51!


Part 1:




Part 2:



(if either video is unavailable, just wait few minutes for youtube process it)



What time was the yesterday rollback? It's first I hear about it.

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Around 20:30 or so.

Fortunaly just BEFORE we started the operation.



34min + 9min... looong :D



Can finally watch the holologs I missed due to bugs though.



Now you just need to record all the other HK-51 convos on the ship :D

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I'll record other HK-51 convos... after I unlock them. I don't even know what gifts HK likes.

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Are all his convos the same, no matter what class you are, or are they different? Btw does he interact with the other companions or does he say something about them? I get the feeling HK and M1-4X will get along pretty nicely, after all they both love to shoot people.

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It's TOR... no characters even interact with another.


And he just commented on that he generally kills Republicans so feels a bit weird following me. So I guess there will be some lines that vary, but probably not all convo's are 'unique'...


(HK-51 likes weapons, obviously ;). Yay, even more weapons after the entire freaking Sith Warrior crew. Hopefully the trooper got better requests for goods)

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(Sorry about the long reply, had a lot of work in school)

No companion interactions? Not even at later stages? Man, this sucks. I really hoped for M1-4X and HK to have a little chat about C2-N2's non-pew pew nature.

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