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Hassat Hunter

Calling out all Red Eclipse Players!

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I think only the sith warrior gets some companion interaction (spoiler ahead) - if you're light side and Jaesa is also light side, you will get a convo with her about her wanting to help some light sided sith. However, Pierce shows up, says he's heard you're talking about and demands an explanation. I don't remember a lot after that, only that you could have told him how you're going to kill them or something like that, tell Jaesa to explain it to him or tell him to shut up and get lost. (spoiler ends, the rest is common knowledge) You also get companion interaction if you flirt with both Vette and dark side Jaesa. The smuggler and the agent should get something like that too, since they can romance both their female companions.

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I did the Jaesa/Vette thing, and nope, no interaction between them what-so-ever.

I dumped one for the other right after marrying her... no problem.



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Imperial Agent gets this sort of "companion interaction" too, where you talk to one companion, but another appears in a cut-scene. There's not much of it though.

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Funny thing is KotOR 2 is both better and worse than KotOR 1 in terms of party member interaction. It's better because you see them talking to each other every time you enter your ship (I remember entering the Hawk, watching a conversation between them, the exiting and repeating the process) but it's worse because if you are light sided you can max out your influence and hear their life story in less than 20 minutes. I mean, you just met this guy/gal and after 20 minutes you know their life story and they want you to train them as a jedi. Only the droids, Mandalore, Kreia and Atton take more time to please.

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Hey folks! I'll be glad to play with you :) Whisper me and add to friend list!


On Republic Side:

Jyon (Sentinel)

Utana (Shadow)


On Imperial Side:

Delator (Sorcerer)

Goros (Juggernaut)

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