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HK-50 : "Activate the mines, and prime the self-destruct sequences."

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Before entering this in the "Scenes that need improvement?" thread :


After leaving the underground base, the shuttle is knocked down by a missile fired by a HK-50.


He says


"Field Assessment: I have picked up the heat forms of the Jedi and his allies. Activate the mines, and prime the self-destruct sequences. "



" Activate the mines, and prime the self-destruct sequences." has no sens here, in my point of view.


So I am not sure we have to use the StrRef 117987 in this conversation.


Somebody has an other idea?



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Also, the same sentence is written 4 times. The first one, sayd by HK-50, the 3 others, by the Plateau !


I have already talk about this bug on the previous board.





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Yeah, that's to keep the line subtitled with the camera moves (otherwise it would be gone long before the VO is done).

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Precisely at this point, where do you indicate the duration of a dialog option, and how?


With DlgEdit, in dialogues, there is a time box, but this does not affect the length, either before, during, or after (or I do not know how to use it).


If I had to develop this kind of script, I would say, a priori, that Lips is a good place (the good place) to indicate that duration. But what about for events not related to an dialog option?



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Why not just actually have the HK-50s activate the mines and prime the self destruct sequences? That would fix the inconsistency.

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What mines?

Anyway, I rather delete the line, considering the difficulty there is inconsistent as it is. One time the HK's kill you in no time, the other time vice-versa. Mines and self-destruction really wouldn't help this.

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The ones you'd have to add to the scene.


I don't particularly care about the difficulty, one can always reload a save and try again. What I care about is dialog and gameplay being consistent, otherwise the game looks buggy or unfinished. So, either adding what they are talking about, or removing that line, would work fine. Though adding > removing in my book.


Also, your avatar has something hypnotic about it, I just spent half a minute staring at it for no good reason. :P What -is- that thing?

Edited by Markus Ramikin

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In this case I vote for deletion of the line though. But that's just me.


And I guess you never played Baldur's Gate II then? Or Dungeons & Dragons (2nd edition)?

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Yeah, that's to keep the line subtitled with the camera moves (otherwise it would be gone long before the VO is done).

Actually, a function exists for such cases that allows switching the camera angles by script.. The script would be really easy to build, but I can do it if you don't want to... you'd just have to get me some details from the .dlg...


As for the line, it was recorded for a reason, and since it mentions mines and self destruction, I think it's probably because they were meant to be there.

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So are many others that are not run in the game (Traya-Atris being a prime example) and still wont be with TSLRCM.


Actually we already took out the "Not my fault this time" line by Atton that run there as well in 1.0, don't see why we can't do the same with this if it makes no sense. Also solves the issue that there is no "her" variation so the Exile is always identified as male.

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There is no proof of any "Atris as Traya" content in the game.. Until I see/hear some real proof (Obsidian or something), there's no reason for me not to doubt this was ever meant to be the case at all.


The line can be made to make sense, it's CUT content right?


About there being only the male version, maybe we can edit the VO, or in the worst case just leave it out for females...


Oh, will you be fixing the 4 times written sentence?

Edited by bead-v

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"The Crash - Atton is supposed to say a few lines as the shuttle from Citadel Station plummets into the ground. When the shuttle crashes again at the Ice Plateau, Atton makes it known that it wasn't his fault." from the sticky. It's actually listed as [R] even if we took it out again.


The lines are:

231231sentry001: "Oof. If we have come down any faster, we could have hit that shield wall. Good thing I am such a crack pilot, eh?" (actually, we probably could work this in, not sure why it ain't. Not at the start as it should though since Atton is still passed out.).

231231sentry006 is interesting too: "And I can't see Jano Lorso having us shot down in a shuttle she gave us by a bunch of scientists"... I don't think it's used right?

231231sentry007: "Damn that Corun Falt. He probably wanted to see if he could tie up some loose ends. Less people to ask questions"... doesn't make sense in the context of the game as is, even if the mercs at the console mention Falt too.

231231sentry008 (Kreia): "I did not sense that was intention. Something else is at work here."

231231sentry009: "Hey, why not? Seems like a good day for a hike." (used?)

231231sentry011 (Bao-Dur): "Hey, you there. I am coming over. Don't worry, I am unarmed." (doesn't make sense for the game)

231231sentry012 (Bao-Dur): "My name's Bao-Dur. I saw your ship go down."

231231sentry015 (Bao-Dur): "This restoration zone has some... underground and partially intact. Czerka brought in mercenaries and installed that cannon to protect their interests here" (sounds like a word is missing)

231231sentry016 (Bao-Dur): "I made a deal with Czerka to breach the force field protecting the ruins. In return they were return control of all other RZ's to the Ithorians."

231231sentry017 (Bao-Dur): "When I finished the job, Czerka decided I was a security risk. They reneged on their deal, and imprisoned me, awaiting word from Jana Lorso on whether to free or kill me."

231231sentry024 (Bao-Dur): "What are you doing here? Only Czerka can land in RZ 0031 legally, and they wouldn't shoot their own ship down."

231231sentry025 (Bao-Dur): "Got it, why did he send you?" (seems like Bao was unknown to the Exile in an early version of TSL)

231231sentry032 (Atton): "Just the trouble we need. Some crazy Zabrak with a squad of mercs on his tail."

231231sentry033 (Bao-Dur): "What? Can't handle a few mercs? Don't worry, I can do the heavy lifting." (The last 2 are actually in-game. One learns something new each day. There is a broken computer check though I found, so I probably fix that for 1.7 (and see if I can fix Kreia's stand up animation glitching).)


And scene #2 (or before actually, but alphabetically lower wink.gif):

231ATTONCUT001: "Everyone hold on tight, we should be putting down in a few seconds."

231ATTONCUT001: "Hang onto something, this is about to get rough real fast."

Most probably they were supposed to run between the .bik's, which is the reason they are so many seperate movies instead of one big one.


And the plateau:

261ATTONCUT001: "Well, this can't be any worse than last time."

261ATTONCUT002: "So that's the hole in the shield network, huh. Doesn't look like much to me."

261ATTONCUT003: "You've got to be kidding me, it's not my fault."

Edited by Sith Holocron

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