morninboner 4 Posted November 28, 2012 Dude your grid mod just so freaking awesome 0.0 when I played this game for the first time I couldnt even imagine that someone could do something like this... well even when I downloaded 1.8 patch month ago I never thought that someone could change textures so professionally... you just... boss =) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted November 28, 2012 It was asked about or mentioned at some point, but yes. I'm wondering though, should I have it appear always like this(i.e it appears like this everywhere), or only on the planets I've chosen to do? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShinDangaioh 12 Posted December 9, 2012 It was asked about or mentioned at some point, but yes. I'm wondering though, should I have it appear always like this(i.e it appears like this everywhere), or only on the planets I've chosen to do? Leave the Ebon Hawk in its Tron state evreywhere. If you ever do the palace on Onderon, purpule would work. Are you going to tackle KOTOR 1? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted December 9, 2012 If you ever do the palace on Onderon, purpule would work. The only problem with Onderon, is the same with Korriban or Dantooine. All three areas are rather bright, at least more so than the areas I've already done. Although, like I did with Korriban, I might just try doing Onderon anyway, since, well, Why not? Only I should probably show off a few shots, since I didn't show any for Korriban(which I don't think I'll finish). I was thinking of purple for that planet, which is similar to the Iso City in Tron Evolution Are you going to tackle KOTOR 1? I have been thinking of doing small stuff for K1, but not likely doing entire areas for it. There already is the Visual Enhancement mods by Xarwarz, and some of the areas have a similar look. This aside, I think I've stumbled on a certain, issue. Not with the mod, but with my graphic's card. I've had a different card for some time, and recently, I've gotten it to work. The game looks much better, but the problem is that, for the areas I've done these reskins, the game lags something horrible, save for the Ebon Hawk and Nar Shaddaa. I think it might have something to do with the CM_Bright effect I've put on some of the "lights", which I think didn't work the same way on my previous card(it would keep the texture bright, but not act as an actual light). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted December 10, 2012 So, I believe I've found what my issue is. It seems to be the shine effects on some of the textures, and the problem isn't exactly the effects themselves, but it seems to be the use of "new" textures that I made, which might not affect every texture that uses the effect, but if the shine is almost everywhere in the area, then it lags the game(to the point where I can barely move the character). It is odd, since the game itself says my specs exceed what the game recommends. Anyway, I have to look at this a bit more, but there is something interesting going on with this new card. Know that I did almost nothing to make this happen. Also, I've been doing some work on the skins for the HK droids, and here is HK50: Needs a bit more work, and at this point he looks a bit too similar to HK47, so I'll have to work on that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted December 11, 2012 Okay, I think I am sold on this. I did little to nothing to change the lighting the the area, and believe me, save for the cantina shots being a little dark, the rest are exactly like it appears in game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 511 Posted December 12, 2012 Okay, I think I am sold on this. I did little to nothing to change the lighting the the area, and believe me, save for the cantina shots being a little dark, the rest are exactly like it appears in game. o_O Wow! Can't wait for the uniforms! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted January 29, 2013 I can't say I have done very much recently, save for starting to edit the loading screens for Telos and Nar Shaddaa. For Onderon, I did the uniforms a while ago, and the module itself is pretty much done. The only real problem is that, the method used for the background buildings(easily seen in the docking bay), it's done with two images, made to look like it's modeled, but it's likely the same as what BioWare did for the spectators in the Taris Duels, and many of those present in the background for each of the game's endings. Nothing I can't work around though. T3-M4 The expectation might be that T3 is completely lightsided. But since he can depend on influence for his alignment, and with the obvious that I can't do DS/LS skins that the game can do for Droids, I went with white lines for him. It could be said that he looks a bit too shiny here, although I have changed the alpha channel to be a bit more like what is in K1. I have also done similar skins for the other Astromech droids in the game, although they have the standard blue lines. Vaklu/Tobin Onderon Soldier Although it doesn't look like much, one thing to note is the eyes. In some ways it doesn't fit(at least not for the NPC in question), but the idea behind it is that, these soldiers would not have much else they do, it somewhat goes along with the "Primitive Functions" of the Tron Universe. Eye texture provided by Darth_Sapiens. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth_Sapiens 92 Posted February 1, 2013 where did i do the eye texture ? XD it looks great but i forgot where i did that lololol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted February 1, 2013 where did i do the eye texture ? XD it looks great but i forgot where i did that lololol. You sent me a nice texture a while ago, and I just resized it to fit the eyes of the soldiers here, and gave it a color to match the uniforms. I've also done the same thing for Luxa, but the problem with her is that I don't really like what I've done with her body texture just yet, at least concerning the line pattern. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted May 5, 2013 Hmm...a bit dusty in here. Anyway... Once again, I cannot say I've done much, although I have a few things done, and there is the fact that Onderon is close to release, as I only have to finish up the loading screens. I've made a few changes to Telos as well, those being as follows: -Fixed Shader Effects.-Changed Advertisement(Twi'lek Dancer) [if I have to, I might simply replace this with something. It doesn't look too bad, although there is the problem of getting the positioning right, which I might have sorted out]-Added appropriate images and effects to Telos loading screens(not completed just yet, but will be soon)-Added textures from Quanon's "Telos Citadel Station Skybox" mod, and edited them to fit the mod's theme.(Appropriate credits will be in the mod's readme, and in the "Kernel" version of Telos as well) Also of note is the fact that I've completely reinstalled the game, with TSLRCM 1.8.2 and the M4-78 Expansion project. This does mean that I can work much more on editing the droid planet textures, although from my perusal of these textures, they might just replace files that the EP adds to the override, so I'll have to not only back them up myself, but recommend doing so in the readme. Obvious, but still. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 511 Posted May 5, 2013 where did i do the eye texture ? XD it looks great but i forgot where i did that lololol. I think I gave it to Rtas in the chat room at wikia. Assuming the texture originally looked like this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted May 5, 2013 I think I gave it to Rtas in the chat room at wikia. Assuming the texture originally looked like this. Whoops. Though I didn't make the readme for the Npc pack yet(and I really don't know when I'll decide on releasing that one), so no real problems there. But yes, that would be it. Oh, and Darth_Sapiens knows about it, but I've been doing a "Grid" reskin for his Goto Overhaul mod. I'll post some screenshots here when I can, as I haven't played too far into the game just yet(just before the fight with HK-50 on Peragus). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 5, 2013 Darth_Sapiens knows about it, but I've been doing a "Grid" reskin for his Goto Overhaul mod. I'll post some screenshots here when I can, as I haven't played too far into the game just yet(just before the fight with HK-50 on Peragus). As I've been looking forward to see his version of G0-T0 have glowing eyes, I am looking forward to seeing some screenshots of that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted May 5, 2013 As I've been looking forward to see his version of G0-T0 have glowing eyes, I am looking forward to seeing some screenshots of that. I don't know if DS plans on adding any kind of eyes, but the head model doesn't really have any at present. Also, it might've been figured out already, but here is a translation for the Aurebesh text in some of the Telos Textures(at least what I added). Telos Monitor(TEL_MON2) Peragus Explosion? The TSF has yet to comment, but it seems that the Mining Station is out of contact, and has been for the last several days. A investigation into this has not yet released details. Onderon faces political tension, General Vaklu taking stabs at Queen Talia, citing her incompetence as a ruler. Expeditions to explore the ruins of the Sith Academy on Korriban have ended, mostly due to the explorers going missing. Dantooine - No news. Narr Shaddaa - The planet has become a hotbed for bounty hunters, most of them after the large reward for Jedi. It is unknown if any have been found as of this posting. Eh...well, there is one other that I added such text to, but that's on a sign placeable, and I obviously haven't released that one yet(and it's a bit more of a joke). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth_Sapiens 92 Posted May 7, 2013 I don't know if DS plans on adding any kind of eyes, but the head model doesn't really have any at present. Well, the "visor" part is going to be the eyes, it's in the works ATM, I'm just not the best with 3d yet, the problem is getting them to glow while the rest of the model shines, I'm pretty sure the force mask item in game uses a modifier on the mesh to glow without an environment map, just figuring it out now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 7, 2013 RV, you really ought to try to track down the game "Tron 2.0" as I think it might give you some nice ideas for future installments. But don't take my word for it: these 7 pictures should say it more eloquently than I could. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted May 7, 2013 RV, you really ought to try to track down the game "Tron 2.0" as I think it might give you some nice ideas for future installments. But don't take my word for it: these 7 pictures should say it more eloquently than I could. Hmm...i think I might've had a demo of that before, although I never played it. Might look into it now. Anyway... Although I do have an update, my problem with posting it, is that in trying to add the images, I get this message upon tying to either add the reply, or simply preview it. You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. Tried the first time with the usual png files, and then again after I converted them to jpg. Both the same thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 7, 2013 The stuff that I have on Photobucket that I link to here on the forums is usually in BMP format. However, when I upload a mod to the Downloads section, it won't accept BMP files on that part of the site. It's odd. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted May 7, 2013 The stuff that I have on Photobucket that I link to here on the forums is usually in BMP format. However, when I upload a mod to the Downloads section, it won't accept BMP files on that part of the site. It's odd. I've linked png images before, and had no problems. Most of the images I've uploaded for my mods are also in that format, though something might have changed because of the site upgrade, although I don't know why there would be such a limit. I'll try bmp and reupload the images. I find myself with a certain degree of trepidation, and yet, I have still jumped head first into doing this. But first... As said above, I've edited the skins for Darth Sapiens' "Goto Overhaul" mod, the changes made to fit my "Grid" mod. I will certainly make changes if there is a need, but well, here it is...hmm...perhaps I should've brightened these...or take them in the Landing Arm, if not after the radiation is dealt with... I've also edited his weapon. Not very much, just enough to fit the theme(the model and uti files are unchanged). And of course, as some of the above shots suggest, M4-78. In truth, I haven't done very much, mostly because it seems a few new textures were made for the Expansion project, and I am really not sure if I can just up and edit them, and release them in my own mod. If it would be okay, I would certainly give credit, and I'm thinking that, using this skin for M4-78 will require the Expansion Project, since without it one wouldn't see the textures anyway, and while it might be possible to use them with Stoney's original M4-78(at least the vanilla textures anyway), I'm not sure if there is much of a point with the EP's release. I haven't taken too many shots, mostly since again, I'm only focusing on doing the vanilla textures(at least until there is the okay to use the ones provided in the EP). IS-24(That is the name of the first Archon visited in the course of the story, right?) ES-05 M4-78 And lastly, for the moment, is something else I had to idea to do. Most of the standard armors, save for Malak's, will be the obvious blue lines. The one in the shot is a custom armor, which means I'll have to decide on placement. The custom armors will depend on alignment and class, matching the clothing options I posted about previously. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted May 7, 2013 Please PM Zbyl and I about the textures you were concerned about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darth_Sapiens 92 Posted May 7, 2013 wow, g0t0 looks awesome. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhaboka 92 Posted May 8, 2013 "Doc, you mean this sucker's nuclear!?" Nice work! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 511 Posted May 8, 2013 "Doc, you mean this sucker's nuclear!?" Heheheheeee!!! Thanks for the olde times' laugh Zhaboka! Really enjoyed those movies! Back to the Future FTW! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rtas Vadum 17 Posted May 11, 2013 So it seems like as far as M4-78 goes, there are only a few textures that I might need to edit that aren't vanilla, although I'm still not exactly sure. This isn't including the new droid skins, as most of the ones used on the droid planet, I've already done, at least those that are vanilla. The only vanilla droid skin that I haven't touched yet, would be the "mover" droids, since the Cleaning droids I have, although it doesn't seem to have had an effect in game(the skin for those droids would be N_astromech02, isn't it?). Save for filling much of the area out, not much else has been done. However, there is a certain texture that I really wasn't so fond of. So what did I do? Almost completely replace it. (referring to the scrolling texture behind M4-78, and at least in game, the cylinder around the archon) I did try making the graphic's lines appear more obvious, and it certainly is in game. Still, it does appear a bit more faint, thought it can still be seen. It is used for all three archons, their colors kept. Might have to work with it a bit more though. Also, save for T3, I haven't shown off any of the party member reskins. So, here is the handmaiden. Hmm...maybe I should crop that...anyway. I might have to make a few edits, mostly changing the lines on her gloves(given how close they are at present), and thinning the lines at the top of her boots a bit. Thoughts? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites