
G0-T0 Overhaul

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here are screens for the no cape version


You know, while I like the cape as a design, I think the no-cape version is more "G0T0". Still it'd be a shame to go through all of the effort to rig it and not use it. I still think having an option would be a good idea.


lol i am doing this all on my netbook (only computer i have), its an AO722-0828, video recording is a no go while playing games, mind you if i got some beta testers, id certainly allow them to do so.

Indeed. Well, it would be interesting to see.




Holy Crap! Where'd SHE come from?!

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Your latest pictures just reminded me of a question I had: What will the avatar picture for G0-T0 look like?


there ya go, nothing special really.

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You know, while I like the cape as a design, I think the no-cape version is more "G0T0". Still it'd be a shame to go through all of the effort to rig it and not use it. I still think having an option would be a good idea.



Indeed. Well, it would be interesting to see.




Holy Crap! Where'd SHE come from?!

NOT impressed XD

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NOT impressed XD


You or her? :eek:





But, seriously folks, the profile pic looks fine. I just wonder though, isn't this G0T0 supposed to have glowing eyes or something?

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You or her? :eek:

LOL - it's an Olympic meme.

Oh and with the eyes, it was ether go shine, or glow, i went shine, because I'm pretty sure you cant have two envmaps on a texture.

Edited by Sith Holocron

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LOL - it's an Olympic meme.

Oh and with the eyes, it was ether go shine, or glow, i went shine, because I'm pretty sure you cant have two envmaps on a texture.


Indeed, you cannot. If you want to have a model both shine(if it is supposed to be metal, leather, etc), and have a glowing area(eyes, lights, etc), then you would need to have two textures.


Also, I can't say that I have any problems with the cape. Given that the personality G0-T0 has adapted seems to have quite the ego, I'd say it fits.

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Indeed, you cannot. If you want to have a model both shine(if it is supposed to be metal, leather, etc), and have a glowing area(eyes, lights, etc), then you would need to have two textures.


Also, I can't say that I have any problems with the cape. Given that the personality G0-T0 has adapted seems to have quite the ego, I'd say it fits.

totally agree about the cape, im gonna find out more about the glow, i think the texture separation well be possible


EDIT: here is the updated portrait, i feel it's way better : post-9663-0-05497900-1346611814_thumb.jpg

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Also the glowing vibroblades are a nice touch :D

those are deadmans, they rock lol, i'm pretty sure i got it on deadly stream

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ok so im currently figuring out how to use the patcher, iam wondering i need to change existing entries in dialog.tlk, can the patcher do this or do i have to change all the dlg's to point to local (stored in the dlg) strrefs?

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Here is my to do list, almost done...


*change baseitems.2da - DONE


*create new line in appearance 2da (based off of HK-47) - DONE


*modify textures and create txi - DONE


*create portrait - DONE


*modify g0t0's utc - DONE


*modify/create new ssf for G0-T0 (if necessary) - NOT NECESSARY


*create new items (uti) to add the feats required

and allow him to gain the feats automatically (feats.2da) - DONE


*make items creatable at a workbench (itemcreate.2da) etc. - DONE

------------------- TO DO------------------

*find dialog vs. model inconsistencies splice, re-write, etc. :help:


*beta testing (i need volunteers :help: )


*create installer - 99%

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StrRef 117720 - "As you know, my "base" of operatiosn lies within this floating droid before you."

122341 - "Just be happy we have room for two floating spheres around here."

134911 - "Those can all prove an asset. Good to have you standing with us - I mean, floating with us."


That's all that came up with a tlk search for "floating". Nothing came up searching for "G0-T0", except some Gameplay Programmer comments.

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StrRef 117720 - "As you know, my "base" of operatiosn lies within this floating droid before you."

122341 - "Just be happy we have room for two floating spheres around here."

134911 - "Those can all prove an asset. Good to have you standing with us - I mean, floating with us."


That's all that came up with a tlk search for "floating". Nothing came up searching for "G0-T0", except some Gameplay Programmer comments.

ok thanks for the help guys

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There supposed to be an EH cutscene running here, right?


What have you changed in the .utc file?

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if any one notices any lines that refer to g0t0 as floating let me know :)

Isn't there a line where HK refers to G0-T0 as 'moon shaped'? Probably doesn't fit a humanoid G0-T0. I think it is in their confrontation on Malachor V, in TSLRCM :cool:


Are you planning to modify G0-T0's feat tree? My main problem with G0-T0 has never been his appearance, rather his complete uselessness in the party. By the time you get him as a party member, his skill/feats are already redundant!


CONTROL DROID: Only places with alot of droids (Peragus / G0-T0's yacht), you can't use G0-T0 :(


NOT TRIPPNG MINES: Only place with serious ammount of deadly mines is G0-T0's yacht! Doh! Plus, if you are going LS, by the time you get G0-T0, you will already have Mira - unless you made G0-T0 into a steaming hot Fem-bot, Mira will always trump G0-T0 for a party place!


STEALTH: G0-T0 lacks Sneak Attack, meaning stealth is not a useful skill :( I really wish OE had made the whole game like the Exchange compound where friendlies / neutrals will attack you if they see you robbing their stuff!! Would have made it worth keeping a stealth member in the party if playing LS.


SKILLS: By the time you get G0-T0, Bao-Dur and T3 are already skilled crafting bitches. No need for G0-T0s skills.


LACK OF COMBAT FEATS: I really wish G0-T0 was more combat focused. I think making him melee is a big step in the right direction - I think it fits well with his bickering with HK if one is a shooter and one melee :)


If you can do anything to make G0-T0 more useful, I will definately give this mod a try. G0-T0 has some choice lines of dialogue... it's a shame I never get to hear them :(

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so here is an error ive been encountering,error.jpg:help:

You've modified that dialogue file? Since that would explain the error (it's double-blue with no requirements IIRC).

If not, it's a lot stranger.

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i moddified it but i have no clue what i did wrong, i just changed some entries to local strings i can send s link to the beta if an experienced modder wants to take a look

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Either that or just the dialog.


I don't get why his name is not showing up though.

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If you send me the files, I'll try to help, yeah. hehe =D

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