Gray Jedi Adept 5 Posted January 26, 2013 Hey Everyone! I'm new here, this will be my first post. First off, let me congratulate the team for an awesome job well done on the TSLRCM and M4-78EP. I just recently completed TSL with both of these fine additions. Thank you for making my KotOR II experience more complete! Now to some bug issues. 1. I did see on here a couple of weeks ago that someone was having a protocol droid glitch where they seem spastic and jittery while engaging in conversation with them. I'm having the same issue, any news on this? 2. There are spots in the game where dialog skips at the speed of light automatically and I completely miss what occurs, though this is random and I definitely can revisit where it happens from a previous save and actually hear the dialog just fine. 3. The Sith Lords Title Box that appears in the Main Menu upon starting as well as loading screens appears just fine pre-downloading TSLRCM. However, as soon as I added the mod, the title box has become just a vibrant blank white block. Can anyone help me with this? Picture examples are attached. Thanks! Looking forward to future posts! -Gray Jedi Adept Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 26, 2013 1. Yeah, we're working on it. 2. Generic engine issue. Nothing more to do than reboot the game, that fixes it. 3. Well, we changed the image. It shouldn't be in the middle like your M4 screen though, on loading screens it's always in the right-hand corner. Do you have KOTOR2Logo.tga in your override and nowhere else in the KOTOR2 folder? Some people did reported getting that when installing TSLRCM inside the override folder itself (bad) instead of the root. Did that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gray Jedi Adept 5 Posted January 26, 2013 1. Yeah, we're working on it. 2. Generic engine issue. Nothing more to do than reboot the game, that fixes it. 3. Well, we changed the image. It shouldn't be in the middle like your M4 screen though, on loading screens it's always in the right-hand corner. Do you have KOTOR2Logo.tga in your override and nowhere else in the KOTOR2 folder? Some people did reported getting that when installing TSLRCM inside the override folder itself (bad) instead of the root. Did that? I definitely did install TSLRCM into the root folder, but I do have KOTOR2Logo.tga in the override folder and nowhere else. The reason why I have the logo in the top center instead of the top right is because it was a skin change for the loading screens, but that came way after the fact so it's definitely not the issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Senka 3 Posted January 26, 2013 Any suggestion about my problem reporting in 474? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Avenger13 0 Posted January 27, 2013 I have a question about the restored content on Malachor V. I was running around in the Trayus Academy and somehow someway I arrived at this cell block where Mandalore was being locked. I assume he was there because the minute I entered the area it triggered a cutscene of Mandalore standing in a cell. I couldn't open the cells because it said it needed to be opened by a computer, but I couldn't find the computer anywhere. Is this a bug? Is this part of the restored content?? How do you get Mandalore out of the cell? Also I never triggered the Mandalore/Visas scene on Malachor, instead I got the Visas vs. Handmaiden fight. Also, I wasn't able to trigger Atton's death scene. I lost the fight to Sion as Atton and now I'm a the Trayus Core, isn't Atton supposed to be lying there? Hmm....I didn't see him at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted January 27, 2013 Other mods? There should be a console near him, can't miss it. But if you saw a scene of him in a cage when you entered, instead of nearing the cages, I think yeah, mod conflict. Also, there is no Mandalore/Visas scene on Malachor... it's all on the Ravager. Did you beat Kreia yet? Did he still not appear after that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barkeep 0 Posted January 27, 2013 Using TSLRCM version 1.8.2: Bug: Blank cutscene that never ends Place: Telos Hidden Base When: After completing all of the sparring matches with the handmaidens Repro: Speak with one of the handmaidens who is not close to the sparring mat. Agree to a fight with her. You will get switched to a blank cutscene that never ends. The only option to exit it is to load a previous save. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R912525 1 Posted February 2, 2013 I was wondering if there is any way to tell if it is installed properly if you have the new release of the kotor 2 disk from lucas arts. The problem is it doesnt have the same launcher as the original game so you cant tell if it is installed besides playing it and going forward until you see new content Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 2, 2013 You'll see Restored Content Mod 1.8.2 in the main menu. Done exactly for the collection and Steam, not having the launcher Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BarnzyBobble 6 Posted February 2, 2013 I'm currently playing though as a light side character in 1.8.2. During the Sith attack on the Citadel, when entering "Entertainment Module 081" you encounter an injured Onderon Soldier. Through either a "persuade" or a "treat injury" dialogue option, you can get the soldier to follow you. However, if he dies during combat with the sith, Atton will say the following: "What... what just happened? One minute, we were just talking ... and then ... I just lost control". The rest of this short conversataion will suggest that Atton killed the soldier, even though he didn't kill the soldier. I take it this is a bug? I can provide a save file if necessary. Edit: I've attached a save file from just before the conversation with the soldier 000169 - Game168.rar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 2, 2013 Yeah, that's known. His deathfile invokes a "Random DS" influence hit. Doesn't matter if the player or Sith killed him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BarnzyBobble 6 Posted February 2, 2013 Ah okay, thanks for the reply. It it possible to fix it so the dialogue only plays if the player kills him? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 2, 2013 Shouldn't be to hard to do, no... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R912525 1 Posted February 3, 2013 You'll see Restored Content Mod 1.8.2 in the main menu. Done exactly for the collection and Steam, not having the launcher Im at the main menu and I dont see it anywhere. I have the 1.8.2 full installer which claims to be 1.8.1 except for in the readme in one spot but I read on the forums that the installer just hasnt been changed yet to say 1.8.2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted February 3, 2013 I'm at the main menu and I don't see it anywhere. I have the 1.8.2 full installer which claims to be 1.8.1 except for in the readme in one spot but I read on the forums that the installer just hasn't been changed yet to say 1.8.2. Please post a screenshot of your main menu screen then. To be very specific, I'm talking about the menu screen where you can choose to start a new game or load an old save game - that menu screen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R912525 1 Posted February 4, 2013 Here is the Screenshot. I can't see it anywhere. Also just in case this mattered, I figured I would mention that the only mod I have on is high quality movies. swkotor2 2013-02-03 16-50-40-80.bmp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted February 4, 2013 Here's what you should be seeing. (I added the red arrow for illustration purposes.) Apparently, you didn't install TSLRCM 1.8.2 correctly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R912525 1 Posted February 6, 2013 Here's what you should be seeing. (I added the red arrow for illustration purposes.) Apparently, you didn't install TSLRCM 1.8.2 correctly. Ok I reinstalled it previously just to check but I will do it again once I am back to my computer. To be clear the 1.8.2 version that zybl posted is the full version correct? It has certain areas of the patch notes that says its 1.8.1 but then it includes the 1.8.2 fixes in the notes and is labeled as 1.8.2. Is it the full thing or do I need the 1.8.1 full and this to make it work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 6, 2013 Yes. It's the correct 1.8.2 (the readme is just off at places) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R912525 1 Posted February 7, 2013 Figured it out I guess I wasnt moving the install area for 1.8.2 to the partition that I have kotor 2 on. Its weird because I never had to do that before to get it to work. It always worked on the previous one when I just installed it normally. But its showing up fine now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desmond 4 Posted February 11, 2013 Not sure is it TSLRCM, M4-78ep or result of improved jedi sacks... but I can't teach disciple anything! I was able to turn him to consular but he miss all dialogs that allow me to teach him feat, force powers and saber forms I know... Also can't leave it unnoticed but in lightsaber training session Visas remark that her lightsaber cristal is unique. While she has lightsaber and crystal you give to her P.S> Is it possibble to make stealth g0-t0's class feat? Or at least let him choose feat that make that? After all ability to move unnotised is one of g0-t0 main sellpoints and it's hardly very useble... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 11, 2013 Disciple and Handmaiden don't have said options, yes. That's because she's supposed to have her own special saber. Check "Visas Marr's Lightsaber" (one of my mods) if you want it. Not sure why OE changed that, but the mods there if you want it modified back... It should be possible by modifying feat.2da, yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desmond 4 Posted February 12, 2013 Disciple and Handmaiden don't have said options, yes. Really? Never noticed before... That's because she's supposed to have her own special saber. Check "Visas Marr's Lightsaber" (one of my mods) if you want it. Not sure why OE changed that, but the mods there if you want it modified back... Didn't know... Why it wasn't restored in TSLRCM? It make sense after all. Even without lightsaber lesson exile can noticed that he interested in Visas saber... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted February 12, 2013 Well, OE changed it. Don't know why. And since TSLRCM is trying to stay true to Obsidian's work... Doesn't mean I can't make my personal mods to tweak stuff like that I don't exactly agree with... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desmond 4 Posted February 12, 2013 Well, OE changed it. Don't know why. And since TSLRCM is trying to stay true to Obsidian's work... Well, I used cheats to receive it and I think I understand problem with it. Non-upgradeable lightsaber with only bonus is attack +1... That look so pathetic. Simple lightsaber without additional crystals with 1st level upgrades for emitter, lens and third slot(forgot name) can be much stronger, so this cool sword would be thrown away with second lightsaber player could find... which is pretty soon). And if let player upgrade item... Crystal will be removed just after player receive this saber)) Possibly they thought to make it as Dak'kon's karach but didn't have enough time... But I must agree - as it now it make no sense to restore it. It would be just another mediocre item. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites