evil q 16 Posted August 13, 2012 There have been numerous warnings about this mod and its incompatibility with TSLRCM. What I did was just delete all of the dialog and script files and cheat the sabers in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 13, 2012 Sooo many posts. Well, you all obviously noticed me not posting in a week, kinda busy, not really able to check ingame or through the files for fixes, which is kind of needed here (but not for other topics so I could reply here). I should be able to look into these again tomorrow though, hopefully resolving several! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arkaever 0 Posted August 13, 2012 Hi, I'm new here but I would like to ask something. I noticed answering here hasn't been easy, so I am very grateful for any help and mindful that there are still many issues raised before this one. I'm not sure if this is a TSLRCM or a vanilla error, but even if it is a vanilla issue, perhaps it is something that could be reviewed later in TSLRCM. I used KSE to check these data. Currently, in my game, the 'New Fuel Source' mission is marked as complete and the '200TEL_Fuel' global numerical is set at 5. Both of these should mean the quest is finished. However, when talking with G0-T0, he doesn't recognize the quest as done and will not say so or give the reward. I checked for related booleans and indeed found two that mention a relation between G0-T0 and both Onderon and Dantooine, but none mentioning Telos. The global boolean for Onderon is set at 1, which it should be since I have already solved the related quest, and the one for Dantooine is set to 0, also a logical value. Now I can't even find the first two globals, though G0-T0 still “knows” I finished Onderon. The main issue is, he doesn't recognize I solved the Telos fuel shortage. Is there a global boolean missing? Can that be circumvented? Thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
latniak 0 Posted August 13, 2012 I have found what I think is a bug. After landing on Telos Station and being free to talk to your companions, you used to be able to ask Kreia about her past or something like that. If you had a high enough intelligence you could say "what were you" and then the movie showing her fall would kick in. The only option for questions currently is "What do you know about the Sith chasing us?" but I am almost positive there was another question that is no longer there which led to that movie. The only thought I may have is that you guys may have made it so we can't ask it so early in the game but I figured I would mention it anyway. I also have this this bug, in my case i had dialogue options with kreia, but after installing unofficial patch 1.0c to a different folder than TSL is installed, these options disappeared. Apparently it messed with my files anyway. I deleted whole kotor folder, and installed everything form scratch. Without 1.0c. Still, have this problem. I even started new playthrough, but that did not help either. After finding missing dialogue in kotor dialog editor I noticed 2 conditionals: c_global_eq 000_Kreia_Nature c_area 003EBO (or smth like that, cant check at the moment) The dialogue in question is: "Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith?" I remember asking this question in my first playthrough of TSLRCM 1.8, after whole this mess with 1.0c the dialogue is missing. Is it possible that this patch messed with other files outside of kotor main folder? [EDIT] fixed variables names and dialogue line Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drunklol 4 Posted August 13, 2012 I also have this this bug, in my case i had dialogue options with kreia, but after installing unofficial patch 1.0c to a different folder than TSL is installed, these options disappeared. Apparently it messed with my files anyway. I deleted whole kotor folder, and installed everything form scratch. Without 1.0c. Still, have this problem. I even started new playthrough, but that did not help either. After finding missing dialogue in kotor dialog editor I noticed 2 conditionals: global variable 000_Kreia_Nature and variable 000EBO3 (or smth like that, cant check at the moment) The dialogue in question is: "Kreia, what are you, jedi or sith?" I remember asking this question in my first playthrough of TSLRCM 1.8, after whole this mess with 1.0c the dialogue is missing. Is it possible that this patch messed with other files outside of kotor main folder? If i am not mistaken this dialogue option appears after the cutscene with visas i.e you must have 75% either dark or light side alignment. Are you sure you have met this conditions ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
latniak 0 Posted August 13, 2012 If i am not mistaken this dialogue option appears after the cutscene with visas i.e you must have 75% either dark or light side alignment. Are you sure you have met this conditions ? On my first playthrough i was able to ask these questions before this cutscene, i believe it was possible after 50% light and after a talk with Kreia about it. On that playthrough i managed to get to the point when i asked Kreia if she knew Revan. I did not have enough influence so it ended there. After installing that awful patch the dialogue line when i ask her about Revan disappeared. Maybe it appears after Telos Academy and you have to talk with her onboard of Ebon Hawk (which second Conditional would suggest) Must double check that, thanks for advice. [EDIT] It appears i was right and the dialogue line is available after Telos and onboard of Ebon Hawk. I'm sorry for all this confusion. I consider my question anwsered. Thanks for the input Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R912525 1 Posted August 13, 2012 Well when it comes to the are you jedi or sith question on vanilla I was always able to do it right when grenn releases me from house arrest (due to my intelligence because it substitutes for high influence) and its even not working after some more light side options being chosen. Now it is possible that one of the tslrcm builds made it so you need some other requirements which would explain it but i always used to be able to and without any mods on the game or anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Menion Leah 0 Posted August 14, 2012 As someone else alreayd reported i also noticed the mising dialog with Kreia on the Ebon Hawk, right after you escape Peragus. At that point among other questions you should be able to ask her about her past (with INT check) and trigger the cutscene of her fall. At least i hope that option to be available later, maby after Telos academy, and not gone for good cause of some bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drunklol 4 Posted August 14, 2012 As someone else alreayd reported i also noticed the mising dialog with Kreia on the Ebon Hawk, right after you escape Peragus. At that point among other questions you should be able to ask her about her past (with INT check) and trigger the cutscene of her fall. At least i hope that option to be available later, maby after Telos academy, and not gone for good cause of some bug. I guess it is more likely for the dialogue option to trigger after telos, because there kreia explains she knew atris so she reveals her connection with the Jedi Order and since she explained to you which factions of the sith are after you so after that point it is logical for your character to try to understand the affiliation of hers/his mentor ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Menion Leah 0 Posted August 14, 2012 I'll go on playing and I'll see. In the vanilla game the dialogue was enable as soon as u cna talk to her on the Ebon Hawk. At the same point (right after escaping Peragus and before to reach Telos) I spoke to T3-M4, got some influence and unlocked few upgrades. Right after that 2-3 cutscene in a row started (A dialogue with Atton about Pazaak and Kreia hitting him with bolt). I guess they're all restored content. Not really a bug but bit odd and funny to get all of them in a row so sudden Minor Glitch: I'm playing with the italian version and on the peragus station if i check the Dock Officers registration some subtititles are messed up. The part where he talks about the locked navicomputer on the Ebon-Hawk is without subtititles with the 1.8 TSLRCM installed but in the vanilla version the same part is correctly subtitled. Nothing serious anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 14, 2012 2. When Kreia confronts the Jedi Masters, Vrook's activated lightsaber is missing its blade. I never did find a way to fix this... 3. No description in the HK factory for the left-most room with the holographic globe of Telos. I can click on and highlight the circle, but the description is blank. Yeah, looks like it's a blank. Fixed it for a potential patch... thanks! Everytime I try to load a savegame I get this weird error screen and the game crashes.I have installed sith lords+patch 1.0b+hq music and movies patch+tslrcm 1.8 and nothing else.Can someone please help me?Thanks in advance! It's been mentioned several times, but no one knows the reason so far. Apparently first starting a new game, then loading your save works, but of course that's less than ideal. Not sure if it is a bug or not, mainly it's just a question:Am I wrong or when i reach the tunnel level on Peragus and i open the cylinder box where i find the uniform, the belt and the shield i should find there also the restored weapon ? I mean that kind of doubleblade/pike used from miners to claim the asteroids. I thought it was restored in the mod but maby i am wrong and just confused with another mod. Thx EDIT: Found the name of the weapon: GUIDON BEACON It's found on Peragus, yes. But not in that container. TSLRCM adds it much much later... If you found it there in the past, it had to be another mod... (not Ulics, since it places it later up too) I'm at the last part with Visquis in Nar Shaddaa where G0-T0 kills him and kidnaps the Exile, after that the cryptic dialogue of Kreia and Hanharr ensues. It finishes with the action jumping at Atton - I can see mira in front of him - but instead the usual talk . . . the game loads the docks map and I'm stuck with Atton without the possibility of clicking anything..spells..menu...etc.. I tried the "While in Visquis' lair, when Kreia revives Hanharr, it suddenly turns back to Atton" thing but there isn't any p_kreia001 in my override folder Fresh install, no other mods on it..still no p_kreia001 Any ideas?? Well, that is for an entirely different issue, which is Atton being stuck in Visquis Lair. As it loads the Docks instead of talking with Mira obviously something else is at play. Other mods (before re-install)??? I have found what I think is a bug. After landing on Telos Station and being free to talk to your companions, you used to be able to ask Kreia about her past or something like that. If you had a high enough intelligence you could say "what were you" and then the movie showing her fall would kick in. The only option for questions currently is "What do you know about the Sith chasing us?" but I am almost positive there was another question that is no longer there which led to that movie. The only thought I may have is that you guys may have made it so we can't ask it so early in the game but I figured I would mention it anyway. It no longer being available that early is not a bug... This just happend to me. I'm on Telos, after defeating Atris, so fighting sith just before the ravager. I can speak with Grenn, with Mandalore too, then i kill the few sith out in the module, go to next, talk with the republic guy, again killing sith with turrets, a cutscene where the door for the next module opens, I pass trought it and... I get back to the menu screen (you know, where you can start a new game, load etc.). Here I can't move the mouse and can't do nothing, so I must close the game by closing it with the task manager. Tried to play again, same, tried to reload before atris, killing her again, doing all again and still doesn't work. I'm the only with this problem? there's a fix? Other mods? I noticed something weird that made me wonder if 1.8 was installed correctly. One of the previous patches (I only tried 1.7 before this) replaced a lot of the 'mummy corpses' in Peragus with actual human corpses wearing mining uniforms. It was a cool feature that I liked rather well. As stated, that's Varsity Puppet's Peragus Tweak, and was never part of TSLRCM. Edit: I'm not using any mods. Not even the higher quality movie/music patches, since some people reported having problems with them in 1.8 as well. Also that's just rubbish. There are no issues from using the movie and/or music patches. If those people had problems, it was for a different reason than using those. I'm having a problem with the Finding the Hk-50 Factory, after I get the Ebon Hawk back I go to Telos to turn in the Criminal Bounty, and run into the droids outside the bay, turn in the mission, walk back to ship and they are there like nothing happened! So I saved fought...got the notification that I met one group so far, so I load the save. Skip them, go to Korriban and run into the group there and after the banter, it says I've only run into one still! Is there a way to avoid this? Was I not supposed to run into them on telos and turn the quest in later? Help me please if you can Please and thank you ^^ Well, if you beat 1, then load, not beat them, then beat another, you obviously beat 1. Not sure what's the issue. Passive HK's on Telos seem to insinuate you don't use 1.8 but an older version though... :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 14, 2012 However I didn't get a handmaiden wanting to come with me scene, or a visas wanting to come with me to find revan (I was nicer to the handmaiden and, I trained the handmaiden to be a jedi)What are the requirements to get this. I always took her with me and never lost influence. I got atton's death scene, and lots of wonderful TSL Restoration things throughout the game. Did you sprain them from their cells? Im still on Peragus, dormitory level. Dunno if it's a bug related with the Peragus Tweak MOD or a missing thing in the TSLRCM but i can't find anywhere che Dock Officer corpse in the dormitories, which means that i can't get his datapad.Surely it's not a critical bug but i hate to miss something. Anyone got this problem too ? Anyone managed to fix it ? Is it possible to add the datapad to the invnetory through a console command ? I tried the savegame editor but there are no way to manage datapads with it, only common items. anyone can help ? It's right next to the console with the flash code. If it's not there, it must be related to your Peragus Tweak Mod (Varsity Puppet's? Or an other mod? Not Ulic's I hope...) Well i am stuck.I went and got all 3 groups of droids and then got the cutscene with HK-47 torturing the HK-50. So at this point i talked to HK-47 and asked him of the location of the factory. It gave me information that i can not visit the factory at will. I defeated Atris at Telos and rescued the handmaiden. After this the cutscene starts of the ebon hawk taking off. Then it jumps to the shuttle scene from the beginning of the game when i went the first time to the surface of Telos. After that is done my maincharacter stands right in front of the locked door in the military base and im stuck at this point... Any ideas? As stated, this is an issue with USM (one of several). I'm not sure if this is a TSLRCM or a vanilla error, but even if it is a vanilla issue, perhaps it is something that could be reviewed later in TSLRCM. I used KSE to check these data. Currently, in my game, the 'New Fuel Source' mission is marked as complete and the '200TEL_Fuel' global numerical is set at 5. Both of these should mean the quest is finished. However, when talking with G0-T0, he doesn't recognize the quest as done and will not say so or give the reward. I checked for related booleans and indeed found two that mention a relation between G0-T0 and both Onderon and Dantooine, but none mentioning Telos. The global boolean for Onderon is set at 1, which it should be since I have already solved the related quest, and the one for Dantooine is set to 0, also a logical value. Now I can't even find the first two globals, though G0-T0 still “knows” I finished Onderon. The main issue is, he doesn't recognize I solved the Telos fuel shortage. Is there a global boolean missing? Can that be circumvented? There is no "Goto rewarding you for Telos"... sadly enough. Seems OE forgot about it. I also have this this bug, in my case i had dialogue options with kreia, but after installing unofficial patch 1.0c to a different folder than TSL is installed, these options disappeared. Apparently it messed with my files anyway. I deleted whole kotor folder, and installed everything form scratch. Without 1.0c. Still, have this problem. I even started new playthrough, but that did not help either. After finding missing dialogue in kotor dialog editor I noticed 2 conditionals: c_global_eq 000_Kreia_Nature c_area 003EBO (or smth like that, cant check at the moment) The dialogue in question is: "Kreia, what are you - are you a Jedi, a Sith?" I remember asking this question in my first playthrough of TSLRCM 1.8, after whole this mess with 1.0c the dialogue is missing. Is it possible that this patch messed with other files outside of kotor main folder? As you found out, you can now only ask it on the Ebon Hawk, no longer immediately on Citadel Station as before. And that's no bug... At the same point (right after escaping Peragus and before to reach Telos) I spoke to T3-M4, got some influence and unlocked few upgrades.Right after that 2-3 cutscene in a row started (A dialogue with Atton about Pazaak and Kreia hitting him with bolt). I guess they're all restored content. Not really a bug but bit odd and funny to get all of them in a row so sudden Ehm... you're not supposed to get ANY Ebon Hawk cutscenes till after you have finished Telos. Not before even going to Telos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Working Class Hero 12 Posted August 15, 2012 After viewing the new in-game scene of sion on the harbinger, control went back to the PC and the old cutscene showing the harbinger docking on peragus was skipped...is this intentional? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 15, 2012 Nope... but sounds like the conversation fast-forward issue... does it happen again if you reboot the game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Working Class Hero 12 Posted August 15, 2012 (edited) I don't know; I didn't think to save the save...if nobody else has mentioned it then I probably just got a TSL quirk. It didn't have any impact on gameplay other making me think that I had imagined that old cutscene. I also had to check my memory after getting the extra conversation with Atton after Peragus, but that one WAS a restored scene, not just something I missed ...makes me wonder why OE cut scenes like that from the game, they were done well. Great job on restoring those! Edit: And for teaching grenn to shrug! Edited August 15, 2012 by Working Class Hero Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 15, 2012 makes me wonder why OE cut scenes like that from the game, they were done well. No QA. Because, like the entire Corrun Falt quest, it was pretty much an error with the wrong globals being checked and writen rather than being cut on purpose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kimbaras 0 Posted August 15, 2012 The other mods are: Tomb of Azgath N'Dul Coruscant jedi Temple Expanded Workbench Kill the Ithorian Full Force mod Revan Robes by Red Hawk Feat Progression by Shem Force Power Boost by Arcesious and Lightsabers Pikes by DeadMan I know they're a lot of mods, but until that point (about going into the module before boarding the ravager on telos) I didn't get any problems, except some crashes on Onderon but i've passed that. "Help me Hassat Hunter, you're my only hope" (cit.) xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpiom 6 Posted August 15, 2012 You should totally create a "Don't use other mods" thread People who get problems use other incompatible mods or something that's totally out of your control. But I also guess that's a good thing, you've done a good job! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cair 1 Posted August 15, 2012 You should totally create a "Don't use other mods" thread People who get problems use other incompatible mods or something that's totally out of your control. But I also guess that's a good thing, you've done a good job! But there is already a "Use only those mods" thread! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisC26 12 Posted August 15, 2012 Here is more of a major inconvenience problem I am having. I have just finished the part on the Ravager (I'm playing on LightSide) and have just finished talking to Carth. The Conversation ends with Carth and it loads me back onto the Ebon Hawk. I go to the Map Selection to travel to Malachor V but its not there. I get off the the Ebon Hawk and I am back on Dantooine. Only it appears as if some things have reset, characters are back in there original spawns such as the guy who is working on something by the Ebon Hawk and notices you have a lightsaber. The Quest Journal is empty there is nothing there. I went back to Telos and the TSF in the over view floor says her dialogue from when you first arrive on Telos as if you were coming from Peragus but Lt. Grenn doesn't come down to take you away. HK-47 (Probably because of his part in the HK Factory) and Kreia are no longer available in the party, I can't take Bao-Dur or Mandalore off the ship either. Mods: TSLRCM 1.8 Obviously HotOR 1.6 A decent amount of Force Power mods (I doubt these are causing the issues) Some reskins of weapons (Not the problem) RedHawke's Beginning Items Mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 15, 2012 Remove k_003ebo_enter.ncs from your override... as stated in the readme, it does make your entire game unsolvable. Odd you got to the factory despite it though. Or did you install a mod with it after that? Or cheat to the factory? @ Kimberas; Hmmmm, I would have expected the Admirality Mod there... try removing 222TEL.mod (moving it elsewhere to place it back later obviously) from your modules folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tricky 10 Posted August 15, 2012 Thanks for answering my question, Hassat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Menion Leah 0 Posted August 15, 2012 I It's found on Peragus, yes. But not in that container. TSLRCM adds it much much later... If you found it there in the past, it had to be another mod... (not Ulics, since it places it later up too) Never played that mod, jut from the talk with Atton that mentions things to claim asteroids i thought it was there. I found it later as you said anyway, so it's all ok. As stated, that's Varsity Puppet's Peragus Tweak, and was never part of TSLRCM. The Docks officer corpse was really missing but the bug was not related with TSLRCM. It was cause of the corpses tweak or maby cause of the combination of it with the widescreen mod. I restarted the game without it and no problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Menion Leah 0 Posted August 15, 2012 Ehm... you're not supposed to get ANY Ebon Hawk cutscenes till after you have finished Telos. Not before even going to Telos. Dunno, I only installed TSLRCM , the Achilles' Game Balance Mod, the widescreen mod and a couple of minor fixes (Cyan Lightsaber Fix and Space/Environmental Suit Speed Fix). All those scenes triggered after I spoke and upgraded T3-M4 On the trip to Telos, before to speak with Atton. Another weird thing that I noticed were some complains about T3-M4 from Atton and Kreia even before they could know the Ebon Hawn was disappeared with the Droid (On Telos). I think somehow there's some little mess with the companions banter/comments. Nothing serious anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisC26 12 Posted August 16, 2012 Remove k_003ebo_enter.ncs from your override... as stated in the readme, it does make your entire game unsolvable. Odd you got to the factory despite it though. Or did you install a mod with it after that? Or cheat to the factory? Unfortunately it's not in my override so I must have deleted it already if the Readme told me to. Hehehe. Any other ideas? For the mean time I could warp to Malachor but I'd be missing a few cutscenes that could mess with the game after that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites