Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 1, 2012 It did, though now they all turn into the Masked Duros during and after sparring. xD I guess the "naked maidens" reported before got the same slot as the masked attacker in 1.8, and tada. Yes, but there's a thread somewhere that says to remove n_darthnihilu001.utc for the Visas/Nihilus cutscene then replace it after. It's also in the readme. Have to do the same for Nihilus-Tobin most likely... I think I used most of them. And I shall engage uninstallation protocols on the mods you have instructed at once. Well, uninstalling them now probably also takes away our stuff if you installed it after 1.8. So... you probably want to keep them unless you want to do a full re-install. And deal with some of the issues that arrise from it... :/ ANYWAY, I was wondering if it is normal to see a different admiral talking to Grenn now because it was a dialogue with a black admiral instead of Carth. You have played the game till there and never seen Cede before? On Peragus. On Telos. Possible on Onderon if male. He's there if Carth's dead. (Oh wait, not during the battle of Telos, but going to the surface you mean now right. Still the Peragus question stands... It did, though now they all turn into the Masked Duros during and after sparring. xD I guess the "naked maidens" reported before got the same slot as the masked attacker in 1.8, and tada. Yes, but there's a thread somewhere that says to remove n_darthnihilu001.utc for the Visas/Nihilus cutscene then replace it after. It's also in the readme. Have to do the same for Nihilus-Tobin most likely... I think I used most of them. And I shall engage uninstallation protocols on the mods you have instructed at once. Well, uninstalling them now probably also takes away our stuff if you installed it after 1.8. So... you probably want to keep them unless you want to do a full re-install. And deal with some of the issues that arrise from it... :/ ANYWAY, I was wondering if it is normal to see a different admiral talking to Grenn now because it was a dialogue with a black admiral instead of Carth. You have played the game till there and never seen Cede before? On Peragus. On Telos. Possible on Dantooine if male. He's there if Carth's dead. (Oh wait, not during the battle of Telos, but going to the surface you mean now right. Still the Peragus question stands... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atreides99 0 Posted August 1, 2012 Oh well that answers that. *face palm* Okay I got up to the telos academy and now I have the missing handmaidens can't leave the academy bug. I'm guessing this is a vanilla bug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hegirae 1 Posted August 1, 2012 I can't seem to teach a Jedified Disciple any new forms, fighting techniques, or Force powers via dialogue; is that intentional, or just a slip up? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 1, 2012 Not really. You're using 1.8, not 1.6, right? Also, what about other mods (like aforementioned Handsister "fix"). (we seriously need to update filefront's entry) I can't seem to teach a Jedified Disciple any new forms, fighting techniques, or Force powers via dialogue; is that intentional, or just a slip up? There is indeed nothing for him. Blame lack of VO (pretty sure it's the same with Brianna). EDIT: Same for her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Atreides99 0 Posted August 2, 2012 Ok I have a problem. Everything works fine at the telos academy accept the handmaidens don't show up in the ingame cutscenes both when bao dur is unconscious and the 3 walk up to him then all is well and the cutscene where Atris tells the handmaiden to go follow the exile and then when I try to leave the extra handmaidens asking where brianna went cutscene fails and then I pop up outside the ebon hawk again and I can't leave. update: My only guess is it has to do with the varsity puppet handsister fix that is suppose to be compatible with tslrcm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BarnzyBobble 6 Posted August 2, 2012 On 8/1/2012 at 6:39 PM, Hassat Hunter said: I'm pretty sure it's an intentional effect of that mod (not TSLRCM)... not a bug. Really? The read-me only states that it changes the Handmaiden sisters heads? Ah well, if it is a bug with the Handsister mod, I shouldn't be reporting it here anyway Anywho, I've encountered another bug. Not a game breaking bug, just an odd one. Certain open doors on Nar Shaddaa appear to be closed, but I can pass straight through them. The doors themselves have that hollow green circle over them, indicating that I can interact with them. But when I move the cursor over these doors it doesn't highlight with the word "door", it just stays as that hollow circle icon. But like I said, I can walk straight through these doors which are apparently closed, as though the texture for the door is there but the actual door isn't. It happened to the door facing Mira immediately in front of her as she enters the Jekk Jekk Tarr (I've loaded a save several times from before the cut-scene where she enters, and its always "shut" when I begin to control her). It's happened to a couple other doors on Nar Shaddaa as well, but I can't remember which ones. Any idea what might be causing this? I also noted a small gender dialogue error when the Zhug Brothers appeared on G0-T0's yacht, they referred to my character as a male, even though I'm playing as a female. They said "The Zhug Family will scour the galaxy for this Jedi and then we will bring him here, to G0-T0". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthXalax 0 Posted August 2, 2012 Another thing I found which is somewhat of a bug in my opinion is in the Royal Palace on Onderon. A lot of the dialogue gets skipped and the lines just fast forward. Only dialogue with Tobin when talking about the impregnable doors and Kiph when stopping him along with rescuing Captain Riiken seem to work, but finding Kavar in one of the rooms, along with encountering the Sith and Vaklu troops who have lines all seem to just fast forward through without being spoken. Thanks again though guys, this is such an amazing project. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted August 2, 2012 On 8/1/2012 at 10:34 PM, DarthXalax said: Another thing I found which is somewhat of a bug in my opinion is in the Royal Palace on Onderon. A lot of the dialogue gets skipped and the lines just fast forward. Only dialogue with Tobin when talking about the impregnable doors and Kiph when stopping him along with rescuing Captain Riiken seem to work, but finding Kavar in one of the rooms, along with encountering the Sith and Vaklu troops who have lines all seem to just fast forward through without being spoken. Thanks again though guys, this is such an amazing project. Try reloading from a previous save. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadMan 103 Posted August 2, 2012 Quote Anywho, I've encountered another bug. Not a game breaking bug, just an odd one. Certain open doors on Nar Shaddaa appear to be closed, but I can pass straight through them. The doors themselves have that hollow green circle over them, indicating that I can interact with them. But when I move the cursor over these doors it doesn't highlight with the word "door", it just stays as that hollow circle icon. But like I said, I can walk straight through these doors which are apparently closed, as though the texture for the door is there but the actual door isn't. It happened to the door facing Mira immediately in front of her as she enters the Jekk Jekk Tarr (I've loaded a save several times from before the cut-scene where she enters, and its always "shut" when I begin to control her). It's happened to a couple other doors on Nar Shaddaa as well, but I can't remember which ones. Any idea what might be causing this? I've had same bug in Citadel station docks. But this happened to me even in vanilla, so I suppose it's rare engine bug and have nothing to do with TSLRCM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 2, 2012 On 8/1/2012 at 8:45 PM, BarnzyBobble said: It happened to the door facing Mira immediately in front of her as she enters the Jekk Jekk Tarr (I've loaded a save several times from before the cut-scene where she enters, and its always "shut" when I begin to control her). Yeah, I've seen it happen a couple of times here, indeed. Never any other place though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Senka 3 Posted August 2, 2012 Seems to me I dig a strange bug. On Onderon if Handmaiden is in your party some crush is occur during move to Merchant area from spaceport and between them. Not every time but... Changing Handmaiden to Kreia solve the problem. Never seen this bug playing female character. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gdh92 0 Posted August 2, 2012 First of all thanks for making this, but I'm having a few problems. The first thing is that the game won't open full screen but I can normally get around this by clicking in and out of the program. The problem thats actually affecting the game though is that it freezes up on the main load game screen with what looks like triangles of light on it then the game crashes. I got round this by loading after starting a new game but now it repeatedly freezes up when using a terminal in the dormitaries that are flooded with gas on peragus. I've tried basic things like compatiblity mode but can't get it to work at all and I don't really want to play through while worrying about every terminal I use. I'm using: Updates 1a and 1b (U.K.) Windows 7 professional Nvidia 580 graphics card I'm also using 64bit windows aand the original 4cd version of the game if that helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mlozano88 0 Posted August 2, 2012 First of all thanks for making this, but I'm having a few problems. The first thing is that the game won't open full screen but I can normally get around this by clicking in and out of the program. The problem thats actually affecting the game though is that it freezes up on the main load game screen with what looks like triangles of light on it then the game crashes. I got round this by loading after starting a new game but now it repeatedly freezes up when using a terminal in the dormitaries that are flooded with gas on peragus. I've tried basic things like compatiblity mode but can't get it to work at all and I don't really want to play through while worrying about every terminal I use. I'm using: Updates 1a and 1b (U.K.) Windows 7 professional Nvidia 580 graphics card x2 with that, and when loading a saved game, those light triangles pop up and i have to start a new game, then load from ingame to get to those saves. mine freezes also, but i noticed if I wait it out (1 or 2 mins) then it starts back up again sometimes. Im on a vista system Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gdh92 0 Posted August 2, 2012 I've now got a new problem where I freeze on the spot when the option to level up from 4-5 appears. I'm still stuck after levelling. Things I've tried: Vista fix Every setting I can think of changing on my graphics card (disabling antialliasing etc.) Repeating parts of the game and getting the same results. Disabling Steam and X-fire. Edit: After a couple of attempts I've levelled up without freezing. For the first time the loading screen/terminal glitch stayed briefly playable so I got a video. http://www.xfire.com/video/5995b8/ The video ends when it crashes. Normally this glitch causes an instant crash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 2, 2012 I have no idea what's going on with those strange lightning stuff things. Sorry :/ Seems to me I dig a strange bug. On Onderon if Handmaiden is in your party some crush is occur during move to Merchant area from spaceport and between them. Not every time but... Changing Handmaiden to Kreia solve the problem. Never seen this bug playing female character. It's not related to having Handmaiden in your party. Or HK-47. Or Kreia. Or a lightsaber equiped. Or no lightsaber. Or any of the many "causes" people presented for that crash. It just happens, or it doesn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R912525 1 Posted August 3, 2012 Great work guys! First two bugs that I have noticed so far is where t3 is blasted after opening the door on peragus for us. The black bar on the bottom is gone and this also seems to be present when the harbinger is docking but those aren't a big deal. Just so you know I have the collectors edition which has the update already applied and the only mod besides tslrcm that I have is the High quality movie patch. I had another problem where the dialogue was either skipping or not present but restarting the game fixed it. Ill keep you posted on any more bugs that I find Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seren 0 Posted August 3, 2012 Regarding the Kreia Green Fix, it seems to work throughout Peragus, up until the party boards the Ebon Hawk. Afterwards, she's Hulk-green again :/ Loading a saved game didn't help it either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Senka 3 Posted August 3, 2012 I have no idea what's going on with those strange lightning stuff things. Sorry :/ It's not related to having Handmaiden in your party. Or HK-47. Or Kreia. Or a lightsaber equiped. Or no lightsaber. Or any of the many "causes" people presented for that crash. It just happens, or it doesn't. But it's strange... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthPotato 0 Posted August 3, 2012 I'm having a game-stopping bug/issue. I'm way in the beginning of the game, on Peragus. When I contact T3-M4 over the terminal comm (just freed Atton), and tell him to find another way off (I think you control him at this point), the game just abruptly goes back to the title screen, which doesn't work (you can't click anything, but the title music is playing, and Darth Sion is standing there looking angry). Help? I'm not using any mods except this one (1.8 of course). I installed things like this: KOTOR 2 update patch enhanced sound enhanced videos TSLRCM 1.8 I have the extra "vista fix" dll (I'm on Windows 7, 64-bit) Any ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaxieMan 0 Posted August 3, 2012 Guess it's no longer needed, reading later post... but would have been before if not . I'm not sure what you mean by that, I don't see any solution in this thread. I do have the save file though. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y2h3yxy3mbo7nh3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted August 3, 2012 When I contact T3-M4 over the terminal comm (just freed Atton), and tell him to find another way off (I think you control him at this point), the game just abruptly goes back to the title screen, which doesn't work (you can't click anything, but the title music is playing, and Darth Sion is standing there looking angry) Sounds like a corrupt module. I suggest doing a full re-install, and make sure it's all done as administrator. I'm not sure what you mean by that, I don't see any solution in this thread. I do have the save file though. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?y2h3yxy3mbo7nh3 Maybe confused you with someone else saying they fixed their Korriban clone-less issue. Do you also have the Admirality mod? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaxieMan 0 Posted August 3, 2012 Maybe confused you with someone else saying they fixed their Korriban clone-less issue. Do you also have the Admirality mod? Nope, the only mod I forgot to list was the vista fix. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthPotato 0 Posted August 4, 2012 Sounds like a corrupt module. I suggest doing a full re-install, and make sure it's all done as administrator. Well, I thought I had it fixed, but now I'm confused. It's not related to TSLRCM, or corrupt modules. Looks like it's just Windows. I reinstalled 1.0, and loaded up my save, and got the same crash to title screen. Then I tried using XP SP3 Compatibility mode, and it worked and proceeded to T3-M4. Thinking I had it taken care of, I upgraded KOTOR2, and installed TSLRCM, and used the same compatibility mode settings.... but... same problem. Does TSLRCM work with the 1.0 exe? I wonder if going back to 1.0/no TSLRCM, getting to T3's scene, saving, then upgrading and going back to TSLRCM would work. This is getting a bit too convoluted though. I've spent several DAYS now fiddling with settings. I've been meaning to play TSLRCM for a long time, and this new version seems like a great time to actually do it, but now nothing works! Argggh.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evil q 16 Posted August 5, 2012 Are you installing in XP SP2 compatibility mode as an admin as HH suggested? This means running the setup.exe in that mode; not just setting the swkotor2.exe to it after installation has finished. Why are you even trying to install TSLRCM on an unpatched game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthXalax 0 Posted August 5, 2012 When I level up any of my Jedi and get to the Force Powers part of level-up, a force power you can choose is "Finding the HK Factory" and the little icon is just a dot in the middle of the box. The description of the force power is basically the journal entry for when you first discover the sonic imprint sensor is being used to track you by the HK-50s. Just thought I'd let you guys know... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites