InSidious 241 Posted June 22, 2012 OK, so first of all: congratulations to you guys on the release of your demo! On more important matters, I wanted to apprise you of some cut content you apparently weren't aware of. So I went rummaging in my old files to find what I've got. Most of it is (really) old information I gleaned from looking through dialogue comments and voiceover files from what I remember, and most also deals with Dantooine: Burial Mound - Crystals and computers (see bastila.dlg in the same RIM again) Extract of the notes relevant to this subject: The fourth dialog is when the player enters the Rakata ruins for the first time. The fifth dialog is when the player approaches the huge circular door in the Rakata ruins for the first time. If Carth is present he will also say his line, but Bastila will initiate the conversation. The sixth dialog is linked in the fifth dialog and is Bastila's line after Carth has said his. The seventh dialog is if the player tries to activate one of the computers controlling the huge circular door. The eighth dialog is when the player tries to open the huge circular door. The ninth dialog is when the player manages to activate a single computer by placing a crystal in it. The tenth dialog is when the player has placed a crystal in each computer (and the huge circular door subsequently opens). ... Exit stream 4: Bastila opens, the scene cuts to a cutscene, then back for questions, which both follow the same path and the conversation ends. Exit stream 5: Carth says his line and DAN_DONE_DOOR is changed to true to show that the door has been commented upon. The conversation goes to Bastila's line (exit stream 6) if she is present, or exits otherwise. Exit stream 6: The line is said and DAN_DONE_DOOR is changed to true to show that the door has been commented upon. Exit stream 7: The line is said and the conversation ends. Exit stream 8: The line is said and the player can either choose to accept the vision, in which case the cutscene repeats and the conversation ends, or end the conversation outright. Exit stream 9: The line is said when only a single crystal has been placed in one of the computers. Exit stream 10: The line is said when both crystals have been placed the the door opens. From what I can piece together, the plan was for the player to have to find a pair of crystals, and insert one into each computer, powering it up, and allowing the player access to the mound. I suspect what is now the puzzle inside with the two computers was originally outside with these two – and perhaps the crystals functioning where your datapad does now. Or maybe not. I suggest we leave the puzzles as-is, and I'm unsure about the nature of the computers. It seems that once that was done, you would have to do some kind of meditation before the front door or something. We can put that together using the existing scene the first time you approach the mound, but make it so that it's after you CAN enter the mound that you fire the scene, instead of just the first time you approach it. Some assembly may be required, with interpolating the comments. I believe what is listed as the tenth dialogue in the comments is actually the 11th. Burial Mound – Alternate Lines about the Star Map There seems to have been a previous version of the dialogue about the Star Maps and the Star Forge, which pretty well reveal what the Star Forge is right at the start. . Consider adding back in as an alternative to the current ones – maybe as depending on DS/LS or M/F playthrough. (see: bastila.dlg in danm13_s.rim_) Bastila/Carth Comments – Matale Grounds It seems that Bastila and/or Carth were intended at one point to comment on some stuff inside the Matale Grounds- Carth in fact on the fact that the Matales use combat droids...we'll restore that dialogue if its possible. Bastila seems to have been meant to comment on your meeting with Ahlan Matale. I seem to recall she says this in the Council scene anyway, but best to check, I think. Something about being the model of diplomacy. This ref. may be a duplication of the one above. (see: bastila.dlg in danm13_s.rim ) // SCRIPTED // When the player is about to enter the matale estate for the first time ... The third dialog is when the player approaches Ahlan Matale in his home for the first time. (see: carth.dlg in danm13_s.rim) The second dialog is when the player first encounters patrol droids in the plains around the Sandral estate. Exit stream 2: The line is said and the conversation ends. DAN_DONE_DROIDS is changed to true to show that the line has been said. I'm not sure if the Sandral ref. Should refer to the Matale – or which is which, come to think of it. Probably best to use with the family that already has the combat droids, I think. Maybe just restore immediately outside the appropriate house. Bastila Comments: Kath Hounds {see: bastila.dlg in dan13_s.rim} // SCRIPTED // when the player crosses the bridge out of the jedi enclave for the first time ... The first dialog is when the player first crosses the bridge from the Jedi Enclave to the plains. It seems that this is where Bastila's line about “Dantooine seems peaceful enough” was originally situated, rather than in her “What do you know about this world?” lines. I'd suggest placing for repetition, anyway, possibly with a check against the player having already spoken to Bastila about the subject – though we should check that the two lines are identical in that case. This dialogue option also appears for Carth on the bridge in his dialogue in dan13_s.rim: Dialog Mission Statement These lines are interjections by Carth during the course of the Dantooine plot. The first dialog is when the player first crosses the bridge from the Jedi Enclave to the plains. ... Exit stream 1: The line is said and the conversation ends. DAN_DONE_PLAINS is changed to true to show that the line has been said. Droids --> Kath Hounds There appear to have originally been some droids in the Enclave Courtyard module, on or by the bridge, who would warn your about Kath Hounds if spoken to. Their dialogue is something like “sec.dlg”, or something. Ahlan Complains Once You're A Padawan See the title, really. Look for this in Ahlan's dialogue in danm13 RIM files. I'm not sure how worthy of restoration this is. These dialogs are the conversation files for Ahlan Matale in the Jedi Enclave. Before the player becomes a Padawan, Ahlan is sitting in a waiting room in the Enclave. Once the player does become a Padawan (see zhar13 for more details) Ahlan is moved fromthe waiting room to the council chambers. The next time the player enters the Council chambers, Ahlan, Vandar and Vrook will be there and the first dialog will initiate. Dorak Runs Up In the Enclave, it seems that unless you asked Dorak about the history of the Jedi before a certain point, he would have run up and bored your ear off about Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma. (See: dorak's dialogue file in danm13_s.rim for the line “Padawan, I must speak with you”, in particular.) must run up and init dialog with the player if Juhani plot is done and the player has not yet spoken to Dorak. Discovering The Star Map Prematurely There's a line in vandar's dialogue – or there was – for if the player discovered the star map before the council assigned the quest. I advise against its restoration, or that possibility. It would play merry hell with the current setup of Dantooine. The fourth dialog is his response to the player having discovered the Star Map before the Council assigned the quest. The Quest For The Lightsabre Crystal It seems fetching a crystal was more of a mission before – involving killing a kinrath. I think this was what the cut rooms in danm13 were for. Don't quote me on that, though. In theory, could be restored (Q? Please confirm on possibility of adding rooms into the .lyt file. I'm not sanguine about this possibility, but it'd be nice to hear your input on this.) I'm going to subdivide the restorations for this into segments. The information in each one is broadly interlinked, however, hence the setup. Fetching Crystals It seems you originally would have had to kill a kinrath and fetch your lightsabre crystal from a room in the Enclave. Our source for this bit is Zhar's dialogue: The seventh dialog is subsequent times before the player returns with a crystal. The eighth dialog is when the player returns with a crystal. ... Exit stream 6: The lines are spoken and the conversation ends. If the player accepts, DAN_ZHARL_DONE is set to TRUE to show that the player has been told to find the lightsaber crystals. How much of this is restorable is questionable- Zhar's VOs lack the bits you'd need to restore this properly as far as I can tell. Crattis Yurkal On Crystals While on this quest, Crattis Yurkal would ask you to grab him some crystals...our source is his dialogue: Dialog Mission Statement These are the dialogs for Crattis Yurkal, one of the merchants in the Jedi Enclave. He comments on the results of plots and offers to buy lightsaber crystals from the player, but otherwise does nothing other than be a store. The fourth dialog is Crattis asking the player to get him lightsaber crystals. This happens after the player has been told to find a crystal, but before returning to Zhar with one. Exit stream 4: This conversation always has Crattis ask the player to bring him some crystals. DAN_DONE_CRATISL is set to true to show that the offer has been made. The end points of this conversation both link to stream 10. This part may already be in the playable game- of this I am uncertain. Bastila Comments On The Crystals From her dialogue: // SCRIPTED // after the player has defeated the kinrath and approaches the crystals The second dialog is when the player approaches the pile of lightsaber crystals. Exit stream 2: The line is said and DAN_DONE_CRYSTAL is changed to true to show that Bastila has commented on the crystals. I suggest moving this bit to the crystal caves. Bastila's comment is generic enough that it will stand without the rest of the plot about fetching crystals, and this avoids the uncomfortable issue of fiddling with the .lyt file. Nurse With Zhar...erm, I mean... It seems you were meant to sparr with Zhar and prove your ability with a lightsabre. You seem to first have had to show proficiency with the lightsabre, then fought a shielded droid, then sparred with Zhar himself. How much is restorable is highly questionable, given what we have of his VOs. From his dialogue: The tenth dialog is once the player has shown basic proficiency with the lightsaber. The eleventh dialog is after the player has defeated the shielded droid. The twelfth dialog is if the player failed to defeat Zhar. The thirteenth dialog is once the player has defeated Zhar. ... Exit stream 10: The lines are said and the player can either initiate combat or leave. DAN_ZHARH_DONE is set to TRUE to show that the player has shown basic proficiency. ... Exit stream 13: The lines are said and the conversation ends. DAN_JEDI_PLOT is set to 7 to show that the player has become a Padawan. It seems to indicate that the Juhani plot was originally not the final test to become a Padawan. I would suggest if possible we restore the testing of your ability with a lightsabre, and the trials, but leave the third test to being the business with Juhani. As far as I recall, there are one or two other bits and pieces of restorable content. There's a wounded Sith in the temple on the unknown world, which I do remember. I don't remember if there's much else. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted June 22, 2012 Quite thorough... got such a list for KOTOR2 too? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InSidious 241 Posted June 23, 2012 Quite thorough... got such a list for KOTOR2 too? 'Fraid not. Never found much for TSL outside of what's already well-known. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted June 23, 2012 Do you know where the wounded Sith's dialogue is located? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted June 23, 2012 Wow that is a lot of new information about Dantooine. I knew about the crystals powering the terminal but not the rest of it. We'll see what we can do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InSidious 241 Posted June 23, 2012 Do you know where the wounded Sith's dialogue is located? There is no .dlg file. So far as I remember, all the lines and player responses are in dialog.tlk (though I don't remember where), and there's some VO files somewhere in the unknown world folders. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InSidious 241 Posted June 28, 2012 I just found my attempt at restoring the injured Sith. So far as I can tell, I wasn't very far into it. I had, however, culled the lines from dialog.tlk and put them into a file, and also started trying to sort them into some kind of sense. First of all, the list of lines relating to this dialogue (NPC entries first, then player replies): [31130] Zzzz...(nm44aainjs03045_) [31131] Back again? I know my Master sent you, but I'm supposed to be resting and recovering. It will take time for the Kolto to repair the damage. *sigh* What do you want? (nm44aainjs03044_) [31132] How may I serve you, Lord Revan? (nm44aainjs03043_) [31133] Please, dont hurt me! I'm injured and unarmed! I can't even get out of this bed! (nm44aainjs03000_) [31134] NO! Please, somebody help me! (nm44aainjs03042_) [31135] I'm just one of the Sith apprentices - nobody important. I was injured when my Master sent me and two other apprentices out to investigate a ship that crashed here recently.(nm44aainjs03002_) [31136] We didn't find the ship, but we stumbled across one of those rancors. It wasn't even full grown, but it took all three of us to bring it down.(nm44aainjs03003_) [31137] None of us escaped unscathed, but I got the worst of it. The beast snapped my spine in the battle - I can't even walk anymore! (nm44aainjs03004_) [31138] I have a broken back, remember? I can't walk. But if you want you could up my kolto dosage. That'll knock me cold for at least six hours. You don't have to hurt me or anything.(nm44aainjs03033_) [31139] Since my Master sent you I guess I can answer your questions. What do you want to know? (nm44aainjs03037_) [31140]Remember - tell my Master that I answered all your questions. I want to stay on his good side. (nm44aainjs03039_) [31141]Good. The pain in my back is getting pretty bad, anyway. You'll actually be doing me a favor. (nm44aainjs03035_) [31142]Lord Revan, I only followed Malak because I thought you were dead. But you are the Master I swore allegiance to. I will not betray you! (nm44aainjs03030_) [31143]I will not betray you, Lord Revan. It is physically impossible for me, in any case. My injuries are so severe it will be weeks before I can leave this bed. (nm44aainjs03032_) [31144]You think I'm gonna tell you all the Sith secrets just because I'm crippled? You won't get anything out of me! (nm44aainjs03007_) [31145][success] My Master sent you? I guess it would be okay to answer your questions, then. What do you want to know? (nm44aainjs03022_) [31146]I don't know much about the Star Forge, but I hear it has something to do with this temple. Maybe there might be information on it in the library down on the lower level. (nm44aainjs03027_) [31147]I... I don't know. I swear. I'm just an apprentice. Why would they tell me anything like that? (nm44aainjs03024_) [31148][Failure] Do you think I'm an idiot? Revan is dead - everybody knows that! The Jedi Council killed him. (nm44aainjs03020_) [31149][success] L-L-Lord Revan? Forgive me, Master. I didn't recognize you. Lord Malak told us all you were dead! (nm44aainjs03016_) [31150]Please, Lord Revan - spare me! I didn't know you still lived. (nm44aainjs03018_) [31151][success] No! Please, have mercy! (nm44aainjs03013_) [31152]I'll tell you whatever you want to know! Just don't hurt me, please. Haven't I suffered enough as it is? (nm44aainjs03014_) [31153][Failure] You think you scare me? I've seen the torture my Master uses on spies. You couldn't do anything worse than that. Why don't you just leave me alone? (nm44aainjs03010_) [31154][success] I'll tell you whatever you want to know! Just don't hurt me, please. Haven't I suffered enough as it is? (nm44aainjs03009_) [31155]Lord Revan, you are the true Master. Whatever you command, I shall do. Ask your questions, Master. I am here to serve. (nm44aainjs03006_) [31156]Then you should be easy to kill! (_m44aainjs03041_) [31157]Who are you? (_m44aainjs03001_) [31158]If I leave what's to stop you from sounding the alarm? (_m44aainjs03029_) [31159]Sorry - it's too risky. I'll just kill you instead.(_m44aainjs03040_) [31160]I want to ask you some questions.(_m44aainjs03036_) [31161]I'll be going now.(_m44aainjs03038_) [31162]Okay, I'll increase your kolto dosage to knock you out.(_m44aainjs03034_) [31163]I trust your loyalty. But if you set off the alarm you will suffer! (_m44aainjs03031_) [31164]I need some information.(_m44aainjs03005_) [31165][Force Persuade] Your Master sent me to ask you some questions. (_m44aainjs03021_) [31166]You're no use to me anymore. Time to die! (_m44aainjs03028_) [31167]Where can I get information on the Star Forge?(_m44aainjs03026_) [31168]How do I shut off the shields around the Temple?(_m44aainjs03025_) [31169]How do I shut off the disruptor field protecting the Star Forge? (_m44aainjs03023_) [31170][Persuade] Don't you recognize me, fool? I am Darth Revan! (_m44aainjs03015_) [31171]Obviously Malak lied to you! (_m44aainjs03019_) [31172]Malak betrayed me, and all those who follow him shall suffer! (_m44aainjs03017_) [31173][Persuade] You're in no position to defend yourself right now.(_m44aainjs03012_) [31174][Persuade] I need information. Don't make this unpleasant for us both.(_m44aainjs03008_) [31175]It's obvious you're never going to talk. Guess I'll just have to kill you.(_m44aainjs03011_) Second, my initial work on restoring the order of the dialogue: [31133] Please, dont hurt me! I'm injured and unarmed! I can't even get out of this bed! (nm44aainjs03000_) [31157]Who are you? (_m44aainjs03001_) [31135] I'm just one of the Sith apprentices - nobody important. I was injured when my Master sent me and two other apprentices out to investigate a ship that crashed here recently.(nm44aainjs03002_) | [31136] We didn't find the ship, but we stumbled across one of those rancors. It wasn't even full grown, but it took all three of us to bring it down.(nm44aainjs03003_) | [31137] None of us escaped unscathed, but I got the worst of it. The beast snapped my spine in the battle - I can't even walk anymore! (nm44aainjs03004_) [31164]I need some information.(_m44aainjs03005_) [31155]Lord Revan, you are the true Master. Whatever you command, I shall do. Ask your questions, Master. I am here to serve. (nm44aainjs03006_) / [31144]You think I'm gonna tell you all the Sith secrets just because I'm crippled? You won't get anything out of me! (nm44aainjs03007_) [31174][Persuade] I need information. Don't make this unpleasant for us both.(_m44aainjs03008_) [31154][success] I'll tell you whatever you want to know! Just don't hurt me, please. Haven't I suffered enough as it is? (nm44aainjs03009_) / [31153][Failure] You think you scare me? I've seen the torture my Master uses on spies. You couldn't do anything worse than that. Why don't you just leave me alone? (nm44aainjs03010_) [31175]It's obvious you're never going to talk. Guess I'll just have to kill you.(_m44aainjs03011_) / [31173][Persuade] You're in no position to defend yourself right now.(_m44aainjs03012_) [31151][success] No! Please, have mercy! (nm44aainjs03013_) ? [31152]I'll tell you whatever you want to know! Just don't hurt me, please. Haven't I suffered enough as it is? (nm44aainjs03014_) \|/ - GOT TO HERE IN TRANSCRIPTION. (?) [31170][Persuade] Don't you recognize me, fool? I am Darth Revan! (_m44aainjs03015_) [31149][success] L-L-Lord Revan? Forgive me, Master. I didn't recognize you. Lord Malak told us all you were dead! (nm44aainjs03016_) [31172]Malak betrayed me, and all those who follow him shall suffer! (_m44aainjs03017_) [31150]Please, Lord Revan - spare me! I didn't know you still lived. (nm44aainjs03018_) [31171]Obviously Malak lied to you! (_m44aainjs03019_) [31148][Failure] Do you think I'm an idiot? Revan is dead - everybody knows that! The Jedi Council killed him. (nm44aainjs03020_) [31165][Force Persuade] Your Master sent me to ask you some questions. (_m44aainjs03021_) [31145][success] My Master sent you? I guess it would be okay to answer your questions, then. What do you want to know? (nm44aainjs03022_) [31169]How do I shut off the disruptor field protecting the Star Forge? (_m44aainjs03023_) [31147]I... I don't know. I swear. I'm just an apprentice. Why would they tell me anything like that? (nm44aainjs03024_) [31168]How do I shut off the shields around the Temple?(_m44aainjs03025_) [31167]Where can I get information on the Star Forge?(_m44aainjs03026_) [31146]I don't know much about the Star Forge, but I hear it has something to do with this temple. Maybe there might be information on it in the library down on the lower level. (nm44aainjs03027_) [31166]You're no use to me anymore. Time to die! (_m44aainjs03028_) [31158]If I leave what's to stop you from sounding the alarm? (_m44aainjs03029_) [31142]Lord Revan, I only followed Malak because I thought you were dead. But you are the Master I swore allegiance to. I will not betray you! (nm44aainjs03030_) [31163]I trust your loyalty. But if you set off the alarm you will suffer! (_m44aainjs03031_) [31143]I will not betray you, Lord Revan. It is physically impossible for me, in any case. My injuries are so severe it will be weeks before I can leave this bed. (nm44aainjs03032_) [31138] I have a broken back, remember? I can't walk. But if you want you could up my kolto dosage. That'll knock me cold for at least six hours. You don't have to hurt me or anything.(nm44aainjs03033_) [31162]Okay, I'll increase your kolto dosage to knock you out.(_m44aainjs03034_) [31141]Good. The pain in my back is getting pretty bad, anyway. You'll actually be doing me a favor. (nm44aainjs03035_) [31160]I want to ask you some questions.(_m44aainjs03036_) [31139] Since my Master sent you I guess I can answer your questions. What do you want to know? (nm44aainjs03037_) [31161]I'll be going now.(_m44aainjs03038_) [31140]Remember - tell my Master that I answered all your questions. I want to stay on his good side. (nm44aainjs03039_) [31159]Sorry - it's too risky. I'll just kill you instead.(_m44aainjs03040_) [31156]Then you should be easy to kill! (_m44aainjs03041_) [31134] NO! Please, somebody help me! (nm44aainjs03042_) [31132] How may I serve you, Lord Revan? (nm44aainjs03043_) [31131] Back again? I know my Master sent you, but I'm supposed to be resting and recovering. It will take time for the Kolto to repair the damage. *sigh* What do you want? (nm44aainjs03044_) [31130] Zzzz...(nm44aainjs03045_) As you can see, I didn't get terribly far in piecing it back together. I did make a stab at restoring the dialogue, which I've attached to this post, but note that it is far from complete. injs.dlg There is also a complete, but I think at present unused dialogue in the unk_m44aa module: it's titled "unk44_wraidhand", and apparently belonged to a Dark Jedi who would speak a bit before killing you (and presumably, attacked with some wraids). From what I (dimly) remember, the .utc exists, but just attacks you at the moment, without any dialogue. Could be wrong on that, though. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted June 28, 2012 Yep I actually remember piecing the dialog together myself a long time ago but it ended up broken due to a bug with KTool's dialog editor, which is why I've learned it's better to use dlg editor rather than KTool for these sort of things. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fallen Guardian 27 Posted June 28, 2012 It sounds very similar to the cut Sith soldier named Major Hurka. She also talks about kolto overdose inducing unconsciousness as an alternative to her death as well as not wanting to die helpless in bed. Though she seemed to be much less injured than this guy. Nice finds by the way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrisG 10 Posted September 7, 2013 Good Darth Insidious got this to you guys, glad he did. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites