Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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I always thought the tank droid should have loot, that's awesome.

It was dropping before. Just "human" loot. Now it has "droid" loot instead. Same likelyhood of appearing (25%)

I suppose personally I agree it could give better loot (it's a 'boss' after all), but well, not going to change that in TSLRCM without good reason.

Not to mention all HK's now drop atleast 1 item per encounter, and droids actually drop droid items, which adds a bunch compared to vanilla already.

Welcome back on the road to testing, HH!


I am surprised that you felt the need of water cooling for your PC due to temperature conditions where you live. Aren't you in the Netherlands?


And yes, I do live in the Netherlands. And it's hot here right now. Well, not *right* now (about 1AM) but during the course of the day... :P

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VP, did you ever create that Serroco Veteran cutscene?


Not yet, but considering I have no desire to work on my other projects, I think I could give Serroco a shot

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It was dropping before. Just "human" loot. Now it has "droid" loot instead. Same likelyhood of appearing (25%)

I suppose personally I agree it could give better loot (it's a 'boss' after all), but well, not going to change that in TSLRCM without good reason.


Oh, I guess I've just had bad luck every time I've played TSL, then, haha. Weird. The odds of that are approximately (0.75)13 = 0.0238.

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I thought I had bad luck lol


Then again, I haven't started on that Serroco scene yet... I'm sure I'll have issues there....

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Why is he missing his right hand? And why do you ignore my question about the masked attacker? :mad: You're the modders, after all. You should know more about this than me.

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Why is he missing his right hand?


It is behind the pilot's seat.


And why do you ignore my question about the masked attacker? :mad: You're the modders, after all. You should know more about this than me.


Personally, I have no idea. Hassat asked me to make the masked attacker, so I did. I always assumed he was tied to either Samhan or Dendis (whichever was the one dealing black market arms).


Then again, I haven't actually played TSLRCM (much less TSL) in a long while.

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It is behind the pilot's seat.

Oh, yeah, right. In my defense, I'll say that I'm not really good in spotting such things in 12:00 PM.


Personally, I have no idea. Hassat asked me to make the masked attacker, so I did. I always assumed he was tied to either Samhan or Dendis (whichever was the one dealing black market arms).


Then again, I haven't actually played TSLRCM (much less TSL) in a long while.

So it's not a restoration? Or it's the only part of a side quest that can be restored?

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Yes and no. From what I understand, the Masked attacker was cut content (whether or not he's tied to any side quest). The game files have no way of putting a mask on a Duros, so that's where I had to come in.

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It's terrific to see visible progress again. I was sorting through a collection of splendid mods in anticipation and preparation, and remembered that I should remove the ones that will be made redundant in accordance with the changelog on page 28. In addition to these two, have there been any other cosmetic improvements added since then, such as Sammi_DC's Dialogue Tile Fix, for example? Are Improveed Visis Marr's Introduction (1.0), Space/Environmental Suit Speed Fix, TSL Ambience Improvement Mod, TSL Music Improvement, and Xi's Cyan & Silver Lightsaber Fix still separate?

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Too funny not to share.


Visas introduction is already in 1.7 ingame, so no need for a movie fix :/

Also, I like my players too much to torture them with giving them KOTOR1's Space Suit Speed. Have you walked around with it in the Jekk Jekk Tar? Guaranteed mass annoyance...

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What about the Darth Nihilus Animation Fix 2.0 and Darth Nihilus Mask Fix? Are they included in 1.8?

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Are there any other mods like M4-78 and Genoharadan? If yes will they be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8?

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Are there any other mods like M4-78 and Genoharadan? If yes will they be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8?


There is a M4-78 mod that they are working on, called M4-78EP. There is a thread on the forums about it. I think some people are also working on the Genoharadan, but I'm not sure about the compatability for when they are complete you would have to ask.


If I'm wrong don't have a go at me, I'm only trying to help.

Edited by Ninko

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Visas introduction is already in 1.7 ingame, so no need for a movie fix :/

Won't the movie be unlocked and viewable from the main menu after the scripted sequence replacing it has been triggered?


Also, I like my players too much to torture them with giving them KOTOR1's Space Suit Speed. Have you walked around with it in the Jekk Jekk Tar? Guaranteed mass annoyance...

Come to think of it, that would be excruciating! I wish Achilles had opted for a rate that's only slightly below the threshold of looking cartoonish.

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There is a M4-78 mod that they are working on, called M4-78EP. There is a thread on the forums about it. I think some people are also working on the Genoharadan, but I'm not sure about the compatability for when they are complete you would have to ask.


If I'm wrong don't have a go at me, I'm only trying to help.

Yes Thank you i know abaut them i wanted to ask are there any more mods like them.

But i guess its only them.

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What about the Darth Nihilus Animation Fix 2.0 and Darth Nihilus Mask Fix? Are they included in 1.8?


There's nothing wrong with Nihilus animations. That's just to add missing stuff if you want to use him as a PC. Since you never do in vanilla no point including it at all. Want Nihilus as PC, download it extra.

Not sure what the mask fix is...


Also, getting a bit tired of all the "is X included"... it's a restoration mod, not a 'mod compilation mod.' Just saying.


As for the Masked Attacker, it's just a hint towards the owner of the illegal blaster. Much like the blowing up HK-50 is a hint towards the HK-Factory being around the corner, but by itself, being generally useless.

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How is your new computer doing HH? Are you happy with it?


And more on topic, would you say you're so far satisfied with how the testing has gone?

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How is your new computer doing HH? Are you happy with it?


And more on topic, would you say you're so far satisfied with how the testing has gone?

It's not really a new computer. It's the same old, but working again.


Depends. some fixes, yes. Others, took waaaay too long :).

Any can give us pictures from the new content of TSLRCM 1.8?


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As for the Masked Attacker, it's just a hint towards the owner of the illegal blaster. Much like the blowing up HK-50 is a hint towards the HK-Factory being around the corner, but by itself, being generally useless.

There goes my dream for an epic side quest, ending in the destruction of the Duros bounty hunter clan. Or does it?

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There goes my dream for an epic side quest, ending in the destruction of the Duros bounty hunter clan. Or does it?


If it helps, I imagined the Masked Duros as a hired bounty hunter, since I didn't really know anything about him. He very well could have been from the Zhug brothers clan.

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And since they speak in an alien language there's no need for a voice-over. You feel me?

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