Clockwork 0 Posted July 8, 2012 Yikes!! Good luck, stop messing around with this nonsense Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 10, 2012 2 down, 1 (the hardest, math) to go. Then back to 1.8... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted July 10, 2012 2 down, 1 (the hardest, math) to go. Then back to 1.8... I would say math is easy, but I'm only 16 and have taken algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twdarkeh 1 Posted July 11, 2012 I would say math is easy, but I'm only 16 and have taken algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry... Math is not easy. Math is terrible. Especially taking Calculus AB in high school, then having to take calc 1 in college because you failed the AP test. A bit more on topic, HH, maybe you should focus more on tests, and less on counting down to when you can work on 1.8. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reihar 0 Posted July 11, 2012 Oh ! Come on ! Math is fun ! School does just teach you the boring stuff and not the interesting one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted July 11, 2012 Oh ! Come on ! Math is fun ! Knock, knock. You and me:Who's there? twdarkeh and Hassat Hunter. You an me:Oh crap! They're gonna kill us! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted July 11, 2012 I hope I don't start any speculation here but I'd personally like to see TSLRCM & M4-78 EP come out at the same time.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wvsnl 3 Posted July 11, 2012 I'd rather not, both modifications have been worked on quite long. So if for example 1.8 is finished but not released because there is still some testing on M4-78EP, then I would be quite disappointed the wait has been long on either modification, so I would rather have them released separately if one is finished sooner then the other. However if the moddingteam wants to release them together I would of course respect that. But if one of them is not being released despite it being finished because the other is still worked upon, then it I would find it disappointing as I already said. However if both are finished at the almost same moment then I would not mind. I apologize if I sound rude or like a spoiled brat it is not how I mean it. Just want to give you guys my opinion on the matter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zhaboka 92 Posted July 11, 2012 There was a time long ago when we naively dreamed 1.8, the EP, and Malachor VI would all come out concurrently... ahhhh, those were the days... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 11, 2012 Well, I am done with the study stuff, just having to wait for the results. And no, math's no fun. Anyway, should have some new screenshots and stuff tomorrow... first need some sleep... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peedeeboy 23 Posted July 11, 2012 There was a time long ago when we naively dreamed 1.8, the EP, and Malachor VI would all come out concurrently... ahhhh, those were the days... And Genoharadan! Then I think we will probably have the most complete TSL experience we can hope for. . And I, for one, am very much looking forward to it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted July 12, 2012 I am also waiting for InSidious' Rhen Var as well. But back on topic now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
milestails 264 Posted July 12, 2012 TSL's best days are ahead of us! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 12, 2012 It's time again for... the pains of being a KOTOR-modder... Here's e-mails I send to the team which kind of reflect most bug fixes in TSLRCM 1.8... or alternatively "How I wasted 45 Minutes Just Now On A 15 Second Fix" So, I was adding Luxa's unique blaster to her in the Exchange's place, using GFF-editor to not mess up the TLK-entries (and give zbyl more work fixing it).However manually adding the blaster that way it didn't show up. Opening with KOTORTool and then inventory showed no 'item name' like other items added. So I modified it with KOTORTool, then saved it somewhere. Then compared the two entries. To me, they looked identical. So I copied over the KOTORTool modified entry for the weapon to my old luxa file, then deleted my own addition of the weapon (again, to prevent KOTORTool from breaking the TLK-entries), even though they looked identical. Then opening up this new file with KOTORTool it did indeed show the name beside the item, and it did appear and drop ingame. Anyone any clue what's going on? Anyway, glad it's working anyway, now working on the script to make her equip it during the cutscene, to prevent her from bashing with fists and never using it if attacking her (because you're too close. Works fine if attacking Slusk)... And... (41 minutes later of working on that one fix) Then *of course* we find a post on LF by Varsity explaining all our .utc changes are for naught; Although half an hour and a dozen attempts later, the gun is spawned on her, but not equiped. Which is when I found out it was because of the .dlg's "unequip items" option, instead of what I was doing. So, trying it out just now and sure enough, all that modifying and testing the script wasn't even needed, since the gun appears just fine with the .dlg option disabled. Which I think makes more sense (why put your gun downs when you threaten someone?) I've included the .utc and .dlg in the fixpack, unless someone has a reason to prefer the .ncs and .dlg. They both work just fine... they have to after all that time put into them. Ugh... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
105491689125 3 Posted July 12, 2012 And Genoharadan! Then I think we will probably have the most complete TSL experience we can hope for. . Nah, we also need at least a mod that resolves and brings closure to Bao-Dur's fate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted July 12, 2012 It's time again for... the pains of being a KOTOR-modder... Here's e-mails I send to the team which kind of reflect most bug fixes in TSLRCM 1.8... or alternatively "How I wasted 45 Minutes Just Now On A 15 Second Fix" And... (41 minutes later of working on that one fix) How did you get access to the info by Varsity Puppet?! I thought the server was down. And I still can't access it. Does IE work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 12, 2012 How did you get access to the info by Varsity Puppet?! I thought the server was down. And I still can't access it. Does IE work? Was back for a small while (using FF) when I was looking for a solution to my problem. Like it was meant to be... afterwards it died again... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan 11 Posted July 12, 2012 I should really be studying (and not working on KOTOR2 at all), but... vid; Looks good, except for the Exile's cloak. But I guess that's un-fixable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2pro4u 0 Posted July 15, 2012 Hey guys! My apologies for being so impatient.. but I just can´t help myself. Is there any chance 1.8 TSLRCM will be released this holidays? I am afraid this is the only time for me to fulfill my hunger for Kotor. I certainly don´t want to wait another year although when it´s done it´s done and there is not much I or any eager fan can do. Or is it? I don´t think your ego needs any more boosters like how awesome you are and how much respect do we have for your work. But if it helps, please, be my guest - you rock. Now go space yourself and work harder - this schutta can´t wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted July 15, 2012 Must be nice to have so many fans. Even if they don't read any of what you say. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith Holocron 2,514 Posted July 15, 2012 Hey guys! My apologies for being so impatient.. but I just can´t help myself. Is there any chance 1.8 TSLRCM will be released this holidays? I am afraid this is the only time for me to fulfill my hunger for Kotor. I certainly don´t want to wait another year although when it´s done it´s done and there is not much I or any eager fan can do. Or is it? I don´t think your ego needs any more boosters like how awesome you are and how much respect do we have for your work. But if it helps, please, be my guest - you rock. Now go space yourself and work harder - this schutta can´t wait! I think my signature says it all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2pro4u 0 Posted July 15, 2012 Must be nice to have so many fans. Even if they don't read any of what you say. Yep, I was expecting something like that and I am sorry if I missed any post, sign or big blinking countdown banner just in front of my eyes. I know it´s bad excuse, but this forum is huge and I found it just today so I am not as much oriented as I would like to. Nevertheless, from what I have read in this topic, there wasn´t specified any clear date, month or even year of releasing. But I am also pretty sure that I could have easily overlooked that and for that I am sorry. A little help, please? I think my signature says it all. Ye, even if I don´t like it I have to agree. It´s art and that can be hardly planned. I was just curious.. forget it. Thanx for responses and keep up the good work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malkior 477 Posted July 15, 2012 Yep, I was expecting something like that and I am sorry if I missed any post, sign or big blinking countdown banner just in front of my eyes. I know it´s bad excuse, but this forum is huge and I found it just today so I am not as much oriented as I would like to. Nevertheless, from what I have read in this topic, there wasn´t specified any clear date, month or even year of releasing. But I am also pretty sure that I could have easily overlooked that and for that I am sorry. A little help, please? I understand how you feel. Normally, you can get a pretty good idea of what progress is being made on the mod if you look in its forum thread. The mod author will also sometimes post an estimated level of completion and itinerary there. (Heck, sometimes seeing the progressing screenshots also sometimes thankfully posted by the author/s, helps to ease the pain of not being able to play the mod somewhat with the knowledge that it WILL be done eventually; and that it will totally be worth the wait ) Edit__ Too late do I realize that we're IN the TSCLRM official thread.. . Therefore, it is actually posted earlier in THIS thread the progress and itinerary. (I do think there was a photo or two as well) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 16, 2012 You mean like this? Had to stop working on TSLRCM for a while. Now that I can do so again, it's a joy to work on it. Aside from the often times things inexplicably don't work of course due to the engine or who-knows-what-else... or solutions of 1 minute take you 30 to find out. Aside from that, it's great. And of course with each bug fixed and planet tested, we get closer and closer to finally pushing out 1.8. Enjoy a few previous screenshots just uploaded, which demonstrate some of the things added in the past 3 days to 1.8 during this final run. For the full list (It's not going to be so long as the last); 207TEL: Fixed issue with option to reset Doton Het flag back to 2 when it's 3/4, having to re-do going to Harra/Luxa for exchange options. Also fixed being able to re-ask her price if threatning with the exchange if you already knew it. ** Also made Harra appear with the proper requirements (making her your own without visiting Harra through Ramana/Doton). ** Also fixed Doton still being there while DEAD (!!!) if you released Ramana. ** Fixed .git for new dancer position. Also added small delay (using new script, stupid Aurora) for the dancer to appear after Ramana is removed, since her presence moved her to a wrong location. 203TEL: Some camera fixes to Ramana's dialogue (camera on Harra like dotonhet.dlg instead of on ramana while Harra follows Ramana) ** Also altered onenter script to remove Harra given the right circumstances. ** Also altered dotonhet scene so it uses a wide-shot when he begs for his life rather than center on him (and looks over him since he has the crouching horror effect) 154HAR: Considering the music discussion on the boards now, I cut 1 second off from the Sion Arrival Fix cutscene so it would end with the "dum dum dum DUM", not the softer music afterwards... more moodsetting (and like it was in the .bik). Hope zbyl doesn't mind me improving his mod... 0_0 907MAL: Apparently, Sion doesn't kneel in certain cases. Made his entrance walk 1 second longer, so he will always kneel. 202TEL: Modified TSF to keep patrolling, even after talking or fighting. Only downside; they keep walking instead of facing you when talking. Minor price to pay though IMO. (I think it has to do with going to the nearest waypoint instead of following a path. Which has to be done to prevent all of them to swarm the same point, which would look odd rather than proper patrolling) 203TEL: Restored some Batono lines, and made the mercs dissapear and untalkable after ambushing Batono (so you can't infinitely repeat "as schedules, here's the Jedi" (which took a lot longer than it should have . Also it looks a bit silly of them to moonwalk then dissapear, but blame Aurora :/). 208TEL: Fixed onenter script... basically ripping out *everything* but leaving the hidden turret animation there, fixing the requirement (so they're hidden now until the "reveal" animation! Yay!) 208TEL: Added Luxa's unique weapon to her. 207TEL: Fixed error with 202TEL_Falt flag setting when failing persuasion. 201TEL, 207TEL & 209TEL; Applied B-4D4 music. 209TEL; Fixed mainframe closing. It does close (unlike vanilla) due to 203 modifications, but didn't get locked. Now it gets locked too. 204TEL; Updated .git information about mercenary attack (no more mercs spawning between the plants). 232TEL; Small delay issue fixed with console 262TEL; Kreia's [wisdom] option now actually requires wisdom, well... more than the 1 requirement it was (now 15). 262TEL; While I was contempt enough to keep my little bug of the PC being at the removed maidens position when talking for past 1.8, no more. All these files are simply just to fix that in an elegant way (so with fade-outs and fade-ins added to mask all the strange stuff going on which was kind of bothersome to see). 262TEL; Added delay to Handmaiden 'frowning' when the maidens tell you the sixth wont join the fight, so it wont be skipped, but shown! 950COR; Apparently my healing script did work, but Bao would still use his harmed animation until another ran. So running a quick 1 sec (so in the fade-in time) animation when 950cor loads, making him 'unharmed' again for every scene following it... Override; Influence change/force points alteration icons in popup changed to their proper appearance. 262TEL; Fixed small issue with Atton concerning a Kreia proximity check being in the wrong location. Override; Removed "is male" checks from certain Atton convo options since 000_Woman_Trouble is never said as female anyway (making handmaiden for females easier to make compatible to other mods again. Always handy to be a dev on the same projects ) 003EBO; Fixed Kreia talking, camera still on Atton during Nar Shaddaa intro (low awareness), fixed same thing with Visas when entering Korriban. 352NAR (needs new module file!!!); Fixed weirdness during Goto introduction. No longer does the droid turn halfway to continue to the waypoint, first spawns the hologram effect the wrong way etc. Looks far more professional and prettier . 902MAL; Tried fixing Mira/Hanharr issue, failed . Did improve the awkward loading area to cutscene start though (to no longer look awkward). 302NAR; "Are you Adana?" was never available... fixed. 302NAR; Several Sorocco fixes I made (to fix reopening "Refugee Woes" if it's closed) apparently never made the installer. Added to fixpack. 012EBO; Slightly improved loading of the module when only the Ratrin scene fires (no more first seeing the exile and team)... 306NAR; Fixed a twilek line missing VO (alien language wasn't set). 304NAR; Minor tweak so Kreia's lines are displayed 'Kreia' in the log, not Visquis. Not that it makes a difference ingame, but might as well fix it since I noticed . 305NAR; Fixed small camera issue with female PC. 303NAR; Smoothened out transitions (to Atton, to T3 etc.) as much as possible. 303NAR; Added some comments from the gameplay designer to Hanharr post-305 convo; He starts out unconscious now, getting up at the start, and watching to Kreia bit... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fair Strides 512 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) Definitely a comprehensive list. Excellent job, HH! Edited July 16, 2012 by Hassat Hunter Removed quote. Even downsized it's unnecessary, my post is right above! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites