Hassat Hunter

Update on 1.8

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I found out about an interesting piece of cut content that hasn't been integrated yet.

It is time - Kreia was supposed to come on board the Ebon Hawk and tell Atton that it is time for them to leave for Malachor (or Telos since she stops there first after Dantooine). Kreia takes the Ebon Hawk from Dantooine to Telos. Player is forced to find an alternate means of transportation to get there.
I found it on the Wookiepedia entry for cut content from TSL. Is this real cut content or just fan fiction? If it is real are there any voiceovers for this scene? I was thinking that the Ebon hawk could be stolen by Atton if the Exile is female or Brianna if Exile is male and might mean moving the Handmaiden arrest of kreia in the female version to the Polar plateau before the Kreia/Atris scene (explains how they got in without landing codes if Brianna isn't there and flows better than them randomly appearing on Dantooine). I also thought that the ithorian on Dantooine at the landing pad could be the source of this "alternate means of transportation" (also would give a good reason to use the shuttle interior model for the Exile/ Desciple or Exile/ Visas scenes). Another thing to change would be to have the Exile find Atton locked up in the Telos academy (instead of collapsed on the floor of the Ebon Hawk) where he tells her what happened (male version would probably take place at the Dantooine landing pad). If it is possible to do this I think it would be a good idea to consider as I feel that the Kreia/ Atton story line feels a bit unresolved as it is now.

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Well, Atton/Kreia scene is in, you can get it in 1.7/1.8


The EH being stolen just cannot be done. I don't know how you think a shuttle (what shuttle?) can have the Disciple/Visas convo either...

But I suppose you could mod it in... just... have to figure out a lot of stuff!

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Oh well. No harm in asking. And about the shuttle interior, I thought that a telos shuttle interior model had just been found in the game files and someone was making it into a module. I figured that a Telos shuttle could double as the ithorian's ship and have a scene inside the shuttle with Exile and Disciple/Visas prior to the group leaving for Telos. But as I said, if it's too hard than just leave it be. Also, I have 1.7 and I've never had kreia come aboard the ebon hawk to talk to atton in any of the scenes leading up to the telos battle. Is there a light side/Dark side or influence limitation?

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Guest Qui-Gon Glenn

^^^ mrdartht is right, HH! Not that I agree that anything should be done there, but there are two restored cockpits for the shuttles. Cannot recall who found them, but Darth Insidious took what that person found and made it into two working modules with slightly different interiors.

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Problem for that is, it's not an entire module. It's just a cockpick. You have a hard time plumming people in it... let stand do the things like meditating, walking away etc. as displayed in those cutscenes.



Scene depends on influence with Atton and Disciple (obviously female only)

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Currently there are 918 files in the 1.8 update map... 0_0

Even taking into account some are source files (.nss), still; Lots of stuff for 1.8!

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Let's play... what's missing here?



While I could just do it the easy way... I can also do it the hours and hours costing long way!


Or: Me finding out changing the name of a module isn't so easy. Requiring stuff that makes expert modders cringe, like modifying modules with Notepad++ :)

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Atton burns down YET another perfectly good shuttle.

I kinda like how the fire, smoke, sparks and the alarm make the chaos complete... for the whole 5 seconds or so this scene lasts... 0_0


(Yes, this means the shuttle scenes are done. Their screentime vs. time cost for implentation is horrendous though)

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Excellent, it always warms my heart to see more restored content :).


Gotta restore K1 content.


Gotta help save the internet.


Just another day for me :P.

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Hey Hassat Hunter any nice new screens or updates you have for us? Seeing as there has not been a post in this thread for 8 days. How is the rest of the work proceeding? Also great job with the shuttle interior it looks awesome :D

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I just wanted to thank the devs for their continued dedication to this massive project. I've been watching it grow for a long time, since the previous forums. I hope to play this game again with 1.8 some day soon.

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Well, we don't work so fast as to be able to produce screenshot-worthy stuff each 8 days :D.


And the interior was done by Obsidian.

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Yo. I gonna ask your favorite question. When you will release RCM1.8? Sorry i'm asking, just want to know more-less how long to wait on that. Days, weeks, months? It's really cool you're working at this, great work guys.

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Yo. I gonna ask your favorite question. When you will release RCM1.8? Sorry i'm asking, just want to know more-less how long to wait on that. Days, weeks, months? It's really cool you're working at this, great work guys.


Seems like they're closing in on completion but I have no idea. Hopefully in 2012, yeah? :P

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Or some1 gimme this to install even not finished. As it is now:D i wanna check it.


BTW. What left to do in this to make it done?

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Or someone gimme this to install even not finished. As it is now :D i wanna check it.


You want a "unfinished" version? Try TSLRCM version 1.7 that's currently available in the download section. Feel free to provide input once you've played through what they've done so far

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I am already playin on 1.7. I like it but i thought some1 could give me 1.8 where is much more things changed... i think it's all about i can't wait on this:P But nevermind.


PS. Is there a restoration content mod do KoTOR 1? If yes, cold somebody gimme a link?

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I am already playin on 1.7. I like it but i thought some1 could give me 1.8 where is much more things changed... i think it's all about i can't wait on this:P But nevermind.


PS. Is there a restoration content mod do KoTOR 1? If yes, cold somebody gimme a link?


Well there is one currently being worked on by me and my team. We have made much progress. Before you ask, no there is not a release date. However you are free to try a small sample of the mod in the form of the Impossible Difficulty Restoration available for download on Deadly Stream. The mod is hosted on Deadly Stream and you can follow the progress in the K1R section of the forums. PS: Try keeping an eye on the Screen of the Week we may have new K1R stuff to show you.

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Well you have My thanks for your work at mods like RCM to K2 and K1. I'm glad some1 is working on mods like this. I'll be patient then.


So what's the date of RCM1.8 release? ~month, ~3months? Just want to know..if you can answer atm... yeah i know im annoying...

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So what's the date of RCM1.8 release? ~month, ~3months? Just want to know..if you can answer atm... yeah i know im annoying...



Answer: Notice Sith Holocron's signature. It will be done when it's done. You really can't put a date (even a general time frame) on this kind of thing.

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