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The "Both Genders" option in KSE

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I was looking thru kse v3.3.3(a save editor for kotor and tsl) and I found the option to change your gender. What was interesting was that it had an option to be both.


I was wondering if anybody had tried that option.

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Your character will have very high levels of ugliness, if you ask me.

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You know, I doubt that the idea of a person that is both genders actually appeals to them.


I would be interested to see how the game would manage that, though. If I still had my copy of the game, I would try myself. I'm lending it to a friend right now, sadly. I hope someone tries it out and reports the results.

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The game will crash.

I know this is a very old thread, I only recently have been using the Android Kotor but have had it on Xbox and P.C. I am only now using the mods and an editor for the game, but I set my character to be a rodian using the save editor and I put gender as "both" and i played through, not far but it seems that Neither bastila nor Carth will acknowledge your gender, neither will be interested in you (the gender usage was after the slave quarters at Daviks estate) I had only did the gender thing to see if it would effect anthing but it seems to be the same thing as selecting "no gender". Option works best if you want to for whatever reason cut off any type of flirting with ANYONE. 

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Basically some gender-specific content won't trigger. Usually, in case of he/she lines, the game will proceed to the one with lower priority, which usually doesn't have a gender check. If both options have a gender check, neither will trigger and the convo would break.


Not sure about K1, but TSL doesn't always check the "gender" field; it has another boolean variable which is often used for gender check, and setting your gender to BOTH wouldn't do anything in those cases; and since booleans can only be 0 or 1s, you're always one of the genders.


So setting it to both is likely to at least break some quests at some point.

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