zbyl2 816 Posted April 7, 2012 Language in which you install TSLRCM must be the same as your game's language. Non-english TSLRCM will not work properly with English TSLRCM' date=' just as english TSLRCM won't work properly with non-English versions.I think it is « Non-english TSLRCM will not work properly with English game, just as english TSLRCM won’t work properly with non-English game version », isn’t it ?[/quote'] Yup, my bad, thanks for pointing that out. And thanks for the translation. Three more to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ero 1 Posted April 7, 2012 translation into german for all player's lines when talking to Suulru about Kaevee: 602/suulru.dlgAre you sure it's a salvager? -> Seid Ihr sicher, dass es sich um einen Schrottsammler handelt? What did they steal? -> Was haben sie gestohlen? The salvagers have been hit by this thief, too. -> Die Schrottsammler wurden von diesem Dieb ebenso bestohlen. What was stolen from you? -> Was wurde gestohlen? A former padawan was stealing to survive. -> Ein früherer Padawan stahl, um zu überleben. Your world wasn't the only one damaged by Darth Malak. -> Eure Welt war nicht die einzige, die von Darth Malak verwüstet wurde. Jedi are the greatest force for good we have. -> Die Jedi sind die größten Streiter für das Gute die wir haben. The Jedi were responsible for saving us. -> Die Jedi haben uns gerettet. I think your attitude towards the Jedi is unfounded. -> I denke eure Haltung gegenüber den Jedi ist unbegründet. Watch your tongue. You happen to be *speaking* to a Jedi. -> Passt auf was ihr sagt. Gerade *redet* Ihr mit einem Jedi. You're not really angry at the Jedi, are you? You just need someone to blame for your suffering. -> Ihr seid nicht wirklich wütend auf die Jedi oder? In Wahrheit braucht Ihr nur jemandem, den Ihr für eure Leiden verantwortlich machen könnt. So this is the reward I get? -> Das ist also der Dank? I *just* helped you out. Like many Jedi before me. -> Ich habe Euch *gerade* geholfen. Wie viele Jedi vor mir. You can *try* to collect the bounty. -> Ihr könnt *versuchen* das Kopfgeld zu kassieren. If you even breath one word of this to anyone, your death will await you. -> Wenn Ihr auch nur ein Wort hierüber verliert, werdet Ihr sterben. I'm only going to defend myself. -> Ich habe nur vor, mich selbst zu verteidigen. And the Jedi suffered alongside you. Think of how many of them died. -> Und die Jedi litten mit Euch. Denkt nur daran, wieviele von ihnen starben. Listen to yourself. You sound just as bad as Malak. -> Hört Euch doch nur mal reden. Ihr klingt so böse wie Malak. These are the Jedi's darkest days. Thousands of years of service and peace shouldn't be so casually cast aside and spurned. -> Dies sind die dunkelsten Tage der Jedi. Tausende Jahre der Hingabe und des Friedens sollten nicht so ohne weiteres verschmäht und beiseite geschoben werden. I don't want to get into this. -> Ich will damit nichts zu tun haben. She's just a young woman going through tough times. -> Sie ist bloß eine junge Frau, die harte Zeiten durchmacht. It was a young woman scarred by the war. -> Ich war eine junge Frau, vom Krieg gezeichnet. It's hard to say. Healing is a difficult process. -> Schwer zu sagen. Heilung ist eine schwieriger Prozess. Perhaps. About my reward... -> Vielleicht. Wegen meiner Belohnung... I think I set her on the right path. -> Ich glaube ich habe sie auf den richtigen Weg gebracht. A woman in the ruins. I tried... but it ended in violence. -> Eine Frau in den Ruinen. Ich habe es versucht... aber es es nahm ein blutiges Ende. for 1.8's installer Make sure folder you selected is a folder where KotOR II is installed.-> Stellen Sie sicher, dass in dem angebenen Ordner KotOR II installiert ist. Select Language -> Wählen Sie eine Sprache In which language would you like to install TSLRCM? -> In welcher Sprache möchten Sie TSLRCM installieren? Language in which you install TSLRCM must be the same as your game's language. Non-english TSLRCM will not work properly with English TSLRCM, just as english TSLRCM won't work properly with non-English versions. -> Die Sprache, in der Sie TSLRCM installieren, muss mit der Sprache Ihres Spiels übereinstimmen. Nicht-englische Versionen des Spiels werden nicht problemlos mit englischem TSLRCM funktionieren. Gleiches gilt für englisches TSLRCM mit einer nicht-englischen Version des Spiels. Selected language: -> Sprache: English -> englisch French -> französisch German -> deutsch Polish -> polnisch Spanish -> spanisch Italian -> italienisch and once again the translation of the first stated lines into german. Know the final version of Hib and me 103PER/drocon.dlgAccess Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update -> Zugriffsprotokoll 253-14: Aktualisierung des Schalldrucksensors 403DXN/kelborn.dlg Bao-Dur has the skills needed for this task. -> Bao-Dur verfügt über die nötigen Fähigkeiten für diese Aufgabe. 902MAL/deadassassin.dlg [Judging from the number and depth of the blaster burns, these Sith appear to have been recently killed by fire from a heavy repeater rifle.] -> Die Anzahl und die Schwere dieser Wunden weisen darauf hin, dass dieser Sith erst kürzlich durch die Salve eines schweren Repetierblasters getötet wurde. Journal: You have stopped production of the HK-50 model. The factory terminal should allow you to shut down the factory. -> Du hast die Produktion der HK-50 gestoppt. Es sollte dir nun möglich sein, die Fabrik über das Fabrikterminal abzuschalten. You have stopped production of the HK-50 model. With the HK-50s offline, you can now start mass production of the HK-51 model. -> Du hast die Produktion der HK-50 gestoppt. Da die HK-50 nun offline sind, kannst du die Massenproduktion der HK-51 starten. You removed your behavior core from the HK-51s. -> Du hast deinen Verhaltenskern aus den HK-51 entfernt. Unwilling or unable to discover the name of the great Gand warrior you decided to lie in order to claim your reward instead. -> Unwillig oder außerstande den Namen des großen Gand-Kriegers zu enthüllen, entschließt du dich zu lügen, um deine Belohnung zu erhalten. 298/hk50shot.dlg Statement: Assassination protocols activated. -> Aussage: Tötungsprotokolle initialisiert. 298/reactort.dlg If you could find a way to erase this from your memory, you would be able to bypass this restriction. -> Wenn du einen Weg finden könntest, das aus deinem Speicher zu löschen, wärst du in der Lage, die Beschränkung zu umgehen. (I assumed that it's a droid's memory that has to be erased from "this". If it's a human being, than it would be: Wenn du einen Weg finden könntest, dies zu vergessen, (...)) 298/datapadhkcore.uti Core Upload Console -> Kernaktualisierungskonsole This portable console can be used to upload modified behavior cores into some HK models. -> Diese tragbare Konsole kann genutzt werden, um modifizierte Verhaltenskerne in einige HK-Modelle hochzuladen. This particular console is designed to work with only generation 51 HK units. -> Diese spezielle Konsole kann nur mit HK-51-Einheiten genutzt werden. ("This particular console is designed to work only with HK units of the 51th generation."? -> Diese spezielle Konsole kann nur für HK-Einheiten der 51er-Generation genutzt werden.) 298/hk50corein.dlg [shutting down the factory is impossible with the HK-50 core installed.] -> [Die Abschaltung der Fabrik ist unmöglich, solange der HK-50-Kern installiert ist.] [Remove the core and shut down the factory. Assimilation is not an option.] -> [Entferne den Kern und schalte die Fabrik ab. Verschmelzung ist keine Option.] 298/hk50term.dlg DELETING... BEHAVIOR CORE TEMPLATE REMOVED -> LÖSCHE... VERHALTENSKERNMUSTER GELÖSCHT TERMINATING PRODUCTION WILL DISABLE ANY FURTHER STATION COMMANDS -> ABSCHALTUNG DER PRODUKTION WIRD ALLE WEITEREN BEFEHLE DER STATION DEAKTIVIEREN CONTINUE? -> WEITER? Continue. -> Weiter. NO PRIMARY PRODUCTION LINE FOUND -> KEINE PRIMÄRE PRODUKTIONSSTRASSE GEFUNDEN MODEL PRODUCTION: HK-51 STATUS: ACTIVE -> PRODUKTION: HK-51 STATUS: AKTIV ALL UNITS ONLINE -> ALLE EINHEITEN ONLINE NO PRIMARY PRODUCTION LINE FOUND -> KEINE PRIMÄRE PRODUKTIONSSTRASSE GEFUNDEN NO BACKUP PRODUCTION LINE FOUND -> KEINE RESERVEPRODUKTIONSSTRASSE GEFUNDEN 299/hk51corein.dlg [shutting down the factory is impossible with your behavior core in the HK-51s.] -> [Die Abschaltung der Fabrik ist unmöglich, solange sich dein Verhaltenskern in den HK-51 befindet.] [However, it might be beneficial to mass produce this highly effective HK model.] -> [Dennoch könnte es vorteilhaft sein, die Massenproduktion dieses hocheffizienten HK-Modells zu starten.] 299/hk51term.dlg Remove HK-47 behavior core template. -> Entferne HK-47-Verhaltenskernmuster. The HK-51 behavior cores cannot be modified once units are active. -> it depends: are the HK-51 already active? Yes: Nun, da die HK 51 bereits aktiviert sind, können ihre Verhaltenskerne nicht mehr modifiziert werden. No: Sobald die HK-51 aktiviert sind, können ihre Verhaltenskerne nicht mehr modifiziert werden. HK-51 SCHEMATICS: COMBAT UPGRADES BEHAVIOR CORE TEMPLATE -> HK-51 SCHALTPLÄNE: KAMPFUPGRADES VERHALTENSKERNMUSTER ERROR: UNABLE TO LINK WITH UNITS -> FEHLER: VERBINDUNG MIT EINHEITEN NICHT MÖGLICH ACCESSING... BEHAVIOR CORE TEMPLATE REMOVED FROM ALL UNITS -> ZUGRIFF... VERHALTENSKERNMUSTER AUS ALLEN EINHEITEN ENTFERNT 299/sec_term.dlg To shut down the factory, you must first terminate the active production lines for each active droid model. -> Um die Fabrik stillzulegen, muss zunächst die aktive Produktionsstraße jedes aktiven Droidenmodells abgeschaltet werden. Each production line must be shut down manually from its manufacturing terminal. -> Jede einzelne Produktionstraße muss manuell von dem sie steuernden Terminal aus abgeschaltet werden. In addition, when the primary line is shut down, any secondary line units will be activated automatically. -> Wird die primäre Produktionsstraße abgeschaltet, werden alle Einheiten der sekundäre Produktionsstraße automatisch aktiviert. (this is only correct if "line" means "production line") Commission HK-51 backup production. -> Leite HK-51-Reserveproduktion ein. PUSHING SECONDARY LINE INTO PRODUCTION -> STARTE SEKUNDÄRE PRODUKTIONSSTRASSE PRODUCTION CANNOT BE STARTED PRIMARY PRODUCTION LINE STILL ACTIVE DEACTIVATE TO CONTINUE -> PRODUKTION KANN NICHT GESTARTET WERDEN PRIMÄRE PRODUKTIONSSTRASSE IST NOCH AKTIV DEAKTIVIEREN UM FORTZUFAHREN 299/sec_terminal.utp Factory Terminal -> Fabrikterminal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted April 7, 2012 ITALIAN I submit my translation to Cair (by the way, yes, I am italian) to check that it's consistent with the in-game translation. Furthermore I have no idea how the word "padawan" has been translated into italian (I left it unchanged) and can't really know if "you" is intended to be singular or plural in several different lines. 602/suulru.dlg Sei sicuro che si tratti di un saccheggiatore? Che cosa hanno rubato? Anche i saccheggiatori sono stati vittime di questo ladro. Che cosa ti è stato rubato? Un'ex padawan rubava per sopravvivere. Non è stato solo il tuo mondo ad essere devastato da Darth Malak. Gli Jedi sono la più grande forza del bene che abbiamo. Sono stati gli Jedi a salvarci. Credo che il tuo atteggiamento verso gli Jedi sia ingiustificato. Bada a quel che dici. Si dà il caso che tu *stia parlando* ad uno Jedi. Non sei davvero in collera con gli Jedi, vero? Cerchi soltanto qualcuno da biasimare per le tue sofferenze. Quindi la mia ricompensa è questa? Ti ho *semplicemente* dato una mano. Come hanno fatto tanti Jedi prima di me. Potresti *provare* a reclamare la taglia. Se ti fai scappare anche una sola parola di quanto accaduto, avrai firmato la tua condanna a morte. Non farò altro che difendermi. E gli Jedi hanno sofferto insieme a te. Pensa a quanti di loro sono morti. Ma sentiti. Parli proprio come Malak. Questi sono i giorni più cupi per gli Jedi. Migliaia di anni di pace e assistenza non dovrebbero essere sviliti e buttati al macero con tanta naturalezza. Non voglio farmi coinvolgere. E' solamente una ragazza che sta attraversando un momento difficile. Era una ragazza sfregiata dalla guerra. Difficile da dire. La guarigione è un processo complicato. Forse. A proposito della mia ricompensa... Credo di averla messa sui binari giusti. Una donna tra le rovine. Ho provato... ma è finita in violenza. INSTALLER Assicurati che la cartella selezionata sia quella dove è installato KotOR II. Selezione della Lingua In quale lingua vuoi installare TSLRCM? La lingua scelta per installare TSLRCM deve essere quella usata nel gioco. Una installazione diversa da quella inglese non funzionerebbe a dovere con la versione inglese di TSLRCM, così come la versione inglese di TSLRCM non funzionerebbe a dovere con una installazione diversa da quella inglese. Lingue selezionabili: Inglese Francese Tedesco Polacco Spagnolo Italiano Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cair 1 Posted April 7, 2012 It's ok except for one thing: Scavengers were translated as "saccheggiatori". Padawan è rimasto Padawan. ricordati solo di mettere l'apostrofo su un'ex padawan perché a quel punto si sa già che è una donna. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted April 7, 2012 and can't really know if "you" is intended to be singular or plural in several different lines. Singular all the way It's ok except for one thing: Scavengers were translated as "saccheggiatori". You meant salvagers, right? Great job, I'm surprised it's going this fast. Well, one more language to go! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cair 1 Posted April 7, 2012 Singular all the way You meant salvagers, right? Great job, I'm surprised it's going this fast. Well, one more language to go! Yes, salvagers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Salk 385 Posted April 8, 2012 Changed according to Cair's requests. The translation should be complete now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted April 12, 2012 (edited) I'm working on that. Give me a couple of hours. All translations of sentences coming from dialog.tlk will be translated in the next French version of dialog.tlk Ok ! Seven hours later ! Petites modifications pour être constant avec d'autres traductions de termes identiques à travers tout dialog.tlkPar exemple :Log = Journal (au lieu de "log" dans tout dialog.tlk)Behavior core = Centre du comportement (au lieu de "centre comportemental" dans tout dialog.tlk) Toutefois, je m'interroge depuis longtemps sur la traduction de cette expression. "Centre du comportement" fait penser à un dispositif matériel que l'on insère ou retire. Ce n'est pas le cas. Il s'agit d'un logiciel que l'on efface ou implante. Il me semble que la bonne traduction serait "Modèle de comportement" ("Modèle de comportement HK-47" ; "Modèle de comportement HK-50" ; "Modèle de comportement HK-51"). S'il y a unanimité là-dessus dans la communauté française, je le corrige à travers tout dialog.tlk. Petites corrections typographiques (exigences de la langue française comme mettre un espace avant certaines ponctuation) Il y a un point sur lequel j'ai tranché depuis des années, sur mon site : Le pluriel de Jedi, Sith etc. ... en français, prend un "s". Small changes to be consistent with other translations of the same wording throughout dialog.tlkFor example:Log = Journal (instead of "log" throughout dialog.tlk)Behavior Core = "Centre du comportement" (instead of "centre comportemental" throughout dialog.tlk) However, I question for a long time about the translation of this expression : "Centre du comportement", in French, looks like a hardware device that is inserted or removed. This is not the case. This is a software that can be deleted or implanted. I think the correct translation would be "Modèle de comportement" (Comportemental template) ("HK-47 Comportemental template", "HK-50 Comportemental template", "HK-51 Comportemental template"). If there is unanimity on this from the French community, I can correct that throughout dialog.tlk. Small typographical corrections (requirements of the French language like putting a space before certain punctuation) There is a point on which I cut for years, on my website: The plural of Jedi, Sith etc.. ... in French, takes an "s". 103PER/drocon.dlg Access Log 253-14: Sonic Imprint Sensor Update Accéder au Journal 253-14 : Mise à jour du Capteur Sonique 403DXN/kelborn.dlg Bao-Dur has the skills needed for this task. Bao-Dur dispose des compétences nécessaires pour cette tâche. 902MAL/deadassassin.dlg [Judging from the number and depth of the blaster burns, these Sith appear to have been recently killed by fire from a heavy repeater rifle.] [A en juger par le nombre et la profondeur des brûlures, ces Siths semblent avoir été tués récemment par un fusil lourd à répétition] Journal: You have stopped production of the HK-50 model. The factory terminal should allow you to shut down the factory. Journal : Vous avez arrêté la production des modèles HK-50. Le terminal de l’usine devrait vous permettre de fermer celle-ci. You have stopped production of the HK-50 model.With the HK-50s offline, you can now start mass production of the HK-51 model. Vous avez arrêté la production des modèles HK-50. Avec la chaîne de production HK-50 arrêtée, vous pouvez maintenant lancer la production de masse d’unités HK-51. Zbyl, peut-être faut-il préciser qu'il s'agit de l'arrêt de la chaîne de production, pas de la désactivation des HK-50 eux-mêmes. Zbyl, perhaps it should be clarify that this is stopping the production line, no deactivation of the HK-50 themselves. You removed your behavior core from the HK-51s. Vous avez effacé votre modèle de comportement dans les unités HK-51 Unwilling or unable to discover the name of the great Gand warrior you decided to lie in order to claim your reward instead. Ne voulant pas ou ne pouvant pas découvrir le nom du grand guerrier Gand, vous avez décidé de mentir pour recevoir votre récompense en échange. 298/hk50shot.dlg Statement: Assassination protocols activated. Déclaration : Protocoles d'assassinat activés Déclaration : Protocoles d'assassinat activés. 298/reactort.dlg If you could find a way to erase this from your memory, you would be able to bypass this restriction. Si vous pouviez trouver comment effacer cela de votre mémoire, vous pourriez contourner cette restriction. 298/datapadhkcore.uti Core Upload Console Console de téléchargement du centre du comportement On peut entrer ici dans une polémique sans fin à propos de la traduction en français de "upload". Normalement, cela a une signification à sens unique, inverse de "download", et nous devrions traduire cela par "téléversement". Il s'agit ici d'une console qui sert uniquement à envoyer le logiciel de gestion du centre du comportement d'une unité HK (HK-47) vers l'ordinateur de l'usine, afin de déployer ce logiciel vers d'autres unités HK. We can go into an endless debate about the French translation of "upload". Normally this has a one direction meaning, inverse of "download", and we should translate it by that horrible, but significant thing : "téléversement". Here, it is a console that is used only to send the software managing the behavior core of a HK unit (HK-47) to the factory computer in order to deploy this software to other HK units. Edited April 12, 2012 by ttlan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted April 12, 2012 (edited) This portable console can be used to upload modified behavior cores into some HK models. Cette console portative peut être utilisée pour télécharger un modèle de comportement modifié vers des unités HK. This particular console is designed to work with only generation 51 HK units. Cette console particulière est conçue pour ne fonctionner qu'avec des unités HK de la génération 51. 298/hk50corein.dlg [shutting down the factory is impossible with the HK-50 core installed.] [Fermer l'usine est impossible lorsque l'on est doté du centre du comportement des HK-50.] [Remove the core and shut down the factory. Assimilation is not an option.] Effacez le centre du comportement et fermez l'usine. L’assimilation n’est pas une option. Je ne suis pas certain de la signification que Zbyl veut donner à cette phrase. En science de l'information (en informatique), "Remove" signifie "effacer". On enlève un logiciel en l'effaçant. Quant-à "Assimilation", ses significations sont multiples dont, dans ce contexte : "Acquisition [d'une connaissance, d'un savoir] avec intelligence de la chose". HK-47 acquiert le savoir, le comportement, des HK-50 ou des HK-51 mais n'en devient pas, pour autant, un HK-50 ou HK-51. "Ressemblance plus ou moins étroite" I'm not sure of the meaning Zbyl wants to give to this sentence. In information science (computer science), "Remove" means "delete". Software is removed by deleting it. As to "assimilation", its meanings are multiple. In this context: "Acquisition [of knowledge, know] with intelligence of the thing." HK-47 acquires knowledge, HK-50 or HK-51 behavior, but does not become, so far, a HK-50 or HK-51. "More or less close resemblance" 298/hk50term.dlg DELETING... BEHAVIOR CORE TEMPLATE REMOVED Effacement en cours... Modèle de comportement effacé. Chaque fois que j'ai été amené à modifier une traduction d'un texte sur une console, dans dialog.tlk de Kotor 2, j'ai utilisé les minuscules et non pas les majuscules. J'ai aussi supprimé les doubles interlignes. Je hais les majuscules. Je hais leur illisibilité. Je hais leur mise en page. Je hais leur laideur. C'est une horreur esthétique. Je viens du monde des premiers mini-ordinateurs utilisant des écrans, au début des années 70, avec les DEC, DG, TI. Si jamais le système s'amusait à écrire un message en majuscules, je mettais mon nez dans l'OS pour corriger le tir ! N'en déplaise aux constructeurs d'ordinateurs. Quarante ans auparavant. Ca ne va pas changer maintenant. Whenever I was led to edit a translation of a text on a console, in K2 dialog.tlk, I used lowercases and not uppercases. I also deleted the double-spaced. I hate uppercases. I hate their unreadability. I hate their layout. I hate their ugliness. It's an aesthetic horror. I come from the world of the first mini-computers using screens, in the early 70s, with DEC, DG, TI. Should the operating system wrote a message in uppercase on the console, or on the end-users screens, I put my nose into the OS to make adjustments! No offense to computers manufacturers. Forty years before! It's not going to change now. TERMINATING PRODUCTION WILL DISABLE ANY FURTHER STATION COMMANDS Arrêter la chaîne de production désactivera toute commande ultérieure. CONTINUE? Poursuivre ? Continue. Poursuivre. NO PRIMARY PRODUCTION LINE FOUND Chaîne de production principale non détectée. Edited April 12, 2012 by ttlan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted April 12, 2012 (edited) MODEL PRODUCTION: HK-51 STATUS: ACTIVE ALL UNITS ONLINE Modèle en production : HK-51 Etat : actif Toutes les unités de production fonctionnent. NO PRIMARY PRODUCTION LINE FOUND Chaîne de production principale non détéctée NO BACKUP PRODUCTION LINE FOUND Chaîne de production de secours non détéctée 299/hk51corein.dlg [shutting down the factory is impossible with your behavior core in the HK-51s.] [La fermeture de l’usine est impossible tant que les HK-51 disposent de votre modèle de comportement] [However, it might be beneficial to mass produce this highly effective HK model.] [Cependant, il peut être avantageux de produire en masse ce modèle d'unité HK très efficace.] 299/hk51term.dlg Remove HK-47 behavior core template. Effacer le modèle HK-47 de comportement. The HK-51 behavior cores cannot be modified once units are active. Les modèles de comportement HK-51 ne peuvent être modifiés une fois les unités de production actives. Je n'ai pas le contexte sous la main mais je pense que "units" ne désigne pas les unités HK-51 mais les unités de production (les modules de fabrication). A vérifier. I do not have the context at hand but I think "units" does not refer to HK-51 units but to the units of production (manufacturing modules). To check. HK-51 SCHEMATICS: COMBAT UPGRADES BEHAVIOR CORE TEMPLATE Schématique HK-51 Améliorations de combat Modèle de comportement ERROR: UNABLE TO LINK WITH UNITS Erreur : Impossible d'établir une communication avec les unités Edited April 12, 2012 by ttlan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted April 12, 2012 (edited) ACCESSING... BEHAVIOR CORE TEMPLATE REMOVED FROM ALL UNITS Communication en cours d'établissement... Modèle de comportement effacé dans toutes les unités 299/sec_term.dlg To shut down the factory, you must first terminate the active production lines for each active droid model. Pour fermer l'usine, vous devez d'abord arrêter les chaînes de production actives de chaque modèle actif de droïdes. Each production line must be shut down manually from its manufacturing terminal. Chaque chaîne de production doit être arrêtée manuellement depuis son propre terminal. In addition, when the primary line is shut down, any secondary line units will be activated automatically. En outre, lorsqu'une chaîne de production principale est arrêtée, toutes les chaînes de production secondaires sont activées automatiquement. Zbyl, je pense que "secondary line" est utilisé ici pour "backup line". Zbyl, I think that "secondary line" stand for "backup line". Commission HK-51 backup production. Mettre en service la chaîne de production de secours de HK-51. PUSHING SECONDARY LINE INTO PRODUCTION Mettre la seconde chaîne de production en service. PRODUCTION CANNOT BE STARTED PRIMARY PRODUCTION LINE STILL ACTIVE DEACTIVATE TO CONTINUE La production n'a pu démarrer. La chaîne de production principale est toujours active. La désactiver pour continuer. 299/sec_terminal.utp Factory Terminal Terminal de l'usine TTLan Edited April 12, 2012 by ttlan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted April 12, 2012 (edited) Vérifié: Tout cela a été traduit et est déjà dans le dialog.tlk français depuis Avril 10, 2010. Verified : All of this has been translated and is already in the French dialog.tlk since April 10, 2010. Are you sure it's a salvager? StrRef 93015 StrRef 93038 What did they steal? StrRef 93040 The salvagers have been hit by this thief, too. StrRef010 What was stolen from you? StrRef 93017 A former padawan was stealing to survive. StrRef 92987 Your world wasn't the only one damaged by Darth Malak. StrRef 92992 Jedi are the greatest force for good we have. StrRef 92990 The Jedi were responsible for saving us. StrRef 92991 I think your attitude towards the Jedi is unfounded. StrRef 92989 Watch your tongue. You happen to be *speaking* to a Jedi. StrRef 92993 You're not really angry at the Jedi, are you? You just need someone to blame for your suffering. StrRef 92998 So this is the reward I get? StrRef 92997 I *just* helped you out. Like many Jedi before me. StrRef 92999 You can *try* to collect the bounty. StrRef 92994 If you even breath one word of this to anyone, your death will await you. StrRef 92995 I'm only going to defend myself. StrRef 92996 And the Jedi suffered alongside you. Think of how many of them died. StrRef 93001 Listen to yourself. You sound just as bad as Malak. StrRef 93000 These are the Jedi's darkest days. Thousands of years of service and peace shouldn't be so casually cast aside and spurned. StrRef 93002 I don't want to get into this. StrRef 92988 She's just a young woman going through tough times. StrRef 93004 It was a young woman scarred by the war. StrRef 93005 It's hard to say. Healing is a difficult process. StrRef 93007 Perhaps. About my reward... StrRef 93006 I think I set her on the right path. StrRef 93008 A woman in the ruins. I tried... but it ended in violence. StrRef 93009 TTLan Edited April 12, 2012 by ttlan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted April 12, 2012 Installeur / Installer Bon travail de RevanStar11. Essentiellement, le fait que, dans TSLRCM, la lettre "T" est déjà là pour l'article "The" donc on ne dit pas "Le TSLRCM" mais, simplement, "TSLRCM". Dans l'avertissement contre l'installation d'un TSLRCM de langue différente du Kotor 2 sur lequel il est installé, j'ajoute la distinction entre version anglaises US et EN. Pour ceux qui aiment les voix en VO, il est parfaitement possible de jouer en version anglaise EN avec sous-titrage dans une autre langue (sauf anglais US). Il est parfaitement possible d'installer un K2 anglais (EN) avec un dialog.tlk français. En tout état de cause, la procédure d'installation de Kotor 2, valable toutes langues, tous systèmes (XP, Vista, Seven), toute plateformes matériel (mono processeur, multi-processeurs), avec ou sans TSLRCM, avec ou sans d'autres MODs, comporte l'usage de DlgConv. Procédure d'installation : http://assiste.free.fr/kotor_2/000_installation_fr.html Mode d'emploi de DLGCONV : http://assiste.free.fr/kotor_2/telecharger_kotor_x_dlgconv.html Good job from RevanStar11. Essentially, the fact that in TSLRCM, the letter "T" is already there for the article "The" so we do not say "The TSLRCM" but simply "TSLRCM". In warning against installing a TSLRCM in a different language that the one of the version of Kotor 2 on which it is installed, I added the distinction between English US version and English EN version. For those who love the original voices, it is perfectly possible to play at K2 in English (EN) with subtitles in another language. It is perfectly possible to install a K2 English (US or EN) with a French dialog.tlk. In any event, the installation of Kotor 2, valid for all languages, all systems (XP, Vista, Seven), all hardware platforms (single processor, multi-processor), with or without TSLRCM, with or without other MODs, involves the use of DlgConv. Installation procedure (in French) : http://assiste.free.fr/kotor_2/000_installation_fr.html How to use DLGCONV (in French) : http://assiste.free.fr/kotor_2/telecharger_kotor_x_dlgconv.html French translation: Installation Translation: Make sure folder you selected is a folder where KotOR II is installed. Assurez-vous d’avoir sélectionné le dossier où KotOR II est installé Select Language Choisissez votre langue In which language would you like to install TSLRCM? Dans quelle langue voulez-vous installer le TSLRCM ? Dans quelle langue voulez-vous installer TSLRCM ? OR Dans quelle langue voulez-vous installer le MOD TSLRCM ? Language in which you install TSLRCM must be the same as your game's language. Non-english TSLRCM will not work properly with English TSLRCM, just as english TSLRCM won't work properly with non-English versions. I think it is « Non-english TSLRCM will not work properly with English game, just as english TSLRCM won’t work properly with non-English game version », isn’t it ? La langue dans laquelle vous aller installer le TSLRCM doit correspondre à celle du jeu. Le TSLRCM ne fonctionnera pas correctement si vous l’installez en Français sur une version Anglaise du jeu, de même que si le TSLRCM est en Anglais sur une version Française du jeu, par exemple. La langue dans laquelle vous installez TSLRCM doit être la même que celle du jeu. Une version non anglaise de TSLRCM ne fonctionnera pas correctement avec une version anglaise (US) du jeu, de même une version anglaise (US) de TSLRCM ne fonctionnera pas correctement avec une version non anglaise (US) (y compris une version anglaise (EN)). Selected language: English French German Polish Spanish Italian Choisissez votre langue : Langue choisie : Anglais Français Allemand Polonais Espagnol Italien Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RevanStar11 0 Posted April 12, 2012 Je suis neutre à propos de "centre du comportement" ou "modèle de comportement", que l'on reste fixé sur une seule appellation après ça ne me pose pas de problème. "centre du comportement" or "modèle de comportement", it doesn't bother me, what is important is just keeping only one expression. Et pour que ce soit parfait: And to be perfect: 299/hk51term.dlg Remove HK-47 behavior core template. Effacer le modèle HK-47 de comportement. Simplement sur la syntaxe, "Effacer le modèle de comportement HK-47" semble plus naturel. Just about syntax, "Effacer le modèle de comportement HK-47" sounds more natural. ACCESSING... BEHAVIOR CORE TEMPLATE REMOVED FROM ALL UNITS Communication en cours d'établissement... Modèle de comportement effacé dans toutes les unités "en cours d'établissement" n'est peut-être pas nécessaire, simplement "Communication en cours..." pourrait suffire. "en cours d'établissement" may be not necessary, just "Communication en cours..." could be enough. Tout le reste est nickel, beau boulot. All the rest is perfect, good job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ttlan 18 Posted April 13, 2012 Simplement sur la syntaxe, "Effacer le modèle de comportement HK-47" semble plus naturel. Just about syntax, "Effacer le modèle de comportement HK-47" sounds more natural. Oui, l'un ou l'autre se dit ou "se disent". J'ai une petite préférence pour ma tournure mais c'est, sans doute, une question d'habitudes. Laissez tomber, les anglophones. C'est l'une de ces magnifiques circonvolutions possibles de notre magnifique langue (un reste de français classique admis, attribué au grammairien Dominique Bouhours - (17ème siècle) ou au grammairien Claude Favre de Vaugelas - (16ème siècle)). Yes, one or the other "? is or are said ?". I have a slight preference for my turn but it is undoubtedly a matter of habit. Forget it, English-speaking. It's something like a pun. This is one of those wonderful possible convolutions of our beautiful language (a remnant of classical French, admitted, attributed to the grammarian Dominique Bouhours - (17th century) or the grammarian Claude Favre de Vaugelas - (16th century)). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dashrendar 1 Posted April 14, 2012 02/suulru.dlg Are you sure it's a salvager? =¿Estás seguro de que es un cazatesoros? What did they steal? =¿Que es lo que robaron? The salvagers have been hit by this thief, too. =Los cazatesoros han sido afectados por este ladrón, también. What was stolen from you? =¿Que te fue robado? A former padawan was stealing to survive. =Un antiguo Padawan estaba robando para sobrevivir. Your world wasn't the only one damaged by Darth Malak. =Tu mundo no fue el único dañado por Darth Malak. Jedi are the greatest force for good we have. =Los Jedi son la mayor fuerza para bien que tenemos. The Jedi were responsible for saving us. =Los Jedi fueron responsables de salvarnos. I think your attitude towards the Jedi is unfounded. =Creo que tu actitud hacia los Jedi es infundada. Watch your tongue. You happen to be *speaking* to a Jedi. =Cuidado con lo que dices. Resulta que le estas hablando a un Jedi You're not really angry at the Jedi, are you? You just need someone to blame for your suffering. =Usted no está realmente enojado con los Jedi, ¿verdad? Usted sólo necesita alguien a quien culpar por su sufrimiento. So this is the reward I get? =Así que esta es la recompensa que obtengo? I *just* helped you out. Like many Jedi before me. =Yo solo te he ayudado. Al igual que muchos Jedi antes que yo. You can *try* to collect the bounty. =Usted puede tratar de cobrar la recompensa. If you even breath one word of this to anyone, your death will await you. =Si alguna vez le dices una palabra de esto a cualquiera, tu muerte te estará esperando. I'm only going to defend myself. =Yo sólo voy a defenderme. And the Jedi suffered alongside you. Think of how many of them died. =Y los Jedi sufrieron a tú lado. Piensa en cuántos de ellos murieron. Listen to yourself. You sound just as bad as Malak. =Escúchate a ti mismo. Suenas tan mal como Malak. These are the Jedi's darkest days. Thousands of years of service and peace shouldn't be so casually cast aside and spurned. =Estos son los días más oscuros de los Jedis. Miles de años de servicio y la paz no debe ser por casualidad rechazada y puesta a un lado. I don't want to get into this. =Yo no quiero entrar en esto. She's just a young woman going through tough times. =Es solo una joven mujer pasando por momentos difíciles. It was a young woman scarred by the war. =Era una joven mujer marcada por la guerra. It's hard to say. Healing is a difficult process. =Es difícil de decir. La curación es un proceso difícil. Perhaps. About my reward... =Tal vez. Acerca de mi recompensa ... I think I set her on the right path. =Creo que la coloque en el camino correcto. A woman in the ruins. I tried... but it ended in violence. =Una mujer en las ruinas. Traté de ... pero terminó en violencia. Make sure folder you selected is a folder where KotOR II is installed. =Asegúrese de que la carpeta que ha seleccionado es la carpeta donde está instalado KotOR II. Select Language =Seleccione el idioma In which language would you like to install TSLRCM? =¿En qué idioma desea instalar TSLRCM? Language in which you install TSLRCM must be the same as your game's language. Non-english TSLRCM will not work properly with English KotOR II, just as english TSLRCM won't work properly with non-English game versions. =El idioma en que se instale TSLRCM debe ser el mismo idioma de su KOTOR II. Una instalación de TSLRCM que NO sea en inglés, no funcionará apropiadamente con la versión del juego en inglés, así como TSLRCM instalado en inglés no funcionara con versiónes de KOTOR II en otros idiomas. Selected language: =Seleccione el idioma: English French German Polish Spanish Italian =Inglés =Francés =Alemán =Polaco =Español =Italiano Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
K2R Nolween 0 Posted May 24, 2012 In French there is usualy a space before a question mark or a bang. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reihar 0 Posted June 9, 2012 In French there is usualy a space before a question mark or a bang. To be more precise, you need a non-breaking space (“espace insécable” in French). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted July 22, 2012 Thanks everyone! Locked and unpinned now though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites