Guest M@sterlink

KOTOR 2 : Texture Restoration

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and what will "bummaptexture" do in terms of the look. The minmap? or the map in the menu?

It's not "bummaptexture", but bumPmaptexture. In simple words it makes models look more detailed then they really are.

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Interesting.. I didn't know this engine supported bumpmaps..


Is it engine intensive though? Could I maybe add definition to otherwise flat areas across this game with little strain on the performance?




If not; a man can dream though...

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Could I maybe add definition to otherwise flat areas across this game with little strain on the performance?

Theorically, it's possible. I never tried to actually do it (area skinning is really not my thing), but some ingame areas and creatures (some doors on Nar Shadaa and rakghouls, for example) are using bumpmaps.

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From what I recall, no-one has managed to get bump-mapping to work properly for either KotOR game. The game's own textures often have it, but it won't work when we try it.


On-topic, the mod looks great! Hope it isn't dead.

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Hello all. I've just sent M@sterlink a PM to let us know if he's still working on this mod. I'm going to wait until he updates this thread before posting any more questions in it myself. if you had questions about his mod, you might want to PM him as that will give him something to talk about if and when he does update.

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Guest M@sterlink

As just i said to Sith Holocron, i am very busy in my indie game but the mod isn't dead. I really want to complete this retexturation of KOTOR 2, but my indie game which i'm working on is very important for me. I 'll take back the mod in the beginning of this summer to plan a release date for Autumn so i'll try a best alternation between my indie game and the mod. So don't be worried, the mod is still alive ^^.


(sorry for my bad english).

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Wow, can't think of a better way to enhance the atmosphere than this. It's brilliant!! good work sir

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I am very curious if there has been any progress with the mod? It looked very promising.

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I am very curious if there has been any progress with the mod? It looked very promising.

I've been wondering that also.

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This looks godly amazing, and i can't wait to try it. And for anyone wondering, this will work with A Darker Peragus unless he decides to tweak the lightmaps, in which case people would have to choose what lightmaps to use.

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Guest Gatherum

This does indeed look quite titillating. What I would point out is that, while you are right that the Galaxy as portrayed in The Sith Lords has fallen far to the wayside and should look a bit grungier and somewhat darker and more depressing, one should still consider the environments that one has to work with. What you've done with Peragus makes sense because it makes it look more like the mining station that it is: one would expect it to be quite dirty and rusted and not wholly sanitary, especially considering that it had seen quite a few conflicts and death over the past few days before the Exile finally woke up.


However, it would not make sense to make, say, the Telos Citadel Station all that grungier because, as desperate as its situation is without the Peragian fuel source, it is still a regulated, Republic-funded installation with a significant number of inhabitants. It should be sanitary and kept to a reasonable standard of living.


Other things I will point out are things that I pointed out regard A Darker Peragus...


Textures are all well and great, but what will really enhance the Peragian environment are visual effects, lightmaps, and, if possible, the music. Making some rooms darker than others, adding sparks and flickering lights to show the collateral damage, adding some blood to the corpses (there is a blood puddle texture in the game, as I am sure you know), and--bear with me now--removing the music track in complete favour to the background ambience (which wouldn't be a bad idea to enhance either: adding background metallic groans to grant the feeling that the facility is falling apart would do more than you think), unless of course you have a very suitably spooky dark ambient track to replace it with (for the purpose of perspective, here's one:



You can't use it because it's on the Metroid Prime 3: Corruption soundtrack, but something like this would do nicely).


I do hope that this comes to fruition, I really do. :)

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My darker peragus mod changes the music. And vp's mod enhances the bodies.

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